Johnny Depp is a chooch...

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Awesome Friend
Apr 1, 2017
London, UK

Ill never understand why hollywood celebrities feel their views on politics are relevant to the masses. Talk about crossing the line...g wiz.


I remember the first movie I ever saw Depp in,,,,A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET,,,,,they kill him off early,,,to bad it was just a movie

Lol...that was good ghost. Yea...I thought he was okay in Donnie Brasco, Edward Scissor Hands and What's Eating Gilbert Grape.
Johnny Depp is a liberal idiot just like so many others in Hollywood! Its an embarrassment to this country how some act. Ashley Judd is one of the first that comes to mind along with Madonna. Hard to believe Ashley even came from the Judd family. . .least her sis doesn't have the same views or I would have to change my favorite singers.
only 'cause they are famous,what they say will get coverarge and sadly one day some idiot will "hear and think" he said it's okay and it's an "order for me"

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