Just for kicks...lets just see where you learn from?

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How many use Youtube or like website for teaching you something on prepping or survival if the SHTF?

  • I learn about 75% from Youtube

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I learn 50% from Youtube and the other half from reading from websites or books

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I am a 30-30-30 prepper, I use Youtube, read and practice on my own

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • I am a Quarter person: I learn a 1/4th from Youtube, practciing on my own, reading and from people

    Votes: 9 75.0%
  • Damn, I am that good, I don't need anyone...I know it all!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm just a troll, who likes being a jerk on websites...I get a rise out of annoying preppers

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I learn everything from National Geographic Doomsday Prepper, so I think I am good for when the SHTF

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
diffrent places for me..here in dpf.(obviously enough) other sites like google web search just to look up something.tv when it comes to certain shows.and the news.and then there's the senerios i come up with,when comes to where i live.books and apps i have on my pc and cd's...and of course from ppl when i can..
no comment zipper2.jpg
geeez, nat.geo for entertainment, must say if I did everything their way, this ship would sink fast...really fast... ok, this community here, hey group hug guys ;)
I don't use Youtube at all, but none of your other options fit me. Most of my information comes from website searches and eBooks (although I do know a lot, I don't know it all yet.) :/
I prefer to learn from several sources...youtube included! I am an avid reader and very much a believer in "muscle memory"...practice, practice, practice!
I thought this was a rhetorical question. Some of the answers seemed like poser answers and I figured we won't have a lot of 'em around DPF.

I learn a lot from books and then apply things in the field. I prefer to learn from people, but there's not always a person that can teach what you want to know, and there is a lot in books that you never knew even needed to be learned! I supposed there is a good bit about youtube that is similar to people & books combined, but... Well, I guess you just never know until you go out and try what it is you're trying to learn.
I use youtube as part of a product review in particularly when I was downsizing my packs, I tend to stay away from them youtube training aids, not saying it's bad just that I am only able the maintain a certain amount of knowledge and what I know works for me it's been tried and true over the years if not centuries. If I am out in the field and someone say to me, "hey old man, I got an easier way" by all means show me but I am not going to sift through 10 million youtube videos looking for an easier way. The one thing I can say that is good about youtube, it got people thinking and prepping but it appears much of it focuses on armament and confrontation making it the focal point of prepping (I hope I am wrong in my assessment, it just appears that way)

With that said, I'm not sure where that would put me at on the poll? I certainly don't know it all but I also don't use youtube as my trainer
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unless someone post a video or what ever here in dpf or another sight im a part of..i dont really have much to do with youtube..and thats mainly because i don't have much interest in it..
You can actually get some good ideas off of youtube . I usually take a bit here & a bit there & then adapt it to my needs . If nothing else it helps look @ things from a different point of view .
i think utube is great. It amazes me how many people film themselves fixing or doing things to share with others. Of course theres alot of crap on it as well. I was doing a brake job on my sons car and when the c clamp woulndt compress the cylinder i immediately realized it was something new to me. Three minutes later i had the ipad showing me how to make a temporary tool to fix the issue. If you use it for instruction it's great. I also watched about 6 rabbit cleaning videos, which i took a little from each and made my first cleaning pretty easy.
I learned a lot from books years ago and also talking to our old timers. . . They have a world of knowledge! The thing is, you have to actually 'practice what you learn' that way you know the ins and outs. If you don't, it will only be foreign to you and not a natural way of life. I miss Old Anorak too! I am always looking for ways to expand what I already know and will look in books and also internet web searches. You just can never learn too much.
9 votes and no trolls...we must not be advertising right! :rolleyes:
What's the point of being a troll?
I learned a lot from books years ago and also talking to our old timers. . . They have a world of knowledge! The thing is, you have to actually 'practice what you learn' that way you know the ins and outs. If you don't, it will only be foreign to you and not a natural way of life. I miss Old Anorak too! I am always looking for ways to expand what I already know and will look in books and also internet web searches. You just can never learn too much.
It amazes me how many look at old people as worn out and useless, (mostly younger ones). If we took the time to really listen to them we could avoid half the mistakes we make in life. I was a typical preachers kid, and had to learn alot of things the hard way in life. The older I get the smarter my father is becomming.
What's the point of being a troll?

It amazes me how many look at old people as worn out and useless, (mostly younger ones). If we took the time to really listen to them we could avoid half the mistakes we make in life. I was a typical preachers kid, and had to learn alot of things the hard way in life. The older I get the smarter my father is becomming.

Lol, I wanted to see how many were living under the bridge and coming up to see the real world pass them by.

Still learning from people who are the ageless wonders. I have a former Marine pilot here who once was friends with all the living Japanese pilots of Pearl Harbor fame. He's now in his 90's. Flew Corsairs during the island hopping campaign, flew off carriers against Iwo Jima and Okinawa and was up till his late 70's still flying...way different hero, but full of stories and when they did the big Pearl Harbor ceremony actually flew over the harbor with most of the Japanese pilots who had not flown over Pearl Harbor. Its possibly the last war where, foes become friends. I don't think that my father could (if he were alive) would shake hands or forgive his enemies over Korea/Vietnam, nor could I with the Taliban or Iraqi's. So its nice to hear from them and learn from them. Every year our town hosted a reunion for the survivors of Iwo Jima...that group is now very small, but its very interesting to learn from them and hear their stories. Surprising some tactics still used then, have not changed and are integrated as basic tactics today.

A few days ago, I was helping a friend out at his ranch...I learned a different way to rope a cow. My friend has been ranching since he was old enough to wear cowboy boots...one of the few original families who made Texas, so yup, I think I will always be learning.

My kids are the generation Xbox world...if its not on their phone, Ipad, computer...or not fast...they simply don't have time to slow down and enjoy the moment...granted, I slow mine and show them. It's learned because my kids can recall when I taught it, they might not be good at it, but they have the skills. I think that is the problem with most families, they simply don't have the skills and don't pass it on. Just my thoughts Brent, but we lived in simpler times without distractions, so we became more apt to create our own amusements. Of course, today we would get arrested for placing gasoline in a coke bottle and throwing it on a bunch of rocks to see it blow up...saw someone get arrested for it in the local news and I know that its been discussed on our threads before.

So like you, I just watch those people and move on.

Have a great week buddy.

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