I prefer a good sleeping bag to blankets

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Tom Brands

Awesome Friend
Feb 9, 2017
Amateur Radio Call Sign
I've noticed I stay MUCH warmer in sleeping bags than I do in blankets. I think that having sleeping bags on hand is the better idea than a bunch of blankets.
Depends on climate. Warmth in FL really isn't necessary, hardly ever, lol.
only times i have anything to do,with a sleeping bag.is when im camping out.even then.i do take top sheets and blankets.and how many i take along,depends on the weather and temp(s)..so,the only time i ever get into a sleeping bag.is when it's to cool/cold out,to do any differently..
have done some camping,where I had sleeping bag and in the beginning a wool blanket and a camping matress,about an 1/2 inch thick,and those sleeping bags felt so much better in the winter.but can use both.
My problem camping is that I need like 4 pillows to sleep well. (or 2 pillows and a body pillow). Not exactly portable easily. (though those inflatable pillows are damn cool)
I'm bugging in so my soft warm bed is preferred.
The last time I went camping I went with my cousins.
I was in my late 40's.
I bought a camp cot and kept falling out of it!
My camping days are long gone.
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i got a camping cot with air mattress,last year..i've already started looking for a campground to camp out at..
I have a Coleman cot I take with me to visit my son, which is very sturdy and pretty comfortable. His apartment is Spartan, LOL. He doesn't even have a couch. His furniture consists of a folding table he puts his computer on, one TV tray he eats on, a mattress, one folding chair, and a TV stand.
you sure that he aint living out of a tent? LOL

I have a Coleman cot I take with me to visit my son, which is very sturdy and pretty comfortable. His apartment is Spartan, LOL. He doesn't even have a couch. His furniture consists of a folding table he puts his computer on, one TV tray he eats on, a mattress, one folding chair, and a TV stand.
I have a Coleman cot I take with me to visit my son, which is very sturdy and pretty comfortable. His apartment is Spartan, LOL. He doesn't even have a couch. His furniture consists of a folding table he puts his computer on, one TV tray he eats on, a mattress, one folding chair, and a TV stand.

Back ion the day...WAY back in the day when My 1st wife and I started out at 18 (her) and
19 (me) and were dumber than an out house mouse we "stole" real wooden orange
crates from grocery trash bins to make furniture.
Air mattresses came later when we got "flush". Read not quite as poor.
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