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I look around & think "Who Do I Trust" & that's not just for news but for any/every thing. Politicians, media of any kind & weather predictors are at the bottom of the list way below everyone else. And everyone else, I don't trust them at all. The single, only person I truly trust is my wife.
I have seen their ads before, but I have a really hard time trusting any "new and unbiased" news source. Especially when most of what they do is just link back to biased news sources. But who knows, m-a-y-b-e they are legit.
I agree on that, There are a couple that I have looked at and most of it is just re loads . But having said that if it past the Magi 's test then perhaps it is less so
I look around & think "Who Do I Trust"
You will only find an echo chamber that way. The ones you "trust" are the ones "most like you". Simple as that. Regardless if they are actually trustworthy or not.

So I don't look for trusted news. I look for opposing news. For example, every morning I look at BOTH the Fox News and the CNN websites. I trust neither, but I can get opposing viewpoints (almost guaranteed on that one!) that I can then use when formulating my own opinions. I admit that I trust Fox more than CNN. And I also admit that this is because Fox is much more like me than CNN is. IMHO, people should admit that they are not neutral. Nobody is. But they should also admit that their "trusted news source" is probably not very trustworthy, and that they like if mostly because it is what they want to believe, not necessarily what should be believed.
Magus it looks more like a newsletter to help the individual and community minded. It may help you determine things better from a different perspective. I find having a good number of source sites is a good balance to evaluate things much better. As for video sources and to counter the ever shrinking freedoms on U Tube . There be sites like World Truth, Bitchute and Brand new tube that can often help one evaluate truth better on many topics. Of course there always be biased. And that’s ok. Because at end of the day you have to believe in something or you’ll eventually succumb to believing anything.
I just found it last week, I'm not seeing any spin, but the minute I do, It's going in the crap pile with FOX.

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