Bob, although I am tempted, I will refrain from critiquing the piece. I just advise everyone that it is prudent to get information from more than one source...
I recommend revolvers to everyone, too. EVERYONE. Novice to experienced. While I think that bobbed hammer(Or spurless) DAO revos have a hard to learn trigger, I do appreciate their ease of care and simple manual of arms. There is a firearms section though ,SilentBob.
I will be unpopular for this opinion but, I have never liked or found revolvers to be reliable. My experience is in the field however so I won't say anything about home defense.. In the field revolvers fail like mad. All brands all makes. The military doesn't standard issue revolvers. Now some will say it's because of ammo capacity. Still why is this argument not valid for the beginner, I'd rather my daughter have 16 rounds and teach her to quick clear a feed problem than 6 and hope the trigger pull and hammer doesn't throw off her only 6 chances of killing the intruder.
A revolver itself is highly reliable, easy to use and easy to operate under stress. Theresnothing wrong with carrying a revolver... Muscle memory, and mind controll is number two for me.
The best gun in your hand is worthless if you are frozen of feat or in shock.
Warnings depend on the situation. .
Don't worry, bud. Everyone here values your opinion, even if we differ with you.I told ya it would be unpopular....
My father showed me both type of handguns when I learned to fire as a young boy. One of the most important things beside the "safety" and "never pointing the business end at anyone unless you plan to use it", was that he broke down the advantages/disadvantages of both a revolver and semi-automatic handguns. I can still hear him say, that while their are many disadvantages to a revolver, their are two issues that stood out most is that you are not worried about a jammed magazine/or poor operating magazine and the other was that the revolver, based on the actions of your hostile opponent, gave you time to think clearly before you engaged him.
I told ya it would be unpopular....
Don't worry, bud. Everyone here values your opinion, even if we differ with you.
Thanks for the co-sign, SilentBob. I had a very similar experience with my dad, too. We shot his Ruger Standard first, and then move on to his Dan Wesson 357, which of course was loaded with 38s. I was actually afraid to shoot a Beretta when I was 12-13, but once my brother and cousin talked me into it, I found it to be quite pleasant. At least in single action. I struggled with double action revolvers then too though. It wasn't till much later in life that I realized why I preferred a DAO revo. Students shoot DA/SA revos in SA on the range, then when it really matters, they're stuck struggling with a 12+lb pull that they've never gotten personal with. There's many a person who struggles with DA pulls on semis and revos, but it seems more common on revolvers in my experience.
Maybe we need a new thread about the "Best Brand"
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