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Awesome Friend
Dec 8, 2012
soon to be wyoming
A new water filtration idea from the show "doomeday prepper " I'm sure you have all seen it but if you look up on YouTube ( nat geo and then doomesday prepper you will see a large amount of great resorceful videos.

Take all preppers out there.
Sorry I got distacted from my computer and forgot to finish my bad but the idea was that you take a 5 gallon bucket of sea gravel then then a 5 gallon bucket of sand put the gravel and then the sand under that and you got a water filtration system.
my concerns with filtering with a diy system is making the smallest mistake and your sick why not just stay with a boil water and filter through cotton that way you know youve killed any harmfull contams and filtered any solids out of it...
my concerns with filtering with a diy system is making the smallest mistake and your sick why not just stay with a boil water and filter through cotton that way you know youve killed any harmfull contams and filtered any solids out of it...
I do like the simplicity of boiling and cotton!
I get nervous about the whole bleach thing too. I fear I will poison myself!
Just another reason why I teach all my trainies simple is better and easy is safer
all these videos showing these complicated traps or filters that seem to be magic takes valuble time and in a panic easy to forget a step now youve lost food not filtered right and now your hungry and need water and both are gone and dirty
simple and easy will save you
Clean water is the key to surviving no matter the situation. Dehydration from being sick, hot, cold can sap strength quickly. Prepare your body to handle some of the local water that's around you now will save you later. Never just think going completely back to nature is the answer, a lot of people died back then from preventable issues.
I have to admit I am kind of a stubborn dumb ass sometimes when it comes to germs and bacteria. First thing I did in my tour of Iraq was to eat street kababs and preparing for the worse but I never got sick my entire tour. I brushed my teeth with tap water in China, and eventually drank it straight after 3 weeks. I eat street food all the time in NYC. I believe in building up my immunity, but I'm sure one day it'll come back to bite me on the ass. I like the theory of raw milk drinkers that you can't prevent all germs, but the question is how strong your immune system is. Everyone gets germs and bacteria, but you don't get sick 100% of the time and why not? By the way I am in no way advocating what I do, you need many years of eating garbage to get a cast iron stomach like me. :cool:
Clean water is the key to surviving no matter the situation. Dehydration from being sick, hot, cold can sap strength quickly. Prepare your body to handle some of the local water that's around you now will save you later. Never just think going completely back to nature is the answer, a lot of people died back then from preventable issues.
The only problem I see with that is if you travel to a different region.... your system will be prepared for the area you've been in. It won't necessarily transfer to a different region. I agree with the problem of living in a sterile environment... my son is tougher today because we let him get dirty as a kid.
Hey, there's no guarentee on anything. You do the best you can, but building up your immune system will help in any situation. You may get some diahrrea, but it goes away, and its not dysentary. Just keep hydrated till it passes. Like Clydesdale, did, you start in small doses. Do not go full in drinking from the sewer! Like I was told, a little dirt never killed anyone.
I feel the same way about most medicine. The less you use it the less you'll need it. I think we were designed to heal and fight infections from the get go. But some caution needs to be excercized also. Your body won't win all battles. But most people take a pill as soon as they're nose is runny or they have a scraped knee. Come on .our bodies don't even know how to fight germs anymore. White blood cells thatare dead weight...and another thing........Why would I ask my doctor if another dang pill is right for me.....I'm paying him to look after my health and he hasn't thought I needed nexium or cimbacot or whatever ...now he needs pharmaceutical advice from me...Joe on the street. Why did he go to school. Why do I pay him and then tell him what I ought to be on. There's a reason they don't let us write perscriptions. We're ignorant.....
I have to admit I am kind of a stubborn dumb ass sometimes when it comes to germs and bacteria. First thing I did in my tour of Iraq was to eat street kababs and preparing for the worse but I never got sick my entire tour. I brushed my teeth with tap water in China, and eventually drank it straight after 3 weeks. I eat street food all the time in NYC. I believe in building up my immunity, but I'm sure one day it'll come back to bite me on the ass. I like the theory of raw milk drinkers that you can't prevent all germs, but the question is how strong your immune system is. Everyone gets germs and bacteria, but you don't get sick 100% of the time and why not? By the way I am in no way advocating what I do, you need many years of eating garbage to get a cast iron stomach like me. :cool:

I had the food over there to, and **** my brains out a couple of times. Deployments aren't exactly desperate on your own survival situation. You get sick that's OK you have antibiotics or whatever you need. On your own if you start peeing out your butt you could get in trouble real quick. I would say boil, boil then boil the steam. No need to take risks in a survival situation.
I have to admit I am kind of a stubborn dumb ass sometimes when it comes to germs and bacteria. First thing I did in my tour of Iraq was to eat street kababs and preparing for the worse but I never got sick my entire tour. I brushed my teeth with tap water in China, and eventually drank it straight after 3 weeks. I eat street food all the time in NYC. I believe in building up my immunity, but I'm sure one day it'll come back to bite me on the ass. I like the theory of raw milk drinkers that you can't prevent all germs, but the question is how strong your immune system is. Everyone gets germs and bacteria, but you don't get sick 100% of the time and why not? By the way I am in no way advocating what I do, you need many years of eating garbage to get a cast iron stomach like me. :cool:

Italy, Germany and Afghanistan the three places I have been outside the U.S. I always try to eat as much local food as I can. Italy had this burger bus under a bridge that served the best cheeseburgers I have ever had. So I am with you on this, eat crazy food drink some dirty water and get your gut ready.

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