I think we entered the Cold War II with a vengeance

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Awesome Friend
Mar 8, 2013
Washington State - between 2 mountains and a river
US is upgrading it's nuclear arsenal and even redesigned a new nuke for the B-2 / F-35 (B61-12) they are also updating the ICBM/SLBM and Bomber delivery as with the B-2 noted above (budget pdf below) Newer SLBM capable subs (Columbia class) are being built, the Atlantic Fleet has been reactivated this year link: https://www.maritime-executive.com/...lishes-2nd-fleet-to-counter-russia#gs.QDP00M0

Little info on the B61-12

"$40 million to redesign the bomb to enable the Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II to carry the weapon internally by 2017. This version is designated Mod 12. The four hundred B61-12 bombs will be used by both tactical aircraft (such as the F-35) and strategic aircraft (such as the B-2) and the Tail Subassembly (TSA) will give them Joint Direct Attack Munition levels of accuracy, allowing the fifty kiloton warhead to have strategic effects from all carrying aircraft"

FEMA also opened a new wing within the Agency to create new brochures (similar to the 50s and 60s dealing with nuclear fallout, has all the earmarks of Civil Defense (CD) era
FEMA is updating its; 'Planning Guidance for Response to a Nuclear Detonation 2010 Sec Ed' (pdf below)
FEMA website; https://www.ready.gov/nuclear-explosion

Exploring Medical and Public Health Preparedness for a Nuclear Incident

Nuclear Workshop Briefing (pdf)
http://www.nationalacademies.org/hm...edPrep/2018-AUG-22/Nuke Workshop Briefing.pdf

Chinese Military Joining Russians for Nuclear War Games

New Start treaty expires in 2021, negotiations was supposed to start February of this year to extend it and Trump already condemned the treaty from 2010, with both the SALT I/II treaties dead and the New Start treaty expiring, giving china, iran and north korea under no nuclear treaty and russia's cheating, I don't see a new treaty!?!?


  • 52401-nuclearcosts.pdf
    202.3 KB · Views: 4
  • FEMA_planning_Guide.pdf
    2.7 MB · Views: 3
It's actually an interesting strategy. Really, it's a continuation of how we "won" the Cold War in the first place....simply outspend the enemy, and force them to bankrupt themselves in the attempt to keep up.

I think a lot of folks don't really understand the fundamental differences in our approach to nukes, vs. Russia's or China's. It's a quality over quantity thing, but not because they can't make quality nukes....just that it's cheaper not to do so (and you can make more). In those closed societies, it's much easier to keep their actual level of readied nukes secret.

In reality, a good amount of their arsenal is way outdated, and far past their designed service life. Not that we don't do likewise, but when you make expensive and high quality in the first place, there's a lot more wiggle room on service life. No doubt, in some places in Russia, you'd find many serviceable missiles, mounted on mobile launchers that are basically rusty planters with rotted off tires. Is what it is.
It's actually an interesting strategy. Really, it's a continuation of how we "won" the Cold War in the first place....simply outspend the enemy, and force them to bankrupt themselves in the attempt to keep up.

I think a lot of folks don't really understand the fundamental differences in our approach to nukes, vs. Russia's or China's. It's a quality over quantity thing, but not because they can't make quality nukes....just that it's cheaper not to do so (and you can make more). In those closed societies, it's much easier to keep their actual level of readied nukes secret.

In reality, a good amount of their arsenal is way outdated, and far past their designed service life. Not that we don't do likewise, but when you make expensive and high quality in the first place, there's a lot more wiggle room on service life. No doubt, in some places in Russia, you'd find many serviceable missiles, mounted on mobile launchers that are basically rusty planters with rotted off tires. Is what it is.

You do not have information regarding our capabilities) I will say briefly: read more independent sources.
Nuclear forces have always paid great attention. Since the collapse of the USSR, we have made a fantastic leap in the creation of nuclear weapons delivery systems.
I'm not saying that we have something better, just when it comes to nuclear weapons, everything is different.
Our joint stockpile of nuclear weapons is enough to 99 times destroy life on planet Earth. Whatever it is. Remember that in such a war there are no winners.
I am in favor of competing in other disciplines where the winner is possible, because competition is development and improvement.
M.A.D. is the facts of life. There are no limited nuclear wars. It is all of nothings and no winners. That being said, keep the development going to prevent any opponent from thinking they have the advantage. That applies to all sides.
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M.A.D. is the facts of life. There are no limited nuclear wars. It is all of nothings and no winners. That being said, keep the development going to prevent any opponent from thinking they have the advantage. That applies to all sides.
I hope someday we will begin to use all of our advanced technologies for the good of the earth, and not just for the mutual containment of "hotheads"

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I hope someday we will begin to use all of our advanced technologies for the good of the earth, and not just for the mutual containment of "hotheads"

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You and me both. It seems every nation needs to have a foe to focus on.
You and me both. It seems every nation needs to have a foe to focus on.
I would say not an enemy, but a competitor. so as not to relax and be in good shape.
we are not natural enemies, we just have concepts that do not need to be imposed on each other.

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I would say not an enemy, but a competitor. so as not to relax and be in good shape.
we are not natural enemies, we just have concepts that do not need to be imposed on each other.

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The people are not enemies or foes, it is always the governments that need scape goats. Name a person, group or nation and then vilify them. Got to have a foe to rant and rave about. Left alone, most people will get along. It does not seem to work for governments. I never blame the people of a country, just the leaders, mine included. The American people are great and I am sure the Russian people are great too. Just wish there was a way to limit the governments. Once any government gets started, they just continue to grow, sort of like a cancer.
The people are not enemies or foes, it is always the governments that need scape goats. Name a person, group or nation and then vilify them. Got to have a foe to rant and rave about. Left alone, most people will get along. It does not seem to work for governments. I never blame the people of a country, just the leaders, mine included. The American people are great and I am sure the Russian people are great too. Just wish there was a way to limit the governments. Once any government gets started, they just continue to grow, sort of like a cancer.
well said.

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Cold War can be good for business and strengthen the economy . Keep in mind the Governments don't want it to go hot no more than the average Person . So the above mentioned competitor analogy is well thought out .
We will not get along on some points and are not supposed to .
The biggest threat for the Cold War going hot at this time is the Democrat party willingness to start a war just to keep President Trump from being successful and Putin's aggressive land grabs .