Interesting piece from CA

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Kalifornia's slogan:

Give me your tired, your poor
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free
Because we always need more Democrat voters to dupe.
I watched a bunch of Youtube videos of all the homeless tent encampments and all the RV's that people live in lining the streets in several places, what a mess.....visited California twice for work years ago and saw enough of the homeless and filth in San Diego and surrounding areas for me to know I would never go back let alone live there....
I have been to Cali 2 times,,,,,it wouldn't be hard to go on a rant,,,,,,BUT,,,,,I will be polite and say,it's not my cup of tea,,,,
This is exactly why we have an Electoral College folks. Do we really want California and New York making all of the decisions for the nation? I mean, they do so well at their own governments....

By the same token, do we really want the uneducated farmers in bumsville nowhere making all the decisions of the nation?
I remember years ago, a boss said he was thinking about moving a new project I started out to the California division (silicon valley) and send me to lead it, telling me how the company had a great relocation package. I smiled at him & said I don't think I'd be able to get 100 acres out there & asked to let me know as I'll be needing to update my resume. He didn't move the project and I stayed at the job.
I remember years ago, a boss said he was thinking about moving a new project I started out to the California division (silicon valley) and send me to lead it, telling me how the company had a great relocation package. I smiled at him & said I don't think I'd be able to get 100 acres out there & asked to let me know as I'll be needing to update my resume. He didn't move the project and I stayed at the job.

lol. Zero chance this actually happened.
By the same token, do we really want the uneducated farmers in bumsville nowhere making all the decisions of the nation?

This is a good point, too. The type of person you bring up here is so easily persuadable with the cheapest of tactics. They can be told, "The illegals are takin' yer jobs!!" and immediately they vote for a racist candidate.
By the same token, do we really want the uneducated farmers in bumsville nowhere making all the decisions of the nation?

It's funny you say that.

This redneck in bumsville nowhere has a Master's Degree. As does my wife. How about you?

Most of the country folk I know are highly educated. The stigma you are getting from Hollywood is not correct. Nor is education the hallmark of being informed. Indeed, modern education is more about indoctrination than actually teaching kids anything.

These are the folks that voted for Trump. The ones who plow fields, work in manufacturing plants, drive trucks, etc. They felt ignored for years by those they voted for. They also felt disgusted to see a candidate get CAUGHT rigging the party primary, accepting money from those unfriendly to us, secret deals on the tarmac, and yet STILL being put forward as the candidate. If you think emails or Benghazi did Clinton in, ask a redneck. It was NONE of that nonsense. Did we expect Trump to be some kind of savior? No. Not at all. But, as bad as he is.....he offered at least an alternative to that kind of corruption.

Would we prefer that it be without his tweets, or sexual allegations, etc.? Sure....but that's still a lot easier to take than the trail of bodies in the Clintons' wake.
This is a good point, too. The type of person you bring up here is so easily persuadable with the cheapest of tactics. They can be told, "The illegals are takin' yer jobs!!" and immediately they vote for a racist candidate

These folks are more than likely living in trailer parks in the suburbs or bad parts of town, than bumsville nowhere, in the flyover states.

Oh sure, there are your Honey Boo Boo types too, but from a guy who lives in the country, they seem to be the exception, more than the rule.

Anyone actually IN the country realizes that illegals are basically a necessity to agriculture. Without them, we'd all be paying at least 3 times the price for produce, and then any goods involving it. Personally, the wall is one of the dumbest ideas I've ever heard of. Instead, take just a QUARTER of that money, and put it into immigration court reform, and you'll do a hell of a lot more good with it.

As for where to get that money, that's easy. Just add a surcharge to every wire transfer back to every time Juan sends over half his money back to the rest of the family, Uncle Sam gets a piece of it. Trump even had this up on his site for most of the campaign. I'm not sure why he hasn't brought this up more often.

Yeah, we rednecks in bumsville nowhere actually go on the candidates' sites and view their platforms. Did you ever look at Hillary's? Honestly, she had curing diseases in her platform. Like that has anything at all to do with POTUS. I mean, c'mon people. You talk about appealing to the derps in the population....Hillary's platform was a frickin' joke list.

Bernie actually had some solid ideas. What he was lacking, was any inkling of economics on how we'd PAY for any of it, but there were some good ideas. But, a lot of it hinged on folks who already had medical insurance paying even more....even more than ObamaCare already bumped that wasn't so hot. 3 of his 5 key points were actually just other words for taxes.
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By the same token, do we really want the uneducated farmers in bumsville nowhere making all the decisions of the nation?
It's funny you say that.

This redneck in bumsville nowhere has a Master's Degree. As does my wife. How about you?

Most of the country folk I know are highly educated. The stigma you are getting from Hollywood is not correct. Nor is education the hallmark of being informed. Indeed, modern education is more about indoctrination than actually teaching kids anything.

I missed that comment, must have been someone on ignore...

Well, there you have it. Elitist East/West coast liberal who thinks he is smarter than the peasants in flyover country, and so he wants to tell the peasants how to live, who to vote for, yada yada yada. Exactly what the founding fathers feared.

The average farmer knows 100 times more about economics and how this country actually works than the average smarty pants liberal. Just look at all the cities these "geniuses" have ruined!

And they still haven't figured out why Trump won...:rolleyes:
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It's funny you say that.

This redneck in bumsville nowhere has a Master's Degree. As does my wife. How about you?

Most of the country folk I know are highly educated. The stigma you are getting from Hollywood is not correct. Nor is education the hallmark of being informed. Indeed, modern education is more about indoctrination than actually teaching kids anything.

These are the folks that voted for Trump. The ones who plow fields, work in manufacturing plants, drive trucks, etc. They felt ignored for years by those they voted for. They also felt disgusted to see a candidate get CAUGHT rigging the party primary, accepting money from those unfriendly to us, secret deals on the tarmac, and yet STILL being put forward as the candidate. If you think emails or Benghazi did Clinton in, ask a redneck. It was NONE of that nonsense. Did we expect Trump to be some kind of savior? No. Not at all. But, as bad as he is.....he offered at least an alternative to that kind of corruption.

Would we prefer that it be without his tweets, or sexual allegations, etc.? Sure....but that's still a lot easier to take than the trail of bodies in the Clintons' wake.

I also have a masters degree. Was I supposed to be impressed? What I said still holds true. Voters in California and New York are more educated than voters in Texas
Build the Wall and let things work themselves out, they will in time regardless of the bitching.....I know a Farmer who can fix tractors that the guys who designed it can't, I guess he is dumb. I had an Uncle with No College education who took on a whole Municipality where he lived over Zoning ( they told him he could not build as many barns as he wanted to ) he collected Tractors and old steel mill tooling and as collection grew he needed to build more barns to store all of it, he rebuilt and fixed all of the stuff as a hobby.....when court day came he represented himself, after he presented his case, the Judge threw all charges against him out and told the County to leave him alone....his neighbors made him a local Hero....
Build the Wall and let things work themselves out, they will in time regardless of the bitching.....I know a Farmer who can fix tractors that the guys who designed it can't, I guess he is dumb. I had an Uncle with No College education who took on a whole Municipality where he lived over Zoning ( they told him he could not build as many barns as he wanted to ) he collected Tractors and old steel mill tooling and as collection grew he needed to build more barns to store all of it, he rebuilt and fixed all of the stuff as a hobby.....when court day came he represented himself, after he presented his case, the Judge threw all charges against him out and told the County to leave him alone....his neighbors made him a local Hero....

Wow that's cool. 2 stories of people with little education fixing a tractor and arguing with people on a board. Maybe no one should go to college so they can all grow up to be geniuses like ur uncle.
Voters in California and New York are more educated than voters in Texas

Yes, and how well are California and New York doing on things? This is exactly why we don't need them deciding things for the rest of us.

So please, tell me again how valuable these "educated voters" are....LOL

(these are also the same locations where the late shows poll these college kids on things any idiot should know, and get ridiculous answers....)

I also have a masters degree

Sure ya do Vegan Ninja....sure ya do.... ;)

EDIT: FYI, my father never went to college, his last non-consultant job was working on navigation systems for the F-22. Made more than I'll ever see each year, lol.
Hey I’m a a Californian! We aren’t all hippy liberals...This is why most of the state below LA wants to separate.. We aren’t actually represented. Most of SoCal votes 75% conservative. It’s all the illegals voting from LA up that are screwing everything up here.. (insert smart ass useless comment from someone with a cowboy or indian avatar) I’m not big in the edgimication thing. I’ve never seen a masters degree save anything but egos. I am IQ tested high if that matters 167. Lol I’ll bet when the metals meeting the meat no one will give a damn about how you like to argue tanto.. I’ll take Gaz in a fight over your “enlightened” self any day. However I digress. Yes it’s very screwed up here in California because we allow illegals to vote so there’s a madness happening here. The same groups that flee Mexico for a “better life” are the same ones waving the Mexican flag and talking about how great it is but, we owe them citizenship. Really? Welcome to Mexico 2.0 where the lunatics are in charge of the nuthouse. Now we have Jerry Brown and tax everything economics.. Yep liberal states are great...

Sensei you told me the 167 was your waist size :) did I not read recently that many repub or tory Californians are investigating setting to TWO states North and South because they were fed up with the Marxists running the state?
Yes there's becoming quite the push for it. Signature gatherers are starting to appear. I doubt it can happen but, there's always hope...
Well, my best wishes for SoCal to succeed! (or maybe secede, lol)
Yes, and how well are California and New York doing on things? This is exactly why we don't need them deciding things for the rest of us.

So please, tell me again how valuable these "educated voters" are....LOL

(these are also the same locations where the late shows poll these college kids on things any idiot should know, and get ridiculous answers....)

Sure ya do Vegan Ninja....sure ya do.... ;)

EDIT: FYI, my father never went to college, his last non-consultant job was working on navigation systems for the F-22. Made more than I'll ever see each year, lol.

ok so, you throw out this claim of having a masters degree to make yourself seem more credible or something. And you follow it up with a challenge to me (I have a masters, what do YOU have). Unfortunately for you, I actually do have a masters degree, and it bothers you that you didn't get some sort of upper hand.
From the one the belittled the plumber, master degree means **** up here, it offers nothing I can use... you hinting at like you have a GOD complex, perhaps a spoiled brat that thinks he deserving tonto.

I have a degree in forestry and a master of science in criminology and a bachelor in biology, it got me hired with a bigger paycheck

My Wife is one semester away from a PhD, all that does for her is put her in a new department with bigger pay maybe a few more state choices if we decide to move, when I worked enforcement with fish and wildlife with those degrees meant little in real life, a journeyman plumber made more than I did nore does it mean i was better than the plumber or smarter. It's g'damn pathetic pitching degrees as a better person in society or deserving some righteous recognition, it means **** to the majority of the world, in real life where the sweat meets the dirt, those folks built the world, not some homely child with a masters in some nice office.

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