I had a nice weekend camping trip...

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1st Member Of DPF
Feb 19, 2012
DC Metro Area
My wife and I decided to take the dogs camping this weekend. We ended up having company, too. My brother and his girlfriend came out, along with two of our cousins.

It was a nice time. Weather was great and we got to see some wildlife. We were sitting around the fire at night and saw 2 pairs of eyes about chest height back in the woods. We never did figure out what they were, but they would circle our campsite and move 20yds or so at a time. Then they would pop back up as they moved around the left side of our camp.

The next night, we were sitting making dinner and my wife told me there were two deer behind us. I looked at our dogs and they were both perked up staring at the buck and his doe. They were about 20-30yds away, in a clearing just behind our tent. The buck was a 12pt'er and he was a BIG BOY! The doe was as average a gal as I have seen around. The couple in the campsite next to ours started taking video, but of course my phone was dead so I couldn't even get a picture! We watched them graze and then followed 'em reeeeeally slowly when they started to leave. We got back to an access road and saw another 3 deer meandering and having dinner. That's when we thought we'd better get back to camp before someone else decided to eat what WE were having!

That was a really nice trip. We have seen deer there MANY times, even in 90+ degree weather at 2 in the afternoon. We've seen turkeys and other animals there on occasion, including raccoons, foxes, turtles, snakes and a TON of different birds.

I can't wait to go again, next time it'll probably just be the 4 of us(Wifey, the 2 dogs, and I) just so we can have some nice quiet time... Plus our anniversary is coming up so we're deciding if we're going camping or to a bed & breakfast somewhere.... I hope you all get to go camping too. This is a really good time enjoying Mother Nature and it's a great place to practice woodcraft and primitive survival skills in a semi-controlled environment.
I used to enjoy camping years ago, but honestly since we have moved to our home now, with the garden and all the critters, we just don't have the time. Before, we lived in an apartment in the city for about 3 years.
ever thought about going camping in the spring and before starting the garden or fall after the corps stoped produceing crops?
That's awesome man. I wish I could get my wife to just go tent camping, but she'd never do it. She'd take the horse trailer (has living area), sleep on a mattress, with AC and a mini fridge. That's not camping!
I agree. My wife is a lot more woodsy than most gals I know. We think of sleeping on cots as living it up! It's been a nice year for camping though and we've been out a lot. Hopefully we'll get to go a few more times before it gets too cold out.
ever thought about going camping in the spring and before starting the garden or fall after the corps stoped produceing crops?
Can I get you to come feed all the critters Jim? I haven't had a vacation in years now. . . lol
My wife and I decided to take the dogs camping this weekend. We ended up having company, too. My brother and his girlfriend came out, along with two of our cousins.

It was a nice time. Weather was great and we got to see some wildlife. We were sitting around the fire at night and saw 2 pairs of eyes about chest height back in the woods. We never did figure out what they were, but they would circle our campsite and move 20yds or so at a time. Then they would pop back up as they moved around the left side of our camp.

The next night, we were sitting making dinner and my wife told me there were two deer behind us. I looked at our dogs and they were both perked up staring at the buck and his doe. They were about 20-30yds away, in a clearing just behind our tent. The buck was a 12pt'er and he was a BIG BOY! The doe was as average a gal as I have seen around. The couple in the campsite next to ours started taking video, but of course my phone was dead so I couldn't even get a picture! We watched them graze and then followed 'em reeeeeally slowly when they started to leave. We got back to an access road and saw another 3 deer meandering and having dinner. That's when we thought we'd better get back to camp before someone else decided to eat what WE were having!

That was a really nice trip. We have seen deer there MANY times, even in 90+ degree weather at 2 in the afternoon. We've seen turkeys and other animals there on occasion, including raccoons, foxes, turtles, snakes and a TON of different birds.

I can't wait to go again, next time it'll probably just be the 4 of us(Wifey, the 2 dogs, and I) just so we can have some nice quiet time... Plus our anniversary is coming up so we're deciding if we're going camping or to a bed & breakfast somewhere.... I hope you all get to go camping too. This is a really good time enjoying Mother Nature and it's a great place to practice woodcraft and primitive survival skills in a semi-controlled environment.
I am looking forward to when it cools off in the desert so I can squeeze in a couple 3 trips before it gets too cold.
Fall was always my favorite time to go camping. The weather was always cool, the leaves changing colors and the wild life here in North Carolina is breath taking. It's been I know about 9 years since I've been. It just isn't as much fun without my husband. I do miss it though and my camping now is done at the beach at Hatteras. Of course staying in an RV is not the same as pitching a tent but with these old bones like they are now it will have to do.
why howdy ms junebug..aint seen you on here in quiet a while..glad to see that your still alive n kicking..just dont kick to hard.. :p

yeah camping out can be a bit rough at our ages for those that aint still in good shape n all..but it's still fun thoe..
why howdy ms junebug..aint seen you on here in quiet a while..glad to see that your still alive n kicking..just dont kick to hard.. :p

yeah camping out can be a bit rough at our ages for those that aint still in good shape n all..but it's still fun thoe..
I've been in and out of here but usually late in the evening. I must just miss you Jim. It is good though to hear from my buddies here. I do agree with you that camping is a blast even at my age as long as you have good company with you. I look so forward to making the Meet and Greet in 2014.
i love them campouts to..even if it's just me.on acount i get meet and talk with other folks that are camping out as well..i hope the next meet-n-greet is soon

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