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Awesome Friend
Jan 15, 2018
Went to my daughters school, to watch her demonstration. She was so serious! So grown up now, at 17. Seems like just a few years ago she was 3 feet shorter, she is not a child anymore, lol.

The demonstration went well, the heart pumped some blood, it was cool.

Lots of police presence at the school, at least three cars in the area besides the school security.
What was the demonstration? Science fair? (heart pumping blood)
Social Justice? Man, its hard to say. All the kids had to choose some area where they see society needs improving, Aliza chose medical malpractice because she just finished a CNA course. The heart demo was about the dyes used to detect heart problems, and the risks involved, and then she had some stats on how often the tests are done vs. problems detected, and a light up board with crafty bullet points....

Unfortunately, it is never a demo on "how to open a can when you are starving and only have a can and a rock". Everything has to be about a higher purpose, I guess. I try not to judge.
Ooh...just rub the top of the can really fast back and forth on a flat part of the rock.... :)

Eventually, you'll wear down the top retaining lip, and be able to easily open the can.
LOL there you go. That could save lives.

I asked ONE single question at one of the daughters school functions, and now I am lucky I am allowed to go to any of them.
I only mention prepping in the context of "when the zombies come"...because then it's taken as a joke, so I can gauge if someone is truly interested or not...hehe.
The daughter had a history assignment, and asked me some questions about my experience overseas, and my thoughts on current foreign policy.

At the report readings (parents were encouraged to attend) the kids got done, and one of the teachers went up front, I am incorrectly quoting here, but close... "assignments like this aren't just to teach you, but to prepare you to be activists in college and later in life" and I was shocked and literally shouted "Why?!" lol

The wife was instantly pulling my sleeve, people turned and stared, the daughter was PISSED. I didn't get an answer either!

Now I just keep my head down.

As far as prepping... yeah not around here. This area, just the city not outside town, is massively anti gun, pro government assistance, anti war... I don't talk to people here about it. If the CDC puts out some recommendations on preparedness, maybe that might change a bit. I think they were supposed to give congress some report related to nuclear preparedness, but dropped it to focus on the flu this year.

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