In-town advice?

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Awesome Friend
Dec 7, 2015
Spoke to a friend yesterday. He lives right in the middle of a small town, maybe 20k people & maybe 20 miles from a 1 million-population city. He' s a 'baby prepper'. He talked to me about isolating/protecting his property in case of SHTF. Young family. He has some food & ammo. But, he's got a house on every side of him every 75 ft for blocks and blocks around him. Not a wealthy town, so plenty of low-lifes/druggies/criminals.

Short of 'get out of town', what other advice would you give him? He's thinking about the coronavirus shutting down stores & people out looking for food/looting.

He has 100 neighbors closer than my closest neighbor, I'm not sure what to suggest... there is the saying that "you can't defend your house from your house". It's not even a brick house, it'll go up like a roman candle with one match.
let's see;
at first I would place a fire extinguisher in every room; this should be anyway a first idea in a wooden house;
if the statics allow it; maybe a New-York like watertank on the roof/under the roof at the top floor/bath room,
fortifying the furniture such as steel plate cabinets against the walls in the living rooms etc.;
no wood/timber furniture / carpets rather than hard-to-burn-plastics;
windows made stone throwing/bullet proof to avoid molotov cocktails inhouse
fire resisting paintings for the roof and outside walls...
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Number 1...... make friends with all the neighbors next to you. In most cases, we are talking about 4 houses. Make sure you have a way to contact them in case of problems. Even if it is just a meeting place at the fence. There is power in numbers. If those neighbors can make some type of defense plan with their other neighbors, it can grow from there. You need some type of "early warning system" and your neighbors will be your best source.

We all have neighbors who you don't trust and will refuse. You and your reliable neighbors just have to work around them.

NOTE, never show your total hand of how prepared you are. Once, they start to run out, they will come knocking at your door. So, when talking to them continue to point out that you really need to get more supplies.
When you are up to your ass in aligators you either MOVE or get eaten, To make a timber built home secure PROPERLY will cost more than moving, so that leaves him three choices, Move, Stand and die or get together with the neighbours and take control of the block Posse style.
I agree best plan in this scenario is going to involve other people. It will be a little tricky determining who they are. And of course keep your friends close and your enemies closer. . . you want to know who the people are who you don't trust too. Probably feed them misinformation that will get them out of your way when SHTF.
Now, not enough info. He has houses around him but does that mean he is in a house or in an apartment complex surrounded by a housing development. Does he rent or is it his place. Without any specifics, the only thing I can suggest is he must prepared to evac or hunker down and not exit his place until it he has to or it has returned to a reasonable safe condition. Too many unknowns. Digging up the property of a rental house, to plant thorn bushes, may not make him to popular with the home owner.
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returning to make Your home proof against fire; just go to Your next fire department, ask them, they should have enough ideas specific for Your house;
Shurbs and dorn trees requires active gardening, You do not want to have dried out bushes around Your home,
some 3 ft gravel stripe around your house walls will help as well (noisy steping on the gravel helps to warn You)
but the best advice comes from the preppers above, pack Yourself to a neighborhood watch; to be a part of a tribe is the oldest surving strategy of the mankind
There are window and door screens that are basically tear/cut proof but these are very pricey. Burglar bars are another option. He is thinking about fortifying his home now so that is good. Holly type bushes and prickly cactus can be planted under windows. Even a fence around the property will help some if done right. Add in a couple dogs. . . Most criminals will look for the easiest targets first. Get to know your neighbors and band together in a neighborhood watch. There maybe a time when he does have to pull up stakes and move out.