Is tomorrow a national holliday.....are banks closed is mail delivered....???

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Well it WAS 9/11 rememberance day, somehow the name got changed to Patriot Day, and I'm surprised it is still called that, since the word Patriot is not so popular anymore
We can thank the “the patriot bill” (or act) for taking away our rights so we can be safe in big brother’s comforting arms. 🙄

In remembrance of a deadly attack on American soil to be called patriots day is like spitting in our face.
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For the love, and what six states would those be, d_marsh?:cool::Thankyou:

I don't recall, I just remember when the Boston bombing happened there was a push for Patriot Day to honor all victims of terrorism from that event and 9/11 and every other event. I am pretty sure Massachusetts started it and I remember hearing on talk radio that 6 total states made it a holiday. My state loves terrorists so we would never have jumped on board.
Surely there must be a highly paid Federal office in charge of creating and enforcing Federal holidays. They probably have armed officers, armored vehicles and their mission is to see that we honor the holiday of our own free will.
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When did Patriots' Day become a holiday?​

Patriots' Day was first celebrated in Massachusetts in 1894, proclaimed by Gov. Frederic Greenhalge as a compromise between competing efforts by the towns of Lexington and Concord to mark the day with their own names.

Is Patriots' Day only celebrated in Massachusetts?​

No. Five states other than Massachusetts celebrate Patriots' Day: Maine (where it is Patriot's Day), Florida, Wisconsin, Connecticut and North Dakota.

Wisconsin became the third state to proclaim Patriots' Day in 2001. It celebrates it every April 19, though it isn’t a legal holiday in the state. Public schools in the state observe the day by teaching about the first shots of the Revolutionary War in Massachusetts.

When is Patriot Day 2024?​

The bravery of American citizens and uniformed personnel in the face of one of the world’s most terrible terrorist attacks is remembered on Patriot Day on September 11.

History of Patriot Day​

It was a terrifying day when four planes were hijacked on September 11, 2001 (also known as nine-eleven). The hijackers flew three planes into iconic buildings: the Pentagon in Washington DC and the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York. The fourth plane crashed in a field in Pennsylvania after the plane passengers fought the hijackers. Nobody is certain where it was supposed to crash, but some people believe it was headed for the White House, the U.S. Capitol, the Camp David presidential retreat in Maryland, or one of several nuclear power plants along the eastern seaboard.
The impact of this attack was devastating. Around 3,000 lives were lost between plane passengers, those in the buildings that were struck, and front-line workers trying to save people. It was the biggest act of terrorism ever in the United States. Since then, airplane security has become stricter in many countries as they attempt to avoid a future terrorist attack like nine-eleven.
The majority of lives that were people that worked in the Twin Towers, especially the floors above the collision point as people were trapped and stranded at the top of the burning skyscraper. 411 men and women working in emergency services lost their lives trying to fight fires and rescue people from the buildings. It was a heartbreaking attack, which is why Patriot Day was proclaimed by President George W. Bush and is recognized every year on September 11.
On Patriot Day, U.S. flags are lowered halfway, and there is a country-wide moment of silence at 8:46 am (Eastern Daylight Time), which is when the first plane crashed into one of the Twin Towers. Although the attacks were in the U.S., Patriot Day is recognized worldwide as the news devastated and impacted people all over.

Way Up Above :
What's funny is Massachusetts is the only state recognizing it that was an original colony. Maine was part of Massachusetts at the outbreak of the revolution.

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