I would like to be a bit more manly

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Tom Brands

Awesome Friend
Feb 9, 2017
Amateur Radio Call Sign
Most people think I'm very feminine, and it kind of bothers me. I would like to be a bit more manly. Any clothing suggestions that might help?

In this video of me reviewing a tv show, I wore a blueish shirt. Maybe not super manly but definitely not raising any redflags of femininity, is it?

Maybe not super manly but definitely not raising any redflags of femininity, is it?

Yes. Yes it is. Not nearly as much as the posters on your wall...but..

Dude, I doubt any of us care if you are effeminate, gay, etc. We're all just here to learn from each other and discuss the topic at hand.

If this is a genuine post, vs. a trolling attempt, then I simply implore you to LOOK at those you consider manly. How do THEY dress? How do THEY carry themselves....but ultimately....just be YOU.

Remember, the gay guy on Walking Dead was the one who went out into the wilds and recruited others. That takes balls.
Most people think I'm very feminine, and it kind of bothers me. I would like to be a bit more manly. Any clothing suggestions that might help?

In this video of me reviewing a tv show, I wore a blueish shirt. Maybe not super manly but definitely not raising any redflags of femininity, is it?

that can not be you,,,,you stumbled across this video ,,,,,,,,please just stop trying to stir the pot
Different strokes for different folks.

We both have our faces shaded so much in the avatar, nobody would really be able to recognize us from the avatar.
My avatar is Paul Blackthorne as Harry Dresden in the short-lived TV show Dresden Files (based on a fantastic book series). Paul is a great guy in person, as is the author of the book series, Jim Butcher.

Wife and I with Paul:
[GALLERY=media, 87]0-DC-Paul_Blackthorne-crop by Gazrok posted Feb 16, 2017 at 10:48 AM[/GALLERY]

Wife with Jim:
[GALLERY=media, 88]Butcher-Wendy by Gazrok posted Feb 16, 2017 at 10:48 AM[/GALLERY]
A lot of it we commissioned, but we've also made some extensive changes ourselves over the years to increase wear-ability, and ease of use. It's full strength leather armor though. I'll likely do something different for my war skirt though, as it's a bitch to sit down with it. Like leg pieces similar to my wife's design, or thinner leather for the war skirt pieces. The trickiest part is getting the gator pattern leather tinted the right shades to match.

Since we had the tack shop (saddles and horse gear), we've learned a bit of leatherworking, so have often made even major modifications to it. Embossing, rivets, cutting, trim, and basic shaping isn't all that difficult, just right tools and practice.
so if that is you,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,who is that you are using for your AV,it does not look like the same person to me

but if it is you it is hard to change who you are,,,,,
I was thinking tom brands was an old football great, but just googled it and saw he was a wrestler and coach.
What was the purpose of this original post?

Seeing the 5 favorite songs video...I mean, c'mon man.....
You're wearing a scarf.
Pictures of dudes all over your wall.
You talk in a whisper.
Artists include Pet Shop Boys, OMD, Thompson Twins, Cher, Adam Ant...I mean dude....all you were missing was show tunes playing in the background.....

Who cares though? Be who you are.
Sure, mostly a bunch of crusty old white guys here (myself included)...but my wife is bi (which is damn cool by the way), my brother is gay, my daughter thinks she's bi, and my son thinks he's a chick...so what the hell do I know?
Tom, if your really serious about being more of a man there are several things you can do. 1. Quit drinking the sissy juice 2. Throw away those silly degrees on "woman" study's (if you want to study women, go find one) 3. Go to trade school and learn a skill, such as: carpentry, welding, mechanics, plumbing, equipment operator etc. All these skills are in high demand and pay very well. Some with 6 figure incomes, depending on location. I had mechanic foremens making $150+k per year and up to $85/hr for some pipeline welders. Oh, and get off the couch and turn off the video games.
Tom, if your really serious about being more of a man there are several things you can do. 1. Quit drinking the sissy juice 2. Throw away those silly degrees on "woman" study's (if you want to study women, go find one) 3. Go to trade school and learn a skill, such as: carpentry, welding, mechanics, plumbing, equipment operator etc. All these skills are in high demand and pay very well. Some with 6 figure incomes, depending on location. I had mechanic foremens making $150+k per year and up to $85/hr for some pipeline welders. Oh, and get off the couch and turn off the video games.

Thank you for the helpful response. I was just kinda hoping to be more tough and manly. Maybe I could lift some weights too but that's pretty hard. I wish I could talk a bit more manly too, but it's not natural or something to me.
Thank you for the helpful response. I was just kinda hoping to be more tough and manly. Maybe I could lift some weights too but that's pretty hard. I wish I could talk a bit more manly too, but it's not natural or something to me.
The important thing to remember Tom is to just do what's right for you. Nobody here cares which way your stick floats. We're all here to share our experiences and ideas and to learn from each other. I've lifted weights for over 25 years, and in my last house I had a fully outfitted commercial type gym. I don't know if it made me any more "manly" but I enjoy a good workout.
I do agree with just be who you are. If your worried about what others think about you my advice is don't.
Thank you for the helpful response. I was just kinda hoping to be more tough and manly. Maybe I could lift some weights too but that's pretty hard. I wish I could talk a bit more manly too, but it's not natural or something to me.
well it is hard to change,as long as you live where you are now it will be pretty tough to change how people look at you,they will always see you the way you are right now,,,,,if you want to start with a clean slate relocate you can change your looks a little ,the cloths you wear and the way you talk,get rid of the car and buy a full size truck,,and don't look so clean cut let the hair grow out,,,,,,,
you are what you are, its pretty hard to change and why change to something your not? I gave up thinking about what others thought of me 37 years ago. I just do my own thing.
Go to trade school and learn a skill, such as: carpentry, welding, mechanics, plumbing, equipment operator etc. All these skills are in high demand and pay very well.

I wish I had that advice back when I was in college. I'd be much better off. It's the same advice I give others too...just took me a while to realize it myself. Instead, I've got a degree I don't even need for my job, not paying nearly as much as a degree appropriate one would, and lots of student loan debt...

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