Is it wrong to feel good about preparing for a meltdown?
Welcome! No, I don't think so. Think of all the other things people prepare for. Your house burning to the ground, theft, break in, tornado, hurricanes with homeowners insurance. Being t-boned by a drunk driver or rear ended by someone madly texting their girlfriend with auto insurance. Cancer, chronic conditions unknowns with yearly physicals. Cavities with teeth cleanings & dental visits. Water heater deaths and heating system malfunctions with savings accounts. Retirement! Parents spend 18-22 years preparing their kids to function and contribute to a civil society (well, some parents).
The way we live now, 100% dependant on unknown, unseen processes & infrastructure. All delicately balanced to provide us with food, gas, electric, water treatment and the comforts of life 'just in time'. Just 2-3 days of no truck/train deliveries would disrupt fuel, food, medical supplies, manufacturing, garbage collection, ports, no cash at ATM's and the list goes on. And that's a "light" meltdown.
Just like a car accident that can't be predicted, neither can a meltdown. I haven't made a car ins. claim in 30 years. I may never need my preps. But god help me if I need them and don't have them. Prepare. Feel good about it! It sure feels better than paying your auto insurance every month.
(sorry, I tend to be long winded. You'll will get used to me