I need some help guys.

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The Shaman of suburbia.
HCL Supporter
Dec 13, 2017
Look behind you in that dark corner.
Along with the other mental and physical issues, I've collected over the years, I've been diagnosed with "Phantom PTSD" Which is to say I have all and I do mean ALL the classic symptoms, but nobody knows how I got it, I've never been in combat or even near the military except for a couple of weeks I'm not going into. I've been shot and shot at, but I'm not bothered by that in the least. anyway, between the stupid nightmares about stuff that NEVER happened, the depression, and just feeling like crap, I can't seem to be bothered to do anything that's not immediately necessary. It's getting worse! I've been pumped full of pills that don't work, even "medical meth!" which is addictive. does anyone here have REAL PTSD? how are you treated? I'm not suicidal, but I am miserable.
scullcap tincture can be effective. can buy on amazon, cheaper in long run to buy the herb by the pound and make your own. its easy, just takes time to sit and steep.

som find relief with cbd oil.

hope you find the right thing--
I suppose that can happen when a person lives an un-sheltered life. I know, because I haven't lived life wearing blinders.

What helps me is simple as eating healthy and taking a few vitamins, and supplements, and natural herbs that included commonly used spices. I can't make any recommendations for you... there's so much that works differently based on the individual.
Yes, I have PTSD from Vietnam.
I was treated by the VA for 9 years until I moved to where we live now.
I received individual counseling, group therapy, and occasional trips to a psychiatrist at another VA clinic.
I refused all the drugs they offered. I saw what they did to others and wanted no part of it.
In the mid to late 1980's the VA technique was to use drugs to sedate patients into zombies. Prozac was new then and I believe that we were the lab rats they were experimenting on.

PTSD never "goes away", the subconscious brain is changed forever by the trauma. This can clearly be seen in MRI's.
One just learns to live with it.
my son in law has it from being in combat situations in the middle east for the past year , he is trying to get medicated out of the military for it right now , but he won't tell my daughter any details. He is on a bunch of medications right now too, but I don't know what
My suggestion for anything mental: smoke lots of weed, it has definitely helped a ton with my anxiety
How deep have you gone down the prepper hole ? I have no idea as to your prepping level but going even deeper may be of some help . - As some of our other members , I have seen combat , been blown " bounced " off the ground with incoming that nightly seemed to be trying to concentrate on taking " me " out , not the general battalion . Come to find out the incoming was from a hole dug inside a mountain overlooking my whereabouts , where they indeed could watch me . After several months of that nightly crap we found them . - The point being even that did not make me have what I consider some kind of mental complex other than if someone wanted to count my lightning fast survival mode . If I hadn't learned to have fast survival reactions , I would not have survived . I took a young wife when I got back to the world , she sometimes caught hell as I reacted coming from sleep to killing Charlie in a mega second . -- Now in my old age I joke with my grandson as if I still believe Charlie is lurking somewhere watching me , or that airplane is spying on me . Even my newest project I like to dub building a bomb shelter whereas my wife likes to call it a storm shelter or root cellar . -- While I can't say what will help with someone else's paranoia can say going deep into survival / prepping may be the answer for some .
As an officer involved in multiple shootings, PTSD is real, but the funny thing is, if admitted to, you lose the opportunity to have a concealed weapons permit.

It is a shame many must hide the truth, but I will tell you that admitting and understanding regarding PTSD is a huge step towards recovery.
Methyline Blue
It sounds suspiciously like methylphenidate. Is there an oral solution? I'm not into needles.
scullcap tincture can be effective. can buy on amazon, cheaper in long run to buy the herb by the pound and make your own. its easy, just takes time to sit and steep.

som find relief with cbd oil.

hope you find the right thing--
Weed helps a LOT, but I don't like being out of touch for too long.
I suppose that can happen when a person lives an un-sheltered life. I know, because I haven't lived life wearing blinders.

What helps me is simple as eating healthy and taking a few vitamins, and supplements, and natural herbs that included commonly used spices. I can't make any recommendations for you... there's so much that works differently based on the individual.
Yup. me in a nutshell. live at the speed of life, no training pants!
Yes, I have PTSD from Vietnam.
I was treated by the VA for 9 years until I moved to where we live now.
I received individual counseling, group therapy, and occasional trips to a psychiatrist at another VA clinic.
I refused all the drugs they offered. I saw what they did to others and wanted no part of it.
In the mid to late 1980's the VA technique was to use drugs to sedate patients into zombies. Prozac was new then and I believe that we were the lab rats they were experimenting on.

PTSD never "goes away", the subconscious brain is changed forever by the trauma. This can clearly be seen in MRI's.
One just learns to live with it.
My Nam vet bros tell me the same thing. I tried the zombie pills too, F-that! I'd rather hurt.
How deep have you gone down the prepper hole ? I have no idea as to your prepping level but going even deeper may be of some help . - As some of our other members , I have seen combat , been blown " bounced " off the ground with incoming that nightly seemed to be trying to concentrate on taking " me " out , not the general battalion . Come to find out the incoming was from a hole dug inside a mountain overlooking my whereabouts , where they indeed could watch me . After several months of that nightly crap we found them . - The point being even that did not make me have what I consider some kind of mental complex other than if someone wanted to count my lightning fast survival mode . If I hadn't learned to have fast survival reactions , I would not have survived . I took a young wife when I got back to the world , she sometimes caught hell as I reacted coming from sleep to killing Charlie in a mega second . -- Now in my old age I joke with my grandson as if I still believe Charlie is lurking somewhere watching me , or that airplane is spying on me . Even my newest project I like to dub building a bomb shelter whereas my wife likes to call it a storm shelter or root cellar . -- While I can't say what will help with someone else's paranoia can say going deep into survival / prepping may be the answer for some .
My Charlie is nameless and faceless, invisible and omnipresent. If I could find him, I'd jump down his throat and kick his guts out! As to my prepping level, I've gone from being ready for anything short of Armageddon to getting paranoid about the weather. I'm losing my will to survive and it scares the holy hell out of me!
As an officer involved in multiple shootings, PTSD is real, but the funny thing is, if admitted to, you lose the opportunity to have a concealed weapons permit.

It is a shame many must hide the truth, but I will tell you that admitting and understanding regarding PTSD is a huge step towards recovery.
Oh, I know I have it, and so does my shrink and doctor, good thing I'm classified as "harmless." LOL!
I've got so bad I'm afraid to step off my porch for fear I'll fall and lay there for days before I'm found, this coming from a guy who used to run into a 400-degree, hundred-foot-long coater oven with nothing but a respirator and a wet coat to jerk carpet off the track to get the line moving again, roll out the other end, pour a bucket of water over my head and think nothing of it.
Therapy... including EMDR. You think you dreams are bad now, wait until you start having EMDR dreams!😳 There's a variation of this called brainspotting that is supposed to be promising too.
I think I have EMDR dreams anyway. my dreams are so intense it's like I'm living another life entirely, I'll wake up and look for a wife and kids I never had or wonder where I am. I'm becoming convinced I get unstuck in time and space and actually go to these places, they're so intense at times, that I dream of getting injured and wake up with bruises or cuts!
I've got so bad I'm afraid to step off my porch for fear I'll fall and lay there for days before I'm found, this coming from a guy who used to run into a 400-degree, hundred-foot-long coater oven with nothing but a respirator and a wet coat to jerk carpet off the track to get the line moving again, roll out the other end, pour a bucket of water over my head and think nothing of it.
Now I can make a suggestion. Because you reminded me of what's practically my worst fear: Dying alone, and seeing it coming, and knowing there's nothing I could do to change it.

So.... get a dog. I'm serious. I have an imagine that works overtime, and I know that in a circumstance like that... I would find comfort in having my dog at my side.
Now I can make a suggestion. Because you reminded me of what's practically my worst fear: Dying alone, and seeing it coming, and knowing there's nothing I could do to change it.

So.... get a dog. I'm serious. I have an imagine that works overtime, and I know that in a circumstance like that... I would find comfort in having my dog at my side.
Three tomcats. the only dogs I've ever had I cared about were wolves. and one half and half.
cbd oil does not have any thc-a or thc to make a person high or sedated. totally different
Vaping delivers the CDB with little THC, I can smoke that later or make butter.
I do not know about PTSD specifically, or about your variation of it, but for general depression (and boredom) you might try:

Get out more. Be with other people. I have many times when I am not enthused about going out, but when I drag myself to whatever event it is, I enjoy it a lot. It's the "getting there" that slows me down. But once at the "doing it" stage, things are good. You don't have to know the people you will be interacting with in advance. I went to a book signing two years ago. Didn't know a soul. Knew the author (my favorite author BTW) by name and pictures on book covers. I was wondering if I'd be the oddball outcast. I had a great time interacting with people there. I literally bounced back to my car with happiness afterwards. I never expected that - I expected a "book signing" to be a very nerdy and boring ordeal surrounded by weirdos. But I was wrong.

Learn something new. Check out libraries, recreation centers, senior centers in your area for ideas. Learning can be for anything - woodworking, astronomy, bird watching. I had a great time several years ago learning Celestial Navigation. As if I'll ever find myself on a ship out at sea with a sextant. But it was still fun to learn.

Enjoy the outdoors. Even just sitting in a chair outside is fun for me (maybe not in the middle of winter though). If you're mobile enough, many places offer short nature walks with a leader. They even have these for less mobile people. Or even a slideshow nature presentation at your local city auditorium or whatever.

As far as worrying about falling or getting injured and laying there not being found, just make sure to always keep a charged cellphone on you. And a flashlight and knife too since these are always helpful. A small whistle in your pocket wouldn't hurt either. When you're going up or down stairs always use the handrail especially when alone. I do that now, not because I necessarily need it (I do sometimes, OK, "many" times), but because I know it is the smarter thing to do as I get older. Also, I have mostly given up on the Crocs and other loose footwear. It's a heckuva lot easier to get Crocs on and off and I still do wear them sometimes, but taking the extra time to lace on a good pair of shoes is to your benefit and safety.
Wtf is phantom ptsd post traumatic stress disorder means a stress that is triggered after the trauma , you don't need to be a cop or military to have it, it does not require being in combat, it requires a traumatic event that hasn't been resolved. it could be from child hood, and have been buried until a similar event triggers it, Drugs and almost any main stream "treatment only masks it. finding the loop and breaking it is what helps. And not mainstream lab coat idiots, unless they have had some serious outside the system training.
Phantom PTSD sounds like Complex PTSD.

Have you ever tried any of the alternative holistic healing therapies? For example hypnotherapy, past life regression, reiki, aura feathering, crystal and electromagnetic energy field healing, aroma and colour therapy, sound and vibrational therapy, earthing or grounding, singing bowls meditation, chakra balancing, smudging, shamanic drumming, dance therapy, qigong, tai chi ...... ??
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I should have PTSD.......but I don't.

The vast majority of my friends from the same background and experiences, don't either.

We were all volunteers......and that helps a lot.

We all stay quite fit and have continued a lot of the training we did while we were active military.......and we all agree that helps too.......

We all try to control drinking and stay away from psych meds.......because those seem to be counterproductive......or at least ineffective.

We stick together and hang out a lot......because at most that is a key therapy.....and at least, avoiding social isolation is always a good thing for mental health.

I agree with getting a dog. The right dog will keep you engaged mentally for all your waking hours., All it wants is to be the other half of your pack.......and in return it will be 100% devoted to you.

Consider the dog the most important reason you need to be a good person.

........quite a good deal for the human really......

Take responsibility for every aspect of your life.......own it......all the good and the bad.

Keep purpose in your life......men (at least) are what we do.

Give your self a pat on the back for the good things and fix all those bad things......before they terminally **** you up.
Along with the other mental and physical issues, I've collected over the years, I've been diagnosed with "Phantom PTSD" Which is to say I have all and I do mean ALL the classic symptoms, but nobody knows how I got it, I've never been in combat or even near the military except for a couple of weeks I'm not going into. I've been shot and shot at, but I'm not bothered by that in the least. anyway, between the stupid nightmares about stuff that NEVER happened, the depression, and just feeling like crap, I can't seem to be bothered to do anything that's not immediately necessary. It's getting worse! I've been pumped full of pills that don't work, even "medical meth!" which is addictive. does anyone here have REAL PTSD? how are you treated? I'm not suicidal, but I am miserable.
If you want to try...deep meditation will at least point out the underlying cause for that PTSD. As your mind "lets things go"...what lingers is ever-more difficult to toss away. When you get down to it...the real cause will manifest itself because you won't be able to get past that reality. Once you have defined the problem...do something to mitigate it.
Wtf is phantom ptsd post traumatic stress disorder means a stress that is triggered after the trauma , you don't need to be a cop or military to have it, it does not require being in combat, it requires a traumatic event that hasn't been resolved. it could be from child hood, and have been buried until a similar event triggers it, Drugs and almost any main stream "treatment only masks it. finding the loop and breaking it is what helps. And not mainstream lab coat idiots, unless they have had some serious outside the system training.
It's official. my shrink is a quack!
Phantom PTSD sounds like Complex PTSD.

Have you ever tried any of the alternative holistic healing therapies? For example hypnotherapy, past life regression, reiki, aura feathering, crystal and electromagnetic energy field healing, aroma and colour therapy, sound and vibrational therapy, earthing or grounding, singing bowls meditation, chakra balancing, smudging, shamanic drumming, dance therapy, qigong, tai chi ...... ??
Oh yes. pretty much all of that I've tried or looked into, I've practiced Sorcery for years now. the only thing I haven't done is hypnotherapy and past life regression, that stuff scares the willies out of me because I know what I'll find.
It's official. my shrink is a quack!

Oh yes. pretty much all of that I've tried or looked into, I've practiced Sorcery for years now. the only thing I haven't done is hypnotherapy and past life regression, that stuff scares the willies out of me because I know what I'll find.
You won't get to the centre until you recognise "what is in the way". You need to clear your mind. Just concentrate upon your breathing, breath by breath. The easy stuff will go away quickly. What follows is more and more difficult to get away from. These are what is bothering you. Stick with it. It might be easy to be in a place where all you hear is nature. For me, I like my creek...with the sound of the water going past. But, for me...it's my music. I am 9000 kilometres away from home...in Nashville...doing an album project for the next couple of months. Good luck!
It's official. my shrink is a quack!

Oh yes. pretty much all of that I've tried or looked into, I've practiced Sorcery for years now. the only thing I haven't done is hypnotherapy and past life regression, that stuff scares the willies out of me because I know what I'll find.
None of those mind/body/spirit healing methods I mentioned have anything to do with any kind of sorcery. I know these are odd questions but there is method to my oddness and an important reason for me asking.

- Exactly how many years have you been a practitioner of whatever kind of sorcery it is that you practise? Are you aware that sorcery and shamanism are not the same thing? Sorcery consumes the practitioner from the inside out, shamanism nourishes the practitioner from the outside in.

- What is the condition of your teeth, do you still have some sound, healthy molars remaining or are the majority or all of your teeth gone now?

- Regardless of whether or not you are a religious person do you believe in the power of prayer/ beneficent invocation or do you deny the power of prayer/beneficent invocation?
None of those mind/body/spirit healing methods I mentioned have anything to do with any kind of sorcery. I know these are odd questions but there is method to my oddness and an important reason for me asking.
- Exactly how many years have you been a practitioner of whatever kind of sorcery it is that you practise? Are you aware that sorcery and shamanism are not the same thing? Sorcery consumes the practitioner from the inside out, shamanism nourishes the practitioner from the outside in.
Truthfully, off and on all my life, but I devoted to it full-time twenty-five years ago after spending a few years as a Christian, But I've been light on the Sorcery for about five years since this started as well. Yes I am. "Shaman of suburbia" is a joke title a friend hung on me ages back, it still kind of fits, So does "Sorcerer" but neither is exact. "Energy Alchemy" is the best description I can give. it's an Egyptian-based method although it has traces of Odinisn and Thule. most of our abilities come from mixing energies and or manipulating their flow to "tweak" the universe in our direction to achieve our means to an end, then a very nice being showed us the trick of it and we did away with our daggers and robes and waving wands around for "console mode" that is to say attaching a feeling of performing a ceremonial act to a physical act, We still use ceremony at times, but really all that is just training wheels. that and it makes good pix for Instagram. LOL
- What is the condition of your teeth, do you still have some sound, healthy molars remaining or are the majority or all of your teeth gone now?
I have 90% of my upper teeth and two left on the bottom, United crapped itself before I could get my lower plate. so all in all, half are solid, and half are gone.
- Regardless of whether or not you are a religious person do you believe in the power of prayer/ beneficent invocation or do you deny the power of prayer/beneficent invocation?
Religion no, deity yes. I would probably still qualify as a Christian if I hadn't expanded my education. but humans love to put spooky names on things we couldn't possibly understand. in our understanding we refer to "the elder spirits" a lot. the five (or 6) at the dawn of creation, the nine they created by accident, and then the no longer corporeal ones. (daemon/ghosts/ancestors/some angels.) But all that is really rubbish we came up with to wrap our minds around what we're talking about, which are forces of nature that are not only intelligent but as the bible says: Aware of each hair on your head and every grain of sand. Prayer and invocation also come into play, however, we pray differently. Sometimes I still even talk to Jesus, but I have lesser benefactors as well. depending on what's going on. so yes, I believe in the divine. Not religion, but spiritual divinity. we are a grain of sand that came from a mountain you see. a spark from a star, you get the idea. but really, in the end, it's our natures that determine even that.
Just curious, but has any specialist spoken about Agoraphobia?

I've had two close friends who developed this, and is mimicking what you were telling us. I've spoken to both friends and they claim it is from all the political crap seen and heard around the world combined with the Vax crap, the "deadly diseases", and they are just not comfortable leaving what is comfortable (or) normal to them.
Three tomcats. the only dogs I've ever had I cared about were wolves. and one half and half.

Vaping delivers the CDB with little THC, I can smoke that later or make butter.

My Little Bushie came into My Life and We Saved Each Other, so much that I was able to move to where We are Now...!!! She will be here Forever an I Hope I will end up by Her when it's My Time...!!

I have some of those weird dreams where I know No-one and the Places, Believe it or not, Bushie sometimes brings Me back, I am Afraid of Nothing and only Hope that She comes back and leads Me to the crossing...!

Choose One of those "tomcats" and get Closer to it, just might make a huge change in Your Life, I Hope that Helps You...!!!
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Just curious, but has any specialist spoken about Agoraphobia?

I've had two close friends who developed this, and is mimicking what you were telling us. I've spoken to both friends and they claim it is from all the political crap seen and heard around the world combined with the Vax crap, the "deadly diseases", and they are just not comfortable leaving what is comfortable (or) normal to them.
Yup. I'm eat up with it, I hate crowds too. I've always had it, PTSD or high-functioning depression is fairly new. Like since I came back to the grid.

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