Is this the begining of the end as we know it?

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Awesome Friend
Jan 13, 2013
Swamps of Louisiana
So yesterday the US said we were going to be closing 14 embassies across the middle east d/t an Al Qaida threat "presidents birthday". Today it was upped to 21, this is unprecedented. Never in the history of the US have we closed so many at one time, we've closed 1 or 2 at a time before but not like this.

Today it was announced a World Wide travel alert specifically through out the mid east:

And with in the last hr an internal Emergency Order for all Trains in the US specifically carrying chemicals to be secured:

Egypt on the Verge of Civil War:

But No WORRIES folks Biden says "the military(Egyptian) did not take over": nothing to see here move along folks.

Run on Gold Bullion: Maloney&mk=1

A billionaires perspective on gold and the elite to control the world:

And finally Gun Confiscation begins in Illinois just like Cali:

There's more but I think we get the gist. Is this the end of the world as we know it??????
I totally agree, Bfree! In my personal opinion, them (being gov. nimrods) PUSHING this civil unrest issue over the Zimmerman thing looks like they want that to be the wick to the powder keg. Most people aren't even seeing the very quiet behind the scenes involving and pushing the feds are doing about it. Get that keg to blow and that is all it would take to institute marshall law and it would be all down hill from there.
p.s. sure hope i don't get in trouble for posting my thoughts so openly....
One of the gal's that also vends at the farmer's market with me, is in charge of ordering food supplies for the local intake facility for inmates and she was telling me that she's been told to increase the orders triple to what is normally ordered. Makes me wonder.
One of the gal's that also vends at the farmer's market with me, is in charge of ordering food supplies for the local intake facility for inmates and she was telling me that she's been told to increase the orders triple to what is normally ordered. Makes me wonder.

TRIPLE!!!...I take it that is there in your state? If that is the case then we are fixing to see old glory in a way none of us are wanting..but most are expecting. That actually goes along with a few things I have been told. The "caves" that are in the U.S. ...that do exist because I have delivered to several of them in the years between 2000 - 2005 seemed to be getting more deliveries than normal, at least that is what I was noticing. Now, since I have quit driving, but still have contact with several drivers still out there, I do know for sure that supplies have been going in those caves acting like they are loading for bear.....and there are 3 new ones that have been dug out since 2004 and very well stocked by now. So, all I can say for myself is....NOT YET!..I'M NOT READY ENOUGH!...LOL!
I just heard from someone in our State that there is going to be a meeting to deal with a coming disaster...and I know that person is a prepper...
If anyone follows the daily news, the real ones like drudge, Newsmax, WND then its getting outta control out there. Just today, a possible VX nerve gas attack at JFK airport in NY. Drudge is now reporting, its thought to be just some womens make up, but still this is what leads to mass hysteria. Im afraid that the feds are gonna cry wolf so much that when something really does go down we want know its actually true or this could be just what they want to do, keep us guessing.
Some people say that it can't happen here. Well, it already did. In the Great Depression there were people dying by the thousands from starvation alone. The difference between then and now is that people helped each other in those days and most people had gardens and raised their own chickens, ducks, rabbits, etc. Now days if Wally World isn't there, everybody will go ape ****. People are killing each other for nothing now and when TSHTF and someone finds out that you have a can of soup in your house, they will kill you for it. My Dad and Granddad told many stories about how it was during the depression. But, people were different then. Now days with the young generation we have, if the electricity goes out they will starve to death because the electric can opener doesn't work. I had a friend tell me when we canceled a cruise with them that he would rather spend his money on a cruise than on prepping. All I could tell his is " when TSHTF don't come to my house. I'm not going endanger my family for an idiot like you". We are 4 families here that are prepping together and none of us will help anyone that has done NOTHING to prep and will expect us to give them what we have worked so hard putting together. We have all said that we will help the handicapped and the elderly. Everyone else is on their own. When TSHTF it will be survival of the most prepaired, not the fittest. I won't see my family suffer just because I was to lazy or stupid as not to prep. Just my 2 cents, take it like you want it.
How in the world did they confuse women's makeup with nerve gas, of all things? I for one am quite concerned about the reactions of the masses because people have the tendency to go completely nuts and act like a pack of wild animals. For example, when that doorman was trampled to death during Black Friday I think it was, maybe it was Christmas? In my mind, if thats how people act during holiday shopping, just imagine what they will be like when everything goes to crap!
Some people say that it can't happen here. Well, it already did. In the Great Depression there were people dying by the thousands from starvation alone. The difference between then and now is that people helped each other in those days and most people had gardens and raised their own chickens, ducks, rabbits, etc. Now days if Wally World isn't there, everybody will go ape ****. People are killing each other for nothing now and when TSHTF and someone finds out that you have a can of soup in your house, they will kill you for it. My Dad and Granddad told many stories about how it was during the depression. But, people were different then. Now days with the young generation we have, if the electricity goes out they will starve to death because the electric can opener doesn't work. I had a friend tell me when we canceled a cruise with them that he would rather spend his money on a cruise than on prepping. All I could tell his is " when TSHTF don't come to my house. I'm not going endanger my family for an idiot like you". We are 4 families here that are prepping together and none of us will help anyone that has done NOTHING to prep and will expect us to give them what we have worked so hard putting together. We have all said that we will help the handicapped and the elderly. Everyone else is on their own. When TSHTF it will be survival of the most prepaired, not the fittest. I won't see my family suffer just because I was to lazy or stupid as not to prep. Just my 2 cents, take it like you want it.
How can history be so easily forgotten? When someone thinks and says it cant happen here they are just avoiding an inconvienient truth.
I don't think that even as preppers, we have the imagination to think what will really happen when TSHTF. It will be like nothing we have ever imagined. We can speculate, but there is some real bad **** coming and we better be ready for it. I've spent most of adult life in law enforcement and have seen some of the thing people do to each other on a daily basis and it's not pretty. This is all while things are good. Think of how they will act when it's real bad.
My dad was in law enforcement too and he feels the very same way. I even thought about joining the force once but opted for a medical career because I think itll be of greater value to me as well as others when the SHTF. Yep, even as a prepper I can hardly imagine what life would be like when everything goes down the toilet. Very sobering when I really think about it.
You were smart no getting into law enforcement. Law enforcement has changed so much in the past few years. When I first started law enforcement was law enforcement, now it is just ****. I wouldn't trust my life in the hands of most of the officers we have now days. We had a get together of retired law enforcement officers a few months ago and were discussing how it has ALL changed. I haven't been on the site much since we got back from Tenn. but I want to welcome you. We have a lot of good talks here and the guys are all willing to help in any way we can. Tell your Dad that I know where he gets his frame of mind.
Yep. I told the Sheriff when I retired that he could take care of the Parish( county for you) and I would take care of my homestead. I said " if I call you, you can bring the hearse. It will be all over". And he knew that I meant it. But he still calls every once in a while when they have a search along the bayou or in the swamps. He knows I know that area like the back of my hand. I don't mind helping, but I will NEVER put on a uniform again. Had a meet with two other prepper families that will be bugging out over here. We are making our game plan. We have a strategy meet Sat. over here to set our plans in motion. Between the 3 of us, we are pretty well set. Hope your preps go well. If we can help in any way, JUST ASK.
Ill definitly ask! : ) and thanks! Sounds like you have a very nice set up, mine arent quite as advanced in that I probably wont be able to afford the ranch I want until Im done with school which is a few years off so I hope everything stays together long enough for that. I have prepper friends at work and I love the conversations we have so I hope your strategy meeting goes well. My dad and I go over bug out plans sometimes too, we live close to a mountain so wed head for it pronto.
Im just glad to see that you'll are pretty much ready. I don't think we will ever be fully ready for everything but all we can do is try and keep plugging. Just don't lose your longing to prep. You'll get there. I've been prepping for about 3yrs. and have spent well over $50,000.00. Still now, every dollar I have extra goes into prepping. After all, the money I would save won't be worth squat when TSHTF. So I just as soon spend it now and get what I will need when it does hit. I wish you all the luck in the world. And be sure, your education will never be wasted. I for one am proud of you for doing what you are doing. Keep it up. If there is anything I can help you with, again, JUST ASK.

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