The best thing I can tell you about food storage is CAN,CAN,CAN. WE must have at least 800 qts. of canned meat, soup, CAJUN chili, veggies. It is hard to keep milk canned because my wife and daughter drink it as fast as I can get it in the jar. We put our rice, beans, flour, cereal, pasta, COOKIES( a man has to have cookies), candy, dried fruits,ect, in mylar bags. That way air and humidity doesn't get to it to spoil them. I opened a can of homemade turkey & veggie soup and a can of milk I had canned 2yrs. ago. They were as good as when we canned them. We have really put our pressure canner to use. I will try to can butter next. You can go to youtube and type in home canning. You can get instructions on canning almost anything. My wife, daughter and I all have our bugout bags ready. we carry different things in each one. I have an extra BOB just for food. That it besides what we have in our own bags. As cajuns, we were brought up along the bayou(river to you northerners, HAHA) so we will be able to survive in the wild, if we have to bugout of our BOL.