Killer Virus

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thats deffintly somptin to worry bout..and i wonder if a dust mask will work or not..looking into a mask for virus's and germ war fare might be a better route to take..
MER'S ( Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome ) is a conovirus, much like the common cold. I would say the best way to protect yourself from this syndrome is stay away from those traveling to and from Saudi Arabia, which probably isn't too hard for most of us. It may be media hype and over consideration by the WHO to attract more funding. Check out the information on Medical News Today, it is a reputable site with good information. It appears most infected with the syndrome are between the ages of 73-85, and those who have died, have other medical conditions. Organizations like WHO, benefit when the public goes into panic, not suggesting this virus shouldn't be investigated, but after about five minutes of research, I've noticed this syndrome is not new, and has been documented in the middle east as long as 15 years ago.

Avoiding contact with people is usually the best way for me to avoid viruses. When everyone has the flu. Stay at home if you don't want it.
Gees...73 to 85 middle easterners ....probably a contaminated batch of Preferred Stock cologne or Hi Karate ( jihad travel version)
I think if you're 73-85 and living in Saudi, you could be killed by pretty much anything. That is a good long life, especially in that area.
Yes ...over there most popular bridal regestry items are ....rocket propelled grenades, AK-47 s,C-4 , and fondoo dishes( Havant got a clue how to spell that)
Like Bill said. Stay home and stay away from people.
Man, don't we all wish we could do that? I wonder if the "Govmint" would pay for me to stay home just so I wouldn't spread this? Uh, no not with Bobby Jindal running this state, I'm sure he would take funding away from such a good cause as long as it was sideling more Demos than Repubs. lol
I know it isn't feasible for most people. In fact if it were to show up here, the Hubs would still be needing to work in town so he'd be staying with a co-worker so there wouldn't be any chance of it coming here until the threat was over. That's what we did last year when there was an outbreak of shingles there at the hospital.
Well if all else fails Uncle Albert, we could all move in with Jindal. Yea Right. At least we would be a little safer here in the country. I know what you mean Anorak, with 1/2 pint working at the hosp., she is on the front lines. She tries not to get blood on her as she in drawing blood, but some times it can't be helped. She is a phlebotomist. Lets hope it doesn't get here.
Well if all else fails Uncle Albert, we could all move in with Jindal. Yea Right. At least we would be a little safer here in the country. I know what you mean Anorak, with 1/2 pint working at the hosp., she is on the front lines. She tries not to get blood on her as she in drawing blood, but some times it can't be helped. She is a phlebotomist. Lets hope it doesn't get here.
A phlegm-botomist, that sounds like someone spitting into a hole they just drilled into someone's head. I'm sorry I couldn't help it. I'm just a heathen.
3 more die from SARS-like virus in Saudi Arabia

Jun 2, 2013Nehal El-Sherif, DPA
RIYADH, Saudi Arabia-- Three more people have died in Saudi Arabia from a SARS-like coronavirus, the Health Ministry said Sunday, bringing to 24 the number of deaths from the disease in the kingdom.
They all suffered from other, chronic diseases, including kidney failure, the ministry added.
The strain of coronavirus, called MERS-CoV, was discovered in 2012 in a man in Saudi Arabia.
France, Jordan, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Germany, Tunisia and Britain have also reported infections.
The latest worldwide figure update was on Friday when the World Health Organization said there had been 50 laboratory-confirmed cases of the coronavirus, including 30 deaths.
Coronavirus belongs to the same group of viruses as SARS, or severe acute respiratory syndrome, which 10 years ago killed about 800 people.

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