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The Shaman of suburbia's son and apprentice.
Mar 1, 2022
I need to raise around $600. I am not asking for a handout, I am asking for advice on how to get it. I can't sell plasma because I'm on meds. I can't do certain extra jobs because I'm in queue to get SSDI and I can't change my income from work or such. I can't sell anything because I already sold all my non-essential possessions earlier because of the crunch I'm in. I'm really really good with computers.
If you're on a set income, write down exactly what you spend your money on for a month. Then figure out what you can cut.
Writing it on paper really helps!! Prioritize!!! If you are looking to earn some cash, get word about what you are good at! In my area there are many older people who look for tutoring on their computers!
It is not how much that comes in, it is how much that goes out. I used to get tool catalogs in the mail every month. After awhile I learned to go through the catalog and mark everything I needed and then set the catalog aside. A couple weeks later I’d pick it up and reevaluate my needs. I would order one or two tools and often none. Not letting myself get sucked into the emotional purchase has saved me a ton over these decades.

Look around for jobs, that you can do, where they will pay you under the table.
Most under the table jobs are physical (like yardwork or cleanup). If you are waiting for disability and can't do physical work, I'd just find a way to live within your budget...what you get in. Some people cut bills by going to a flip phone (basic), eliminating all the movie type channels, don't order stuff online, and look for free entertainment. Don't eat out, don't buy drugs or alcohol. That stuff will suck your money dry in a minute.
If you are really good with computers that should be a source of income right there, cause most IT people are not good.
Writing it on paper really helps!! Prioritize!!! If you are looking to earn some cash, get word about what you are good at! In my area there are many older people who look for tutoring on their computers!
My mother did raise me that way

I always did keep my bills even the shopping ones /
Drug store
Pet food

I do make lists on a piece of paper and I bring the list with me with a pen
Articles with the price
I'm going with tutoring, and mowing lawns, I'll update if anything interesting happens.
I need to raise around $600. I am not asking for a handout, I am asking for advice on how to get it. I can't sell plasma because I'm on meds. I can't do certain extra jobs because I'm in queue to get SSDI and I can't change my income from work or such. I can't sell anything because I already sold all my non-essential possessions earlier because of the crunch I'm in. I'm really really good with computers.
You say that you are "really good with computers", then monopolize on that, and advertise your service in local newspapers and online media. You would be surprised how many people are computer illiterate and would pay a fee to figure out their tech problems. I get the kid down the street to help me out and usually slip him a 50 afterward.
maybe if your good with computers put an ad in community paper or forum, post signs, a note on local grocery store bulliten board, etc, spread word you can fix computer things, maybe help people to set up security, clean things up.....

i hope things work out for you.
hey--an idea--any amish community near you? around here they look for someone to drive them to town to run errands--got a truck or van or whatever, pay depends on miles and what you charge for your time..
If you have a car, and it's insured, you might be able to cut back on premiums you have to pay by moving the car to a "storage" status. It's still covered for theft and things like that - just not "moving" type problems like collision and liability. And then go places on a bicycle or using pubic transportation or have friends drive you.

Cut any entertainment budget to bare minimum. You can often times put things like cable or gym memberships into a "vacation" status and save some cash that way rather than outright canceling things that you know you'll need later, after the cash crunch has ended. Libraries are a great place for any entertainment needs. You probably have free access to physical books, eBooks, audiobooks and DVD's.

I mow my own yard (actually, the wife does usually, because she says she really likes doing it - what a strange woman!) but if a neighbor came and asked if I wanted them to mow my lawn I would certainly pay them well to do it whenever they wanted to, realizing something must be up.

If the money need will be longer term, a roommate to share living expenses might work out if you can find the right person.

Even though we are lucky enough to be able to eat out any time we want to or buy whatever we want in the grocery store, we seldom eat out and I choose the meals I will fix based on what I find on sale in the grocery. I walk into the meat department and if chicken is on sale, well, that's what I'm having for dinner. A few days later it may be salmon that's on sale. Then the hamburger will be on sale. The stuff the meat department puts on sale is the stuff I normally eat. So it's not like I'm compromising on quality or anything. I'm just letting the store choose when I'll have any given meat based on their sales. They rotate their sales, so I get lots of variety. Onions are always cheap and stretch out meats nicely. The other day I sliced up and sauteed an onion, then mixed in a pound of hamburger and browned the mixture with some added seasoning (random stuff I pulled out of my cabinet). You won't believe how good that simple dish turned out, and it gave us lots of leftovers for more dinners. Veges are always cheaper than meats, and slicing up a tomato makes a really good side dish IMHO - just tomato slices and a little salt, nothing fancy. Or if avocados were on sale, slice up one of those as a side. Nothing says you can't have a small meat portion and then four side dishes if you want. That may not be the restaurant standard of presentation, but it works. Be creative and observant in the grocery and you can save a ton of money. Stay away from heavily processed and prepared foods - both for your health and for your wallet. Food makes up a larger portion of your budget than most people realize. Stick with the basics from the produce and meat sections and you're usually in much better financial (and health) shape than the canned, packaged and frozen stuff.
If you are really good with computers that should be a source of income right there, cause most IT people are not good.
The kid is a f'King genius at comps.
Hey son, I'm paid up until the next disaster, holler at me payday!
The kid is a f'King genius at comps.
Advertise hands on help and fixing computer problems at the library. Old people go to the library. Old people have trouble with computers. (This is said tongue-in-cheek, but that doesn't mean it's not true.) Ask and volunteer to teach "senior citizen computer sessions" at the library. You can make contacts for paid extracurricular work after giving people a free taste of what you can do. Not just an advertisement stapled up somewhere, but hands on working with them in a class or seminar. If you have a "senior independent living" community building in the area, that's just as good as a library.
Does good with computers equate to fixing other things? Like household electrics or gaming devices? Might be something. Also, f you have a 'how' to channel on youtube you could add a 'fund me' or 'kofi' button for people to donate to you. Apparently it's a thing...
We need help with just the software on our computers that we already have.

What I would like is for someone to come to our house and sit down beside me and guide me through some of what to others is very simple routines.

$50 an hour would be cheap compared to what we have invested in time and hardware .......and we have all the info and photos for a guidebook we just need to get in publishable form. and my wife has over 11K friends and followers which a percentage of are just waiting to send us money for a small simple guide book.

We pay cash.
I need to raise around $600. I am not asking for a handout, I am asking for advice on how to get it. I can't sell plasma because I'm on meds. I can't do certain extra jobs because I'm in queue to get SSDI and I can't change my income from work or such. I can't sell anything because I already sold all my non-essential possessions earlier because of the crunch I'm in. I'm really really good with computers.

Sell your plasma, if your health allows it. You will make that in your first month.
Besides buying meat in sake, I often buy reduced priced meat that is in its “sell by” date greatly reduced. Nothing wrong with the meat itself. I either cook it in a day or two or freeze it.
I have a shopping app on my phone.in which I added a category for each place I shop at.another category for when i have several places to go in a day.then I put them in the order that allows me to do the least amount of driving.save gas that way.except for groceries I need to add another category for the things needed.then place them in the order of importance.

As for as earning money goes.word of mouth can do wonders.it could be working on computers to driving ppl to where they need to go.to what ever.and with the understanding they need to pay in cash.

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