What are you considering purchasing online now considering the interest in forcing out of state sales tax on the masses? How do you feel about it? Pros and cons and what will you do? Isn't it a matter of time till sales tax is applied to labor?
Taxation is theft.
That said, I'll certainly take pains to avoid paying any taxes unnecessarily, only what I have to.[/
I go to a lot of auctions, flea markets and yard sales. Trying to skip taxes but some things I need to order that I can't find around here.
I did not realize there were some states with no sales tax. I found these to be tax free, Montana, New Hampshire and Oregon. Alaska nd Delaware have some local taxes, but not state taxes and there were several where taxes were below 4% range. Indiana not one of them.Once they start taxing all online sales I'll quit shopping online. Many of the purchases that I make in-state are tax exempt anyway. Plus I live near a sales tax free state. It's a long drive but on large purchases the savings in the sales tax will more than pay for the fuel.