i might be getting ahead of (myself) on this camping trip."BUT"

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Awesome Friend
Apr 3, 2013
deep east texas
i'm hoping to have my settlement from last year's car accident by the end of this month.maybe 1st part of next month,at the latest.in which,it looks like to me.i'll have it by then..in which i'll get me a pick-up first thing..and because of this..i've started working on planning a lil camping trip.it'll mostly be what i already have in camping gear,to any extras i might go ahead n get,by the time i actually go camp camping..

any how..
anyone else wanna go camping as well.?..im thinking of going to mousetail landing state park again..seeing how it's well worth the trip,to camp there..and of course,waiting untill spring or summer are good options..lol

P.S. edit..here's a link to the campground.. http://tnstateparks.com/parks/about/mousetail-landing
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i'm hoping to have my settlement from last year's car accident by the end of this month.maybe 1st part of next month,at the latest.in which,it looks like to me.i'll have it by then..in which i'll get me a pick-up first thing..and because of this..i've started working on planning a lil camping trip.it'll mostly be what i already have in camping gear,to any extras i might go ahead n get,by the time i actually go camp camping..

any how..
anyone else wanna go camping as well.?..im thinking of going to mousetail landing state park again..seeing how it's well worth the trip,to camp there..and of course,waiting untill spring or summer are good options..lol

P.S. edit..here's a link to the campground.. http://tnstateparks.com/parks/about/mousetail-landing
I'd sure like to join you Jim, but with all the construction projects I have going on, this summer is out for me. I think it'd be a lot of fun getting together with some other preppers. Possibly next spring....
Me as well, sounds like a great idea but with all my projects and the distance from here it just isn't going to happen. Give us a thought while relaxing though! My son got up at 5 to go trout fishing this morning. I would have done that if it was at 7 or so, but sleeping in trumped trout for me. I'm hoping to finish installing the metal roof on the new carport/equipment shed today anyways. I've been dragging out this project for too long allready.
Thanks for the link.Quite a ride for us from the Delmarva peninsula,but looks like a nice place to stay on a trip back home to the PNW ( Coastal Oregon)

you do realize these are "moldy oldies" you are pulling up >>> a whole lot has happened in the last 3 years - better be getting some current intel before any planning ....
Well, not to be a downer, but it took my girl over 5 years to settle her auto accident claim.

That said, if you really want to get out there and have an adventure, get online and check out the Bigfork River in Northern Minnesota. The vast majority of it is immersed in state forest and you will see plenty of wildlife that see you just as intriguing! It is so beautiful, books have been written about it. There are free camp sites established along the river that very few people ever use these days. Would be one for the photo album for sure!

Little Fork is even more epic...
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