Se let's get some things straight...
Iran is in Persia, not Arabia, and Iranians are not Arabs, they are Persians. The official language of Iran is Persian, not Arabic. (might not sound that important a distinction, but it is)
There is a very large and very active pro-Democracy movement in Iran
The current President of Iran, Hassan Rouhani, was elected based on promises of preparing a civil right charter, restoring the economy, and improving rocky relations with the West - none of which has happened and things have gone in the opposite direction.
Iran has a "Supreme Leader" selected by the "Assembly of Experts" whose members are appointed by the "Guardian Council" whose members are appointed by the Supreme Leader (sounds almost comical, like something out of an Austin Powers movie) who collectively are the real power in Iran. It should come as no surprise then that there have only ever been two Supreme Leaders. These clowns are what are loosely referred to as "The Ayatollahs."
The Ayatollahs are besieged by economic woes and internal rioting and are at their weakest point ever.