Kindle E Reader or similar

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Awesome Friend
Apr 3, 2013
I was thinking, If you do Bug Out you can't carry hundreds of books with you, nor can any one average human rememeber everything (No Darwinism arguments please) but once out and away and living off of the land one always finds themselves unsure of something.

I'm not saying you could load every book ever needed into one E Reader, but you could have a fair attempt of it, couple the E Reader with a solar charging panel (Stores sell them here in Australia for around $30 from time to time) and you could ensure you bring at least one thing with you that would never be useless, knowledge.

I for one would love to have it packed with as much information on my local area as possible, obviously some things are better to have in hard copy like maps, but for information on what plants can be eaten, or what variety of fish can be found in which river, down to a complete list of medical conditions, symptoms and remedies, we have a book that weighs a couple oif kilograms on multple uses for everyday items, i'd rather condense it down to one 500 gram or so E Reader.

Krime said to pack some entertainment, well one of these with a solar charger should bring hours of joy, if you like reading.

Thats my rant for the day.
Is the information stored on the reader itself or in the 'cloud'? The reason I ask is that my daughter has a Kindle Fire and when I added a book to it to read while on a trip, when I went to read it, I wasn't able to because it was in the 'cloud'.
Info can be either/or. It all depends on the settings and where it (data/book) originated from. I have a kindle fire also and when I purchase a book it starts in the cloud but I make sure to download it to the device before I disconnect or get out of internet area. I had checked a book out from the library and had a little extra effort to get it wholy on the device before we went international (hate payng roaming data rates).

I was trying to figure out how I was going to carry all my new knowledge with me (memory is terrible as I age). I'll have to check out the solar chargers
Other brands of E readers do things differently, even a very basic Tablet or mini notebook loaded with pdf's would be a good addition.

Books on electronics, mechanics, chemistry etc, who knows.

P.S those solar chargers are designed to charge a car via the 12v DC cigar lighter input (Trickle charge) so some modification would be required, or you can bypass the AC adapter (Relevant to Australia) if need be, but you may still need to adjust the voltage, in either case it's very light modification, cut the wires, join the wires, maybe add one component to the circuit.
Thank you both. I will look into getting one for myself and see if I can figure out how to make it work. Feel free to laugh now, this is from the same person who can't set up her voice mail or send a text message.
Check out pawn shops if you don't already have a kindle, I was able to buy a touch screen black and white kindle for $25 and another kindle fire for $60. I have 2 kindle fires now and I will be using my new (to me) kindle to load all the relevant survival and skill based books that I might need.
on my nook color,i have animal caller pro that has diffrent animal calls in it ,bandaging and splinting which shows diffrent types of bandaging dressings and splinting, and knots 3d which show 87 diffrent knots,and each one is animated in which i can controll the speed of the animation.and still looking for other things thatd be good for me to download..i also have 11 western books to read,right along with chess and tic-tac-toe to play..right along with some other things.i can aslo down load maps.but not sure about regin maps thoe. worries...we'll help if we sis-in-law is somewhat technologically challenged...every year when we visit I do a complete overhaul on her computer to get her going again.
Started doing that on my nook. Also thought about getting some USB storage devices and doing the same thing. Don't have a solar charger but picked up a rayovac USB charger that runs off of AA batteries. Does tend to do a "trickle" charge.
You can get memory cards for them. Also, they make a solar-powered reader. I personally think this would be invaluable to have. Especially if you also have a hand crank radio/charger.
What is the best solar charger to get for charging small things like kindles and cell phones? I would be really interested in getting and using one of those right away.
What is the best solar charger to get for charging small things like kindles and cell phones? I would be really interested in getting and using one of those right away.

I have one a Goal Zero Sherpa 50 with a 15W solar panel, fit nicely in my pack and weighs practically will charge a laptop, cellphones, even a light that you can buy from Goal Zero. I've got the other high end battery packs with larger 30W solar panels which I can lace together to give me more opportunities while we are moving by vehicle. Each of my other packs have the smaller model Goal Zero products for their phones, etc (these are all packed in their BOB's). Hope this help you out.
I have one a Goal Zero Sherpa 50 with a 15W solar panel, fit nicely in my pack and weighs practically will charge a laptop, cellphones, even a light that you can buy from Goal Zero. I've got the other high end battery packs with larger 30W solar panels which I can lace together to give me more opportunities while we are moving by vehicle. Each of my other packs have the smaller model Goal Zero products for their phones, etc (these are all packed in their BOB's). Hope this help you out.
Yeah, those are quite far out of my price range. Guess I'll have to keep paying the electricity gods and hope S doesn't HTF.
Search Amazon for "Solar Cell Phone Charger"

There are plenty in the $15-$30 range
Thanks Dr. I found this one and it may be just the ticket for me:

Looks like it will charge my cell phone and Kindle and that's just what I wanted.
I do so wish I could afford to put solar panels on my roof. I get so much sun here I could probably power my house and both of my neighbor's too if I could.
What is the best solar charger to get for charging small things like kindles and cell phones? I would be really interested in getting and using one of those right away.

might try going into harbor freight.and take your kindle and cell phone with you..the one o go into has diffrent solor panal set ups for such things..
I do so wish I could afford to put solar panels on my roof. I get so much sun here I could probably power my house and both of my neighbor's too if I could.

Check into solar leasing. Basically, the leasing company provides (and owns) all the equipment, and you pay them a monthly leasing fee (and hopefully, it is less than you save in electricity). This way, they do all the work, and no up-front cost. And, if the SHTF, not like they are going to come take it back.....

Unfortunately, FL isn't a friendly state for it yet. Power companies have too much muscle here and make it problematic, but may be different in your state.