keep the prepping to your self they said,

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There's a difference between prepping and going loco. He was obviously discussing (and getting the parts for) making bombs here...THAT is what got the new boyfriend concerned, and led to the warrant.
To be honest, I can't blame him having concerns about the kid living in an intended bomb factory. I'm curious if this guy secures his guns also.

I'm all for prepping, but I'm not going to get myself labeled a terrorist in the process.
he was stupid and foolish to let the guy know what he had.and his intensens.thats why i keep my mouth shut..and as for the guy that turned him in.concern for the child is good..but he should of learned more from the guy before decideing to turn him in or not..
Can't fix stupid. However the more they do this the easier it will be to get away with it. Judges will fold just hearing the word prepper.
Only a select few of my "battle buddies" know I do preps (not hard core about it). Wife knows too and she prepped a long time ago before I met her. None of my sisters, parents, or brother know I prep. That goes for my wife's immediate family as well. I plan to support them when SHTF.
I made the mistake of asking a couple of women at church if they would be interested in learning homesteading type skills. They were all for it until I let the word "prepper" slip. They now think I am a cult member or something. Sigh. I need a kick in the ass. I should have known better.
I made the mistake of asking a couple of women at church if they would be interested in learning homesteading type skills. They were all for it until I let the word "prepper" slip. They now think I am a cult member or something. Sigh. I need a kick in the ass. I should have known better.

That's because preppers are being labelled as nutjobs in the media...
I was just going to show them how to make laundry soap, do some canning and build a compost bin. It wasn't anything freaky. But as soon as I said "prepper", their eyes started to bug out and they kept looking at each other. Whatever. They better not come knocking if SHTF.
That is just how some people are
Personally I see nothing wrong with prepping to make guns, explosives, or tanks, or aircraft, if it is for research purposes. None the less there are laws, and regulations on the activities. Ex. he would have likely needed to get licensed as an arms manufacturer etc.. to do some things legally. None the less it is just a representation of the big brother police state that is paranoid with cause that everyone is the enemy potentially.

Obviously anyone who is a smart criminal knows to keep everything on a need to know. None the less anyone who visits sites like this is probably flagged by DHS anyway with a note in their FBI file. Preppers need to be aware of the laws in their jurisdictions, and the risks involved in activities. While there are a lot of cool prepping things you can do, not all of them will necessarily be legal in every state or country. Take it with a grain of salt.
That's because preppers are being labelled as nutjobs in the media...

And we are being labeled that because the government doesnt want us to be ready. They want us to be dependent upon the aid they give so that we will stay orderly and be their little sheep. Well they sign my paycheck currently but i serve my country, my people, and my family. I do not serve my government...
Damn you media... should change the word "prepper" to something less weird. Like they change TeaParty to Teabaggers.... I really don't understand why prepping is bad, I mean I grew up with Aesop's fable about the ant and grasshopper. Just had a weird thought, we are pretty much the black sheep of the ant community now anyway. They are all like, why you working so hard bro. The colony (government) has it handled. Food, cellphones, Obamacare. Chill out and go drink some beer with the grasshopper.

I am going just going to say "Natural Disaster Supplies".
Prepping is t bad. Its a word the govt uses to insite an emotion in people to label us as anti-govt or nut jobs or something. What is wrong with being ready for a disaster? Nothing but independence from govt aid... Govt dont want you independent.
Prepping is t bad. Its a word the gov't uses to insite an emotion in people to label us as anti-govt or nut jobs or something. What is wrong with being ready for a disaster? Nothing but independence from gov't aid... Govt don't want you independent.
That's true. if everyone prepared for what ever disaster frequents their geographical area FEMA would be out of a job. But, the sheeple, and low-information people keep them gainfully employed
I am trying to be quitter about what I do and I have threatened my kids (ages 20, 23 &28) that I would kick their butts if they tell anyone that I am a prepper. It is starting to get hard to hide all my preps when people come over though. Time to get creative.
Prepping is t bad. Its a word the govt uses to insite an emotion in people to label us as anti-govt or nut jobs or something. What is wrong with being ready for a disaster? Nothing but independence from govt aid... Govt dont want you independent.
Honestly I just started out with the garden and critters because I enjoyed doing it. It became my lifestyle. I loved the fact that I didn't have to rely on the grocery stores to provide most of my food. I started prepping for disaster reasons, such as hurricane, job loss, just whatever, but now the main reason is the government. I have disagreed with government before, but NEVER to the degree it is now. It's just become down right scary. . .
If you have a family and your prepping for war then shame on you, if you have a family and prepping to keep them safe, secured watered and fed then kudos, either way keep the damn technical aspect to your prepping contained to who you are involved with and that's at a certain limit too, as with what was stated above 'loose lips sink ship' first and foremost is security for one self and family prepping for war offers nothing and takes away from the essentials, go into prepping with an evasive mind set not exposure!