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Awesome Friend
Jun 22, 2014
Michigan, US of A
Hey guys,

I'm so sorry that i disappeared for the last months without telling anybody. I hope i didn't hurt anyones feelings ;)

I had a couple of reasons that made me take a couple of months break from the internet, but im very glad that its over and to be back!

My finals are over and i graduated 4 classes within 2.5 years instead 0f 4. I had a lot to study the last couple of weeks. It paid off though, i averaged out at B+.

In the meantime i planned our international move from Germany to Michigan. Everything is packed, shipped and most of our stuff that stays is already sold and gets picked up piece by piece.

During all that i also am a father of a 2 year old and i always always always always make time to be there for my son.

Oh yeah, i also am fully employed and work at least 40h a week so i can provide for my family.

A couple days before my finals started we found out, that we are going to have another child this summer. It was not planned at all and the chances of us becoming pregnant again were below 2%. We are very happy about the little miracle.

It is Christmas now, time to calm down, enjoy time with the family, remembering the important things in life.

Although I've never met any of you guys personally I'm very happy and proud to be a part of this strong community! I'm honored to know you!

I wish everybody a merry Christmas and a happy new year!


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