I survived an industrail

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Awesome Friend
Mar 28, 2017
N.E. Ohio
disaster. INDUSTRIAL. Spelled it wrong. :<(
Around 1973 or so, if I recall the year, it's been a while.
I was a patrol officer in a moderate size Ohio city.
There was a very violent thunderstorm that early summer night.
Evidently lighting hit steel storage tanks outside a chemical plant and caused
an explosion.
The fire spread to other tanks and then the plant.
The E.P.A. were called in and set up test equipment.
55 gallon drums blew out of sight and some came down miles away.
There were about 60 first responders , fire, police, ambulance, etc.
Three other outside fire departments were called in.
We evacuated thousands of people when we learned the plant made pesticides.
I was in the toxic smoke for hours with protection.
Firemen began falling then soon after the police, and volunteers.
I fell hours later.
It was TWO YEARS before we learned the plant was making Agent Orange!
When I was taken to the e.r. they had just run out of atropine, a universal antidote
for poisoning.
I'm one of FIVE that has not yet developed cancer.
Some firemen got tumors in just 6 months. Several died, and one, a friend, lost
BOTH legs due to odd tumors.
To this day part of my right thigh has zero feeling in it.
One wonders if the atropine reacted with the herbicide and caused more issues than
it should have?????
I'm lucky.
Affected firemen got 100% disabilities from that fire.
Sounds about right for policemen. . . my hunny was on the force for 40 years. Glad that you are one of the lucky ones! Herbicide is bad enough to have been exposed to, but Agent Orange. . . that is some bad stuff.
Back in the day it was not too bad. . .now its all political. Just glad he got out when he did! He's been retired for about 2 1/2 years now. Works a few days out of the week for a buddy of his that keeps him busy and out of most trouble ;).
Politics. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

The city where I was policing is at least 50% ....................ahhhh.............well.....
Is it o.k. to write "black"????
I don't want to insult anyone...being a sensitive person that I am.
50% black, maybe 10% Hispanic. So naturally the lower end of town
was black and Hispanic.
It was referred to as "L.A." for lower Alliance.
All violent crimes happened in that end of town.
Literally on the wrong side of the railroad tracks.
Alliance was called Alliance because it was settled around the "alliance"
of three rail roads.
Then it became a major steel town, now a "rust belt" town.
Canton, Ohio, the Football Hall of Fame city is at least 5 times the
size of my city and the year I got disabled we had more murders than
Canton did.
It was insane.
At least 10% 0f our officers were committed to the State mental hospital at
one time or another.
I've been hospitalized 3 times for alcohol poisoning.
No I don't drink today.
I'll likely die if I do.
Alcohol addiction + diabetes, don't go together well.
13 major injuries in a bit over 22 years.
I suffer permanent intractable pain 24/7 ...............all the friggin' time.
After 9 months in rehab learning to walk right again I went to college at
age 48, at 53 graduated with 2 degrees and an "A" average.;)
Loved college.
Love learning.

Love shooting also.Shoot

I have at least 50 guns, 7 are black powder guns, 5 are "A.R's"
I think I absolutely need another 12 gauge.:)
And archery is super fun.
At one time I held 49th place for the largest Ohio deer harvest.
I think he scored 207 5/8.
Ohio grows some really big deer for such a crowded State.
He's on the wall.
I ate the rest of him.:)
Is it o.k. to write "black"????
I don't want to insult anyone...being a sensitive person that I am.
Yes. It's ok. Or at least it danged well ought to be! One should never be afraid of (or intimidated from) the truth.

I have at least 50 guns, 7 are black powder guns, 5 are "A.R's"
I think I absolutely need another 12 gauge.

Well, duh! Absolutely you do! Question...How many guns are enough? Answer.....One more!
Great posts, Jeager!
Yes. It's ok. Or at least it danged well ought to be! One should never be afraid of (or intimidated from) the truth.

Well, duh! Absolutely you do! Question...How many guns are enough? Answer.....One more!
Great posts, Jeager!

That video really TICKED ME OFF!
Served 22.5 years in a city 40 +% (or more) black.
13 serious injuries, and my 4th broken back ALL caused by ethnics in da hood.
9 months in rehab learning to get use of my legs back.
Either that or a wheel chair and at 48 back then I wouldn't have any of that!
Scuttled my police career. I had no doubt I'd have become Chief.
I got injured as Lieutenant of S.W.A.T. among other things.
Ethnics are "entitled" people.
Percent of welfare recipients who are white / caucasian 16.8 % 11,405,000

Percent of welfare recipients who are black 39.6 % 26,884,000

Percent of welfare recipients who are Hispanic 21.2 % 14,392,000

Percent of welfare recipients who are Asian or Pacific Islander 18 % 12,220,000
Percent of welfare recipients who are Other / Mixed 4.4 % 2,987,000

So about 62% of people on the dole are black and Hispanic.
I've been working in one way or another since I was 14 years old.
I earn my way.
I qualified for food stamps when I lost the mother of my three kids. (now 4 kids)
I was glad to get them for 3 months till I got a part time job in addition to my
full time job.
I had to feed the children.
It's still embarrassing to admit I had to take food stamps for a while.
That was many decades ago.
At a near by Government facility they needed to pass a siries of retention pond test a few decades ago so they flushed them for days into a very nice very wilderness area river and passed thier but poisioned the whole resivior for centuries to come . We still fish rhere but there is a do not eat catfish alert for the whole resivior .
Mirex is an organochloride that was commercialized as an insecticide and later banned because of its impact on the environment. This white crystalline odorless solid is a derivative ofcyclopentadiene.

Now banned but some small business of some sort dumped hundreds of gallons
into a small creek that ended up in a river and that river is poisoned for
Fish live in it but there are signs posted everywhere "Do not eat the fish."
Eventually the poison gets buried under silt but rains stir it up again.
What a shame.
There is or was a "one meal a week" for fish taken from the Ohio River.
If it's a "one meal a week" I ain't eating any of it!
Why risk it?
I like farm raised salmon though wild is a bit better but farm raised
perhaps safer.
I hope.
I eat the bigger fish I catch from fiance's 3 acre "pond".
It's clean.
So is Tappan laKe in southern Ohio.
My biggest blue cat was a hair shy of 50 pounds.
NOT on rod/reel.
Trot line.
"Eating farmed salmon occasionally is not a great health concern, but risks can add up if you eat salmon often. But the long-term environmental damage caused by the industry is substantial. We recommend wild salmon over farmed whenever possible."

I looked it up.
Wild caught much safer and better.
I doubt I eat any salmon more than 2 X monthly.
Shame it isn't safe!
back around 1985 I was in Plant City Florida at a facility that made formaldehyde making a delivery ,I had to walk around a very large holding tank to find those I was making the delivery to,as we were heading out to the truck the top of the tank blew off and formaldehyde came boiling out of it,we had walked almost to the truck but took off running we were still pretty close to the tank ,pieces of steel pipe were flying in our direction,,,,,these guys were working on scaffold about 20 feet from the top of the tank,my delivery saved their life's,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
