Interesting Concept in expedeint tentage- Life Cube

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Silent Bob

Awesome Friend
Mar 20, 2014
Okay, I am usually one of the first to want to purchase something that is way to cool to save me time in the field. I actually stumbled on the company's website by accident. Intrigued, I went through all their online videos and marketing products. The company is based in Santa Barbara, the key company owners have experience in either the military, DHS or Red Cross. I wrote Nick Pedersen, who is the Business Development Manager for Life Cube, Inc.

It has a very interesting concept both in delivery and also how the product is made operational. Everything is packed up nicely in this cube and that includes communications/power source if you buy the high end option. The product sets up in minutes based on their videos and brochures.

The only problem for us preppers is that it is very cost prohibitive and for most of you, I know way out of the price range, when you start thinking the cost could pretty much fill your food, ammo, and everything else budget for a good year. So this is more for information for preppers. If I have about 20K lying around, I will certainly purchase one...just to have as an alternative BOL site.

I've included the price tag sheet, brochure and tech order for you all to enjoy. I found it very interesting that the local chapter of the American Red Cross was involved in the design. A good idea, but very self-limiting in mass care and at the cost...can't see National ever adopting it as a Mass Care shelter option...the cost is way to prohibitive on donor dollars. What do you think DrHenley or Maverick...think the local Red Cross chapter in your areas afford to buy a few dozen?

As I said to Mr. Pedersen, if they could drop the cost of the Life Cube where it could be affordable, I could see it in many applications, not only from the Red Cross sense, but also from a prepper sense. Granted, I am sure you all are going to laugh and say Bob is crazy, when I can go to Walmart and pick up a $80 dollar tent. Which was also what I was thinking when I watched the video...but it sure is nice...

Here is the website for those that want to watch the videos.

Enjoy Silent Bob


    1.2 MB
  • Life Cube Sheltered Delivery System User Manual.pdf
    2.1 MB
  • Life Cube - Models.pdf
    362 KB
i clicked on the link you provided..and the top pic of the life a great concept.and theyd be better then a tent at a bol ...and maybe a bug in location if needed..
i clicked on the link you provided..and the top pic of the life a great concept.and theyd be better then a tent at a bol ...and maybe a bug in location if needed..

Yeah, the low end model, you have a manual air pump...the second model gives you the solar panel and the built in ventilation that pumps up the tent. I'd be interested in hearing what Clyde, Potter County Man or our guy that are into HAM tell us what they think of the communication set up. As I said to Pedersen in my email, I think I'd opt for the second package and just bring in our own HAM gear, but their comm stuff looked pretty compact on their floor model.
yeah,im not sure about the communication set up my self..but i do like the table set up it goes with it..i also like the over head nets for storage as the entrance way looks good.i just wonder if something can be put along one side of it for wraps during the winter
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Of course, I can set up a dome tent in less than 10 minutes, so can't really beat that cost and time

Of course, I can set up a dome tent in less than 10 minutes, so can't really beat that cost and time

Yuppers. I wanted to see how much they contacted the website. I think the guy thought I was a dealer rep. When I thanked him and made some suggestions, he never answered. You have to admit the concept is really good. I was wondering what the sides and floor are made up. Hard to tell in the video and pictures...almost comes together like LEGO blocks. I did like how they moved the cube on those rings, almost like hulla-hoops. Impressed that only one person could move it around too. So I am sure some government dude will lay our tax money out there for it. I am hoping Clyde will be able to tell us what he thought of the communication equipment.

The air tent concept is not something new, we had a few prototypes brought to us, when I was stationed at RAF Mildenhall in 2000 and field deployed them to a few African Embassy missions as a temporary command airfield command post. They were very inexpensive at least from a government point of view, so if we had to leave them loss...of course being the bastard that I was when I worked in the knife would have found a place to make the tent unserviceable.

Like you, I've got an assortment of tents. Most expensive one was one I got from Cabella's Alaskan even has a nice gas stove that can exhaust out the top. Pretty warm in the summer, but I've got a small little A.C. unit that runs off solar battery/panel.
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For 20k I could build 2 complete tiny homes on trailers including solar, heat and water setups. I see a lot of ideas like this Lifecube as I am constantly bombarded with links to tiny home and similar sites.
For 20k I could build 2 complete tiny homes on trailers including solar, heat and water setups. I see a lot of ideas like this Lifecube as I am constantly bombarded with links to tiny home and similar sites.

Yes, that is why its so cost prohibitive for most preppers. I agree with you, part of the reason, I will not invest in one, I can use the money elsewhere, but if we hit the, sign me up for one. In my email, I told him that if they reduce the price by 60% of the MSRP...I could see it as a viable option for some organizations, if they got it down to about 2,500, I could see it being sold in Bass Pro Shop or Cabellas, as a high end camping different than that high speed diesel SHTF truck that has all the bells and whistles on it.

I am sure the government will buy them in some quantities. They are to high end to just give to a single family to use as a FEMA shelter and don't serve the long-term purpose. I am sure their are FEMA folks that think its cool, but its not going to meet some of their requirements for long-term shelter. As you all remember after Katrina...FEMA got a black eye for those trailers that got people sick. So they will be very careful at latching on to some quick fix program. I can't see National Red Cross spending donor dollars for something like this. When it comes to mass care sheltering, they are responsible to help support the states Mass Care program which is ran under the eye of the Governor's Emergency Management Team, at least it is in Texas. At one time, it was guided by a lady (can't think of her name, but she was Salvation Army), but worked with the local Red Cross Chapter in Austin to coordinate things. My point here is Red Cross does some crazy stuff, so who knows who is pitching it from the Santa Barbara Chapter. No doubt the designers donated a few of them to the chapter and that is why they support it. From an application standpoint, give me a school gym or the whole school as a shelter...then let me do my magic. Of course it really depends on very well trained volunteers and the local chapter here, lost a good many people since 2008. I just know that most non-metropolitan chapters don't have that money to spend on one...donated yes, but just to I'd rather have a few more blankets, cots and pillows in storage for that price.
20k is a LOT of blankets, cots and pillows. And I could totally see FEMA, a government agency, wasting tax dollars on something like this.

I can't tell you how much...we spent on Katrina on blanket alone and most of cots were trashed after that event.