I feel like a slacker!

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The Shaman of suburbia.
HCL Supporter
Dec 13, 2017
Look behind you in that dark corner.
So I went to visit my aunt and uncle to get some help filling out some info on the food stamp renewal, twenty bucks is twenty bucks so... Anyway my aunt invited me to stay for lunch and asked me to get a can of soup out of the pantry room, I hadn't been there in ages when I opened the door, my jaw hit the floor! there were shelves, three feet deep full of canned foods indexed by date and type, at least a couple of years worth, My uncle's old Mosin Nagant carbine, BB gun, pistol, and 22 and two cans of ammo. I stood there so long my aunt came looking for me! And here I thought I'd be feeding THEM if all hell broke loose.
I'm not the only generational prepper. This was standard in homes for far longer than the word prepper existed.
Yep. Even decades ago, every rural family had a huge pantry chocked full of foodstuffs. They all had plenty of firearms and ammo too.
It was only lately that the word 'prepper' was invented, to make it cool. :)
I remember grandmas cellar/basement, Lori's grandmas cellar/basement. shelves and shelves, mostly empty towards the end of life, no kin to help.

I get **** all the time for the stuff I have laid up, but Lori doesn't know, has never known and hopefully will never know the hard times. Taking care of Family is Job One.
So I went to visit my aunt and uncle to get some help filling out some info on the food stamp renewal, twenty bucks is twenty bucks so... Anyway my aunt invited me to stay for lunch and asked me to get a can of soup out of the pantry room, I hadn't been there in ages when I opened the door, my jaw hit the floor! there were shelves, three feet deep full of canned foods indexed by date and type, at least a couple of years worth, My uncle's old Mosin Nagant carbine, BB gun, pistol, and 22 and two cans of ammo. I stood there so long my aunt came looking for me! And here I thought I'd be feeding THEM if all hell broke loose.
My grandparents and their siblings had all lived through the great depression. They did not mess around when it came to having a well stocked pantry. They had lots of food in the basement, pantry, freezer. I know they could have gone for a long time without going to the grocery store. They had lived on the edge of starvation. I think that the older people would be better about having a well stocked pantry than even some of the people on here. I think my interest in being prepared comes from being raised by them and spending time around their generation.
My grandparents and their siblings had all lived through the great depression. They did not mess around when it came to having a well stocked pantry. They had lots of food in the basement, pantry, freezer. I know they could have gone for a long time without going to the grocery store. They had lived on the edge of starvation. I think that the older people would be better about having a well stocked pantry than even some of the people on here. I think my interest in being prepared comes from being raised by them and spending time around their generation.
My grand parents were the same way. They died with well stocked larders well up in their 80s