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mass shooting

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Kevin L

Awesome Friend
Feb 3, 2017
Boynton beach, Florida
Here is my problem:

We had a mandatory mass shooter training and survival workshop where I worked at the hospital.

So, here's my propblem: You know the course evaluation form you fill out at the end of thr course?

I put in my suggestions, and one of these sugestions is that living people take cover behind and under dead bodies. The maniacs seem like they're shooting a lot of .223 (or 5.56 if you prefer), and a dead body is excellent at stopping this small, high-velocity round.

I wanted to see this point brougt up in our class, but I ended up in employee assistance to make sure that I wasn't crazy.

I felf like my point about hiding under dead bodies (to protect oneself from gunfire) was very revelant.

The only thing my employer could do is castigate me for bringing up something so tasteless and politically incorrect...when I consider the whole subject to be politically incorrect and tasteless.

What are your thoughts?
I think perhaps the whole idea of a mass shooting is so abhorrent and seems so unlikely that some people are unable to comprehend the life or death situation. The thing is, many survivors of mass shootings and terrorist attacks said in interviews they are only here because they hid under and behind the bodies of the dead victims. Here are just a few I found by Googling. These are more recent ones to prove the point, but there have been incidents of survivors using bodies as cover since man first started hurling rocks and fighting wars.

Sitting in an office mulling over replies on a form is so far removed from trying not to get dead that these highbrows think they are going to have time to implement all the protocols they are writing into the hospital rulebook. Even I know, when in a life or death situation, instinct takes over and you do whatever it takes.
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SAY NOTHING, just go with the politically correct doctrine but make your own contingency plans.

I know Paramedics who often get attacked by druggies, alcs and thugs in the UK who now always carry large Multi Tools with them at work, apart from the handy 3 inch blade they make a good replacement for the roll of dime coins as a knuckle duster.
If the person is dead already there is no reason you should not use their bodies to shield your own. not like it's going to have any change on their outcome. . . Dead is dead. It would only be unethical if the person was still alive. It's easy for them to criticize when they have never been put in that situation themselves. Bet if they were their minds would change fast.
oh yeah,these armchair tacticians;let's sit down and write down RULES we have to follow if something like this happens,that rule book is tossed out of
the window when it happens,you can't plan ahead what people must do / will do when **** starts flying..
I'v seen info leaflets at work,what to do if I hear a certain announcment from the loudspeaker,what is pitch perfect clear is that all doors are glass doors,yeah lock 'em up
it will protect us all from some nut job.

but as SE wrote,have your own plans and stick to those.
Thank you all.

I just wish that I wasn't labeled as a nut job. Part of the problem is that I'm a published author who writes about controversial ideas, and that may be part of why they didn't like the ideas that I put in the course feedback review.

A 'nut job' is those that don't fight!, you do what's best at the time damn what anybody else thinks or say, it's your life and you are responsible of your own life as an adult.
Thank you again.

I, maybe, should have been more politically correct...but I was trying to offer something that might save peoples' lives, as I am an ex-paramedic.

I felt like my suggestion was more germane than a bucket of rocks kept in a classroom (as was suggested in one elementary school).

I probably should have kept my mouth shut.