Is Canada cracking down on preppers sites?

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Awesome Friend
Mar 8, 2013
Washington State - between 2 mountains and a river
Several of the prepper site are suspended in Canada or taken completely down, anything going on up north? the most recent one is inchsurvival

Facebook and Twitter pages still up but no recent activity and can't get to their blog or store. Hmmmmm....
Several of the prepper site are suspended in Canada or taken completely down, anything going on up north? the most recent one is inchsurvival

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Could be that their server is down or they failed to pay their subscription to their server...that's a good way to lose your site. Other than that...I can't see the leftist party in Ottawa reacting to such things...they have bigger fish to fry than a bunch of BLOG sites. Of course, we should talk right? Well those are my two ideas...guess something to keep a tab on in the coming weeks. I love a good mystery anyway.
mystery yes? I could possibly dismiss as not paying a bill but not with inchsurvival for them to go silent on FB and Twitter as Danil noted above and the other ones last week all on different servers with the servers located in Canada, I never been one to believe in coincidences, maybe it all is?
this is a case for mr Sherlock Holmes and his trusty sidekick mr Watson :)
Canaduh! Where they coddle the drug addicts and give them free heroin and stomp the freedom of speech into the ground!
Canaduh! Where they coddle the drug addicts and give them free heroin and stomp the freedom of speech into the ground!

Can I try to sum up where you're from in one sentence? I'll have to PM you, since I'd surely get booted...

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