Isn't it strange that ever since Joe Biden won the election, we have no more riots, no more BLM protests, no more black victims of the Police. I can explain the fact that there have been no more black victims. The national news just quit covering it. Easily done, since most of the time, it was a justified shooting. The national news is just not making a big issue out of it anymore. No more riots in Portland and Seattle. Their governors let the National Guard come in and quell the riots. BLM protests have not been organized and planned by the people that usually do that sort of thing. The same can be said for Antifa. I find it a little hard to believe that all these problems just suddenly disappeared from the moment old Joe got elected. It will be interesting to see who is offered the vaccine first in this country. I would bet it won't be rural conservative folks.
I was really ticked off after watching ABC news today. They actually gave Biden credit for the DJIA going above 3000 today. He has no power yet to do anything. I hope Trump follows through with starting up his own TV channel, and social media. He would totally wreck ABC, NBC, and CBS.
I was really ticked off after watching ABC news today. They actually gave Biden credit for the DJIA going above 3000 today. He has no power yet to do anything. I hope Trump follows through with starting up his own TV channel, and social media. He would totally wreck ABC, NBC, and CBS.