Is It Possible To Get "Too Much Sleep" ?

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Formerly known as Supervisor42
HCL Supporter
Dec 16, 2017
I looked everywhere on the forum for a thread on this topic and couldn't find a thread one.
How much is 'too much' ?
Will it cause you physical harm?
What kind of harm? (Not including the wife whipping you for not doing your chores 🤣)

And as a contest for members:
Who here gets the most sleep?
Is it you??? :oops:
Not sure about too much.
But if I don't have something to do I can easily sleep 8 to 12 hours. When I was younger, this would be straight thru. Now days its more broken up.
Yep, that older bladder will give you an intermission.
Actually, when we were younger, our kidneys would shut down completely when we slept...
Not anymore. :(
I wish I could get more sleep. It's always something, usually husband is up. I love my 8 hrs, so I'm absolutely not the winner of the most sleep, I usually get about 7. I can't nap. Never could. Everyone around here sleeps weird hrs...up at 4:30, nap from 2 to 4. Never go visiting around here from 2 to 4.
I need to go to bed. Alarm will go off at 6.
Too much sleep can and does happen when a person is depressed and lacks motivation. It’s not conducive to overall health, especially when the sleep is alcohol induced.

Flip side of coin is when a person is so tired that they can’t sleep well. Go figure how that happens, but I’ve been there and it sucks.
I get WAY TOO LITTLE SLEEP!! If I get 5 hours, it's not five in a row!! I have NEVER set an alarm!! Sometimes animals want me up, sometimes I wake them up! My naps are 6 to 15 minutes lately, used to be 6-10! My sciatica doesn't help! And I have had the same sleep pattern since I was a small child! I'M TIRED!!
Hi. I’m awake, it is 1:22am . I’ve no reason to be here other than undisciplined sleep habits and doing a last check for spammers. If I go to bed early I will still wake up too early and I rarely get 6 hrs. As we age, they say we need less sleep. I disagree with that. Seemed like older people I knew went to bed very early, by 8. I don’t know if they got up super early but they didn’t have a farm to run.
On my days off, I stay up too late, reading, but then I might get 7 or 8 hours sleep, broken up. Dog, cat, outside noises. No bladder, kidney or sciatica issues for me.
Goodnight! 😴
Hi. I’m awake, it is 1:22am . I’ve no reason to be here other than undisciplined sleep habits and doing a last check for spammers. If I go to bed early I will still wake up too early and I rarely get 6 hrs. As we age, they say we need less sleep. I disagree with that. Seemed like older people I knew went to bed very early, by 8. I don’t know if they got up super early but they didn’t have a farm to run.
On my days off, I stay up too late, reading, but then I might get 7 or 8 hours sleep, broken up. Dog, cat, outside noises. No bladder, kidney or sciatica issues for me.
Goodnight! 😴
Dang! You miss all the fun we have after 2:am :(.
I've a line in a poem, 'Nothing good every happens after 2am' 😂

I believe in certain cases too much sleep makes you lethargic- especially if you are suffering from certain conditions.
I hit the sack between 9:00pm - 10:00pm every night and I'm up no later than 4:30am. I would love to try to get too much sleep, but I have cats and a dog.
I think the most common reason for sleeping a lot is depression. My wife has problems with depression & can sleep 12 hours with no problem. I'm the opposite & only get 4 to 5.5 hours of sleep a night. I did a sleep study once & the lady said that she had never seen anyone go into REM sleep in something like 3 minutes. Maybe that's why I can go for long periods with very little sleep. My main problem is once I'm awake I can't go back to sleep. About once every couple of months it catches up to me & my system shuts down & I have a nice long knap. My cardiac doctor even gave me a speech about how important sleep is on the last visit. At the time I though him telling me about sleep & how important it was is like telling a man how important drinking water is when he doesn't have it. I'd love to get more sleep, I just can't. Oh & there's nothing worse that to be really, really tired & laying down & not being able to fall asleep. That sucks!
My two cents worth.

Forgive me if I am repeating here as I have not read the thread.

The Beta Dream State is when we sleep the deepest. That is when the body focuses on sending free oxygen to the places it feels needs healing. During that wake state the brain takes control and sends it elsewhere.

Therefore, if your body is in bad shape it may need extra sleep to do its healing.

What was discovered about 30 years ago is that MORE healing takes place when people meditate. This takes as little as 15 to 30 minutes a day.

Search for Dr. John Hageland. See: Link
I slept good when I was fat. 2017 and before. When I lost 90 pounds, they kept lowering my thyroid meds so I could sleep a little--3-6 hours a night. As of March of this year- weight is even lower but I have the medical card and the gummies seem to help a lot more than all the sleep meds I was on for a few years. Now, I sleep 7-9 hours a night-broken up for potty breaks. I feel so much better now that I am sleeping again!
I've always done best on 8 to 10 a night
If I sleep too much I feel like a zombie, anymore I feel like a zombie because I don't get enough sleep.
I can function a few days on 4 or 5 if I can at least get good rest on a weekend..but I feel crappy doing that.
I'm not sure , but I suspect b4 I started the whole woman menopause journey, I had this cycle of 3 weeks of crappy sleep and finally crash and have a few days of good correlated alot with the other female cycle I had.
I think my hormones were all messed up for a long time interfering with sleep too and I didn't know it.
A few years ago when my thyroid went sideways on me I had a comprehensive blood panel done and found out my estrogen and testrosgren are both a bit on the low end of the spectrum. I guess they can Guage where a gal is at in that journey and I'm about in the middle. But anyways, she offered to put me on hormones to alleviate hot flashes n and all those symptoms. So I tried it for awhile but noticed I'm calmer and sleep better , plus I dislike taking medication..I can deal with heat waves occasionally.

Anyways, I really suspect my lady hormones being off contributed to my wacky sleeping habits when I was younger.

I've also started doing some kind of meditation..intentional relaxing and chilling out as I bed down and it really helps me .

Oh an I'm a huge fan of Valerian root b4 bed. It works great for me. I've taken weed gummies b4 and they are also great for sleep..but if I get piss tested I loose my job. So when I retire, I will sleep well and pain free .
I suppose I have the gift of being able to sleep and fall back to sleep. Usually though 6 hours is enough.

Sometimes I get on a roll after 5-6 hours of sleep and I can hit the 9 minute snooze button and go right back into a deep dream state before the alarm goes off again. It’s kinda cool to do that about 3 times in a row and continue a dream.
I suppose I have the gift of being able to sleep and fall back to sleep. Usually though 6 hours is enough.

Sometimes I get on a roll after 5-6 hours of sleep and I can hit the 9 minute snooze button and go right back into a deep dream state before the alarm goes off again. It’s kinda cool to do that about 3 times in a row and continue a dream.
Are you like me and can leave a dream for few minutes, and then return right where you left off? :oops:
It's really cool.:)
I mentioned in another thread where there was one with a girl hitting on me that I didn't like...
I told her "Oh yeah, well I can vanish right before your eyes!" and 'spun' myself out of the dream.
I returned a few minutes later, and she was very angry. 😡
Are you like me and can leave a dream for few minutes, and then return right where you left off? :oops:
It's really cool.:)
I mentioned in another thread where there was one with a girl hitting on me that I didn't like...
I told her "Oh yeah, well I can vanish right before your eyes!" and 'spun' myself out of the dream.
I returned a few minutes later, and she was very angry. 😡
To some extent, yes. But, the dream is still a dream, meaning it can be hard to make sense of. And, it only happens under certain life circumstances, meaning only when being physically active (working) and not drinking… alcohol interferes with natural sleep cycles.
To some extent, yes. But, the dream is still a dream, meaning it can be hard to make sense of. And, it only happens under certain life circumstances, meaning only when being physically active (working) and not drinking… alcohol interferes with natural sleep cycles.
Mine aren't! Every one is in Widescreen HD, Technicolor and surround-sound. :oops:
Every now and then, I can catch something illogical and can tell it is a dream.
I won't get into my nightmares, but I do know where Steven King got the stuff for his books. :rolleyes:
I could have given him a run for the money.:)
Is the 'reality' in your dreams only an hour 'there' or less?
I had one where I was 'there' for 2 weeks! :oops:
Are you like me and can leave a dream for few minutes, and then return right where you left off? :oops:
It's really cool.:)
I mentioned in another thread where there was one with a girl hitting on me that I didn't like...
I told her "Oh yeah, well I can vanish right before your eyes!" and 'spun' myself out of the dream.
I returned a few minutes later, and she was very angry. 😡
My wife mentions being in a dream, waking, and going back to sleep and picking right up where she left off. I don't recall ever doing that. I usually can't even recall what I was dreaming
I do believe too much sleep affects you as I use to do lucid dreaming. For a while every free moment I was trying to sleep. Body got sore and achy. I used to get 6-8 hours of sleep a night but now I'm lucky if I get 4-5 hours and never at one time. To make up for it I get a 1-2 hour nap in.

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