I'm strongly opposed to the 2nd amendment

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Tom Brands

Awesome Friend
Feb 9, 2017
Amateur Radio Call Sign
As someone who thinks there's way too much gun violence, I have to say I don't like the 2nd amendment. I think it needs to be removed. That being said, I realize a lot of preppers use weapons. I'm thinking that maybe we could all start working on ways to live without guns. That's a step in the right direction.
Living without guns doesn't a law abiding society make, it just means those who would do violence come up with more interesting ways to kill, maim and terrorise. Weapon (of any sort) control does not work because there will always be those who are greedy, lazy and just plain evil enough to want what you have but don't want to acquire it in the usual law abiding way. Then there are those who are ust evil enough to enjoy killing for killing sake.
post deleted just realised he is a troll


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As someone who thinks there's way too much gun violence, I have to say I don't like the 2nd amendment. I think it needs to be removed. That being said, I realize a lot of preppers use weapons. I'm thinking that maybe we could all start working on ways to live without guns. That's a step in the right direction.

Everyone is hoping your a Troll. I'm hoping your not, just confused about the world you are currently living in, in your head, as apposed to the real one that exists. With that said, when the world gives up their guns I will be the last to turn in mine. More than likely I'll still have a stash buried just in case. See we are dealing with the creature man, and man will lie cheat and steal to get ahead. This utopia idea is just that, and a bad one. Communism tried it and what happened? Greed took over. Power took over. Then it failed. This is history's lesson to us all. Be ready because man and nature don't give a damn about your utopian ideas. Prove me wrong.....
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As someone who thinks there's way too much gun violence, I have to say I don't like the 2nd amendment. I think it needs to be removed. That being said, I realize a lot of preppers use weapons. I'm thinking that maybe we could all start working on ways to live without guns. That's a step in the right direction.
As someone who thinks there's way too much gun violence, I have to say I don't like the 2nd amendment. I think it needs to be removed. That being said, I realize a lot of preppers use weapons. I'm thinking that maybe we could all start working on ways to live without guns. That's a step in the right direction.

Do you do stand up comedy?
310 million nonmilitary firearms in the United States as of 2009.

An anti gun troll and a SNOWFLAKE!
310 million guns in American.
Come get 'em. Shoot
The U.S. is the ONLY nation in the world with anything like a 2nd Amendment.
Our founding Fathers were pretty smart!!!!
molon abe

Want my guns?
Come get 'em.
I just found this,,,you are either a troll,,,OR CRAZIER THAN A **** HOUSE RAT,,,,,either way you are good cheap entertainment

Sir! You certainly have a way with words and a fantastic command of the English
I commend you! GREAT!:)
The o.p. a snowflake troll won't last long here.
I'm rather surprised someone hasn't personally slapped snot out of "it".
"It" because it's rather difficult to determine from it's language if it's gender
is male or female or something in between.:rolleyes:
he'll last about 5 minutes after SHTF.

Yeah, I get it.
He does not.
Post shtf the weak are killed and eaten. Add idiots to that list of killed and eaten.

I'd hate to be in Chicago, Detroit, N.Y.C., Miami, L.A., or any other mega city.
This is where city preppers might well bug in, hole, up, keep a very low profile and
pray a whole bunch.
Which just led to to a thought.
If preppers in mega cities, or any big city, could bunch up quickly to share resources
and protect one another would CHURCHES be good places to gather?
That might not be a bad idea for church elders, ministers, members, to bounce around.
I'd think Christian preppers are the exact kind of people all want to survive
and prosper. I'd venture to suggest most here are Christians, church goers or not.
Ethics, values, and so forth.
Church. Yeah a great place for people to get introduced to prepping.
Any ministers here?
"God helps those who help themselves."
That is the extent of my preaching.

^^Stabbing deaths by country.
Japan: Takuma was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, antisocial personality disorder and paranoid personality disorder. He was later convicted and sentenced to death by hanging. The sentence was carried out on September 14, 2004.

Hung him. Well now that ain't so bad now is it?

Oh. England did that!
“A team from West Middlesex University Hospital said violent crime is on the increase - and kitchen knives are used in as many as half of all stabbings.” The BBC added that “many assaults are committed impulsively, prompted by alcohol and drugs, and a kitchen knife often makes an all too available weapon.”

Ban hammers, ball bats, rocks, while your at it.
Weapon of choice among females with nefarious intent?

Magna and Joseph Goebbels poisoned their 6 children when it was clear the Nazi's would
be over run.
Ban poison.

Oh. England did that!
“A team from West Middlesex University Hospital said violent crime is on the increase - and kitchen knives are used in as many as half of all stabbings.” The BBC added that “many assaults are committed impulsively, prompted by alcohol and drugs, and a kitchen knife often makes an all too available weapon.”

There are some weapons we can own without having to obtain a license (permission to break the law), that is for now. I wonder when they will decide to ban them or have people need a license to own one
a crossbow and/or a air rifle.
And I've got two, a Jaguar & a Panther.
As someone who thinks there's way too much gun violence, I have to say I don't like the 2nd amendment. I think it needs to be removed. That being said, I realize a lot of preppers use weapons. I'm thinking that maybe we cDictatorsould all start working on ways to live without guns. That's a step in the right direction.
It is obvious from your initial post that you have not a clue as to what takes place in the real world. Weither it be here or Russia or china of Japan, the bad guys and gals are not going to turn in their guns.

So you want to disarm all the law abiding citizens just so you can feel safe. I'm guessing that you don't want to disarm the police nor the military right?

Dictatorship here we come
They may both behave the same, but a troll stirs up trouble in a calculating manner, whereas an ******* does it because it is just who he is. An ******* may likely be 100% honest about who he is and what he thinks. In fact, it is that unbridled honesty that gets him in trouble most of the time. Trolls are generally completely dishonest about who they are and what they really believe.
They may both behave the same, but a troll stirs up trouble in a calculating manner, whereas an ******* does it because it is just who he is. An ******* may likely be 100% honest about who he is and what he thinks. In fact, it is that unbridled honesty that gets him in trouble most of the time. Trolls are generally completely dishonest about who they are and what they really believe.
Thank you. That clarifies a lot.

A philospher named Aaron James wrote a delightful book called *******s, and it's required reading in a lot of corporations.

His take (in an oversimplified version) is that there are three requirements to be an *******:

1) A sense of entitlement.
2) The ******* is, somehow, insulated from punishment and/or the consequences of his/her entitlement.
3) This behavior (from the sense of entitlement) is an ingrained characteristic that doesn't change over time.

I disagree with James in a very small way. I would only add that to qualify as an *******, there must be a subtle sense of sadism, as a real ******* actually enjoys being an *******.
Technically Tom was a "sock puppet" as was Skeeter. To understand what that means, imagine a person with two sock puppets on his hands having a conversation between the two sock puppets. Now go back and read the posts where Tom and Skeeter are the main two participants with that image in mind.

Most likely, Tom, Skeeter, and Tonto were all the same person.
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