I'm new and have a few things to say....

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Nov 20, 2012
Somewhere in USA
First, I'd like to say that I began the planning for survival some time ago. I don't have a particular scenario in mind, I just believe that the world is too volatile of place for civil behavior to last for too long. I do have a few pointers for all of you though. Some of this I am sure has been said, but this how I want to introduce myself. I don't claim to be an expert, as I have plenty to learn about... however, this is just good ole common sense:

  • Don't build a shelter under your home, unless you have an exit that leads OUTSIDE. You don't want to wake up one day, in your comfy survivor bubble, to find out you cannot open the door, because your house collapsed. "Oh honey, wake up, we and the kids are going to starve/dehydrate to death, guaranteed."
  • If you plan on hiding out in a shelter to wait out fallout, marauders, zombies, whatever, don't expect anything that can aid in survival to be available after you come out of hiding. This includes all of the other food in your garage and your boat at the harbor. Actually, if a boat is part of your plan, LIVE ON IT.
  • Burying caches is a good idea, as long as you KNOW where they are.... do not depend on GPS. After all, if there is an alien invasion, I doubt very seriously they will leave our satellites intact. Also, an atmospheric nuclear explosion (EMP type scenario) will likely destroy satellites in the vicinity, and maybe your GPS. Keep a shovel.
  • If you make a nifty tool to aid in survival (such as escaping a home collapse), make sure you test it on actual wood and not paper like substances.
  • Store ammo...it may be a finite resource, but it will certainly help you survive the crap load of people that will likely be chasing you.
  • If you live in a high population area, there is no need for storing 5 years worth of food. You will likely not survive the 100s of thousands of starving people knocking down doors looking for food. Simply store enough to bug out at the first sign of trouble, escape into the wilderness (if there is any left), then build shelter, hunt and forage for food.
  • Carrying a suitcase, rather than a backpack is not going to save you. Starving, scared, and thirsty people don't care if its on your back, or in your hand... they will likely kill you for it.
  • Have a back up plan... this means remember where any and all food, shelter, and defense items can be.... yes, that means other preppers. Remember, most people will choose family over friends, so trust no one but your family. If you do not, when it comes down to who must, and will die, it will likely be you.
  • And last, but certainly not least. Don't put the face of your entire family on TV showing the entire world that you have what it takes for THEM to survive. See the previous tip.

Ok, yes, this was said in a joking manner, and most is gathered from what I saw on this show called "Doomsday Preppers". I know some of this is brought out at the end of the show, but come on people! I'll agree, there is some good info that i get from it, but don't they realize they have completely erased any chance of survival simply by putting their face on TV?
First, I'd like to say that I began the planning for survival some time ago. I don't have a particular scenario in mind, I just believe that the world is too volatile of place for civil behavior to last for too long. I do have a few pointers for all of you though. Some of this I am sure has been said, but this how I want to introduce myself. I don't claim to be an expert, as I have plenty to learn about... however, this is just good ole common sense:

  • Don't build a shelter under your home, unless you have an exit that leads OUTSIDE. You don't want to wake up one day, in your comfy survivor bubble, to find out you cannot open the door, because your house collapsed. "Oh honey, wake up, we and the kids are going to starve/dehydrate to death, guaranteed."
  • If you plan on hiding out in a shelter to wait out fallout, marauders, zombies, whatever, don't expect anything that can aid in survival to be available after you come out of hiding. This includes all of the other food in your garage and your boat at the harbor. Actually, if a boat is part of your plan, LIVE ON IT.
  • Burying caches is a good idea, as long as you KNOW where they are.... do not depend on GPS. After all, if there is an alien invasion, I doubt very seriously they will leave our satellites intact. Also, an atmospheric nuclear explosion (EMP type scenario) will likely destroy satellites in the vicinity, and maybe your GPS. Keep a shovel.
  • If you make a nifty tool to aid in survival (such as escaping a home collapse), make sure you test it on actual wood and not paper like substances.
  • Store ammo...it may be a finite resource, but it will certainly help you survive the crap load of people that will likely be chasing you.
  • If you live in a high population area, there is no need for storing 5 years worth of food. You will likely not survive the 100s of thousands of starving people knocking down doors looking for food. Simply store enough to bug out at the first sign of trouble, escape into the wilderness (if there is any left), then build shelter, hunt and forage for food.
  • Carrying a suitcase, rather than a backpack is not going to save you. Starving, scared, and thirsty people don't care if its on your back, or in your hand... they will likely kill you for it.
  • Have a back up plan... this means remember where any and all food, shelter, and defense items can be.... yes, that means other preppers. Remember, most people will choose family over friends, so trust no one but your family. If you do not, when it comes down to who must, and will die, it will likely be you.
  • And last, but certainly not least. Don't put the face of your entire family on TV showing the entire world that you have what it takes for THEM to survive. See the previous tip.

Ok, yes, this was said in a joking manner, and most is gathered from what I saw on this show called "Doomsday Preppers". I know some of this is brought out at the end of the show, but come on people! I'll agree, there is some good info that i get from it, but don't they realize they have completely erased any chance of survival simply by putting their face on TV?

Welcome and thank you for taking time to join Doomsday Prepper Forums.com. Your presence here is much appreciated. We look forward to your posts, and hope you enjoy the community!

I couldn't agree more about going on TV and showing what have, and your plane. If these people are wanting to help other be making themselves targets or sacrificial lambs then it is a noble effort. I won't do it!

Thank you again for taking the time to join Doomsday Prepper Forums.com!
god damn it, I hadnt even thought about the aliens knocking out the satalites.
I am already feeling lost, thinking about it. hehehehehehe
last point is important! haha

probably throw in a combat knife or machete for good measure, infinite ammo.. so long u are fed and your limbs are intact.
Welcome !
Welcome Furian!
Great points you make!