killer robots

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Dec 7, 2013
I haven't seen much take on this forum about a Skynet style AI appocalyse where swarms of killer robots rampage around the country butchering people.

I actually believe this is quite a likely scenario and that as manufacturing becomes more miniaturized and generalized uncontrollable weapons proliferation will ensue.

Rifles and knives won't be an effective defence against killer robots swarms.

How many preppers on this forum know how to build an EMP device?

...or feel capable that they could put one together if a killer robot swarm approached their house?
I was just thinking about EMP devices recently, and how they could be beneficial in some cases. It started because I was writing a story that involved tracking nanobots (no terminator style killer robots in that story unfortunately) and I was thinking one way to disable them might involve and EMP generator. I don't know how to build one though. Maybe I should learn because I saw an article that robocop style things might become reality sooner than later.
I'm going to have to test this next time I'm at my family's place in the country. Here in town I'd be afraid of ruining other people's devices.
I haven't seen much take on this forum about a Skynet style AI appocalyse where swarms of killer robots rampage around the country butchering people.

I actually believe this is quite a likely scenario and that as manufacturing becomes more miniaturized and generalized uncontrollable weapons proliferation will ensue.

Rifles and knives won't be an effective defence against killer robots swarms.

How many preppers on this forum know how to build an EMP device?

...or feel capable that they could put one together if a killer robot swarm approached their house?
yeah right!:rolleyes:
I think we have more pressing matters to be concerned with, worrying about skynet does nothing but feed paranoia that redirects one's thinking from reality. Yes, it has been mention several times and it still boils down to the fact that we humans haven't even perfected the perfect running car, a hacker proof internet, a plane's that don't crash, reliable satellite communication during a CME event, harden the power grid from a EMP/CME. Skynet/killer robots are far far into the future.