Knockout Game Spreading; People Dying

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Feb 5, 2012
Communist State Of Kalifornia
who ever plays that so called game should be arrested tried and convicted of deadly assault on a person.and with a sentence no less then 30 years of prison a fine which their parents should pay..and make it legal for parents to whip their children for such behavior
who ever plays that so called game should be arrested tried and convicted of deadly assault on a person.and with a sentence no less then 30 years of prison a fine which their parents should pay..and make it legal for parents to whip their children for such behavior
Also NO parole!
I think the 30 minimum should be mandatory. I don't care if it is the kid's first offense. by that age you know better.
Watch your six.
This is why I tell the kids to have their heads on a swivel!
I saw that on Thursday. I just don't understand their mentality. I talked to a couple people at work about it who were not aware of the "game". They were both appalled and they were both black. I am not trying to make this into a black and white situation at all, but so far all the victims have been white and all the "game players" have been black. When I saw it on the news, one of the host asked the guest if this could be a hate crime. . . the guest just said, no we can not label it that, but we can only say. . what do you think would happen if it was the other way around? . . . hello, Trevon all over again. I hope and pray that these "player" get the max for their crimes! What is so funny to Knock someone out with one punch and btw, they don't care on what gender you are. Yeah, they are BIG men punching out a female.
I saw that on Thursday. I just don't understand their mentality. I talked to a couple people at work about it who were not aware of the "game". They were both appalled and they were both black. I am not trying to make this into a black and white situation at all, but so far all the victims have been white and all the "game players" have been black. When I saw it on the news, one of the host asked the guest if this could be a hate crime. . . the guest just said, no we can not label it that, but we can only say. . what do you think would happen if it was the other way around? . . . hello, Trevon all over again. I hope and pray that these "player" get the max for their crimes! What is so funny to Knock someone out with one punch and btw, they don't care on what gender you are. Yeah, they are BIG men punching out a female.
remember obama came out and made statements about the whole trevon/zimmerman case, but he hasn't said a peep about this.
Maybe the ( knockout game ) will make some liberal white folks pull their heads out of their ass and open their eyes. Wake the hell up people !
remember obama came out and made statements about the whole trevon/zimmerman case, but he hasn't said a peep about this.
I'd be surprised if we did hear anything from our "great" president. . . .just like we haven't heard of any of the other certain racial issues on the mainstream media
Walk softly and carry a big gat...

Actually, conditioning is a major part of this. People who walk around in condition white are far more prone to this type of attack. People who are afraid to look at a potential offender because they are MORE afraid of offending someone than they are of being attacked.. They will be more likely to fall victim to this, too.

Walk in groups if possible, not alone.
Learn self defense, both armed and unarmed
Continue to condition your mind to be able to use the skills you've learned.

Nothing can stop them from attacking, but you can surely fight and likely can stop them from killing you or from maiming someone that you love.

Or ask this old lady to start teaching you some good sh*t.....
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You can't fight something that you don't see coming. They either walk right up to you from behind and hit you in the back of the head or while you are walking pass, they will sucker punch you. . . it happens just like that. Have you seen some of the video's? I do think that walking in groups would help so that you are not a target, cause everything I've seen has been a lone person. But, if you are walking into or out of work. . . you are normally alone. Or if you have to make a run to the grocery store?
I've seen some of the vids and have to agree.It would be hard to defend yourself from the way they 'blind side ya'.Most that i've seen,the victim,even if they could defend face to face,don't see this coming.Between this and the food and department store flash mobs that's been going on it seems inner city life is just turning more animalistic.I think a long mandatory prison sentence is also a good idea regaurdless of the age of those who participate.
I find this Knockout Game really stupid. I just hope that the youth here don't start copying it.
I have seen quite a few of the videos. The thing about "Not seeing it coming" is up for debate though. It seems to me that many of the people in the videos are either not paying attention, or are in denial about how dangerous it is to allow groups of people to get right in your "Hot zone". Allowing someone to come up from behind while you're alone is another bad idea.

Trust me on this. Or don't. There are a tone of self defense teachers touching on this right now. Are there exceptions to rules? Of course. Are there things you can do other than traveling in groups that will decrease or eliminate the likelihood of you being picked to get punched? Most definitely. I would suggest to people that live in high crime areas, or that live in places where this game is common, to get in some serious self defense classes. The 2 absolute most important things that you will learn in those classes, are "Situational awareness" and "Combat mindset". They don't just apply to cops or people who carry guns. They apply to everyone who takes self preservation seriously.
I have seen quite a few of the videos. The thing about "Not seeing it coming" is up for debate though. It seems to me that many of the people in the videos are either not paying attention, or are in denial about how dangerous it is to allow groups of people to get right in your "Hot zone". Allowing someone to come up from behind while you're alone is another bad idea.

Trust me on this. Or don't. There are a tone of self defense teachers touching on this right now. Are there exceptions to rules? Of course. Are there things you can do other than traveling in groups that will decrease or eliminate the likelihood of you being picked to get punched? Most definitely. I would suggest to people that live in high crime areas, or that live in places where this game is common, to get in some serious self defense classes. The 2 absolute most important things that you will learn in those classes, are "Situational awareness" and "Combat mindset". They don't just apply to cops or people who carry guns. They apply to everyone who takes self preservation seriously.
Reminds me of direct realism . ( Perceptual consciousness )
Two unofficial reports i've heard so far (supposedly they are official,but I haven't seen them yet,so i'm just going off of hear-say),but two armed citizens have fought back-

One being an retired ex-Marine waiting on his kids bus was jabbed from behind in his side with a stun gun by a group of heathens,the stun gun failed to discharge and as the attackers tried to flee the ex-Marine put two 40 cal rounds in the ass of one of the perps.The punk will survive and the Marine is not looking at any charges being filed (as of yet).

Another incident happened with a pistol packin Granny (like 55/60 yrs old).I'm not sure of the specifics on how she was attacked,but she managed to fire into the lot of the attacking group killing two of them,I have also heard her actions were justified and will not be facing any charges either.Not sure of the states that either of these reports are from.

Sure seems like the majority of attacks are taking place in non-pro gun states.I think the criminals/thugs like having the edge of knowing that their victims don't have the ability to fight back.Sounds more like a game cowards like to play.

Hats off to the citizens that refuse to be victims,this country needs more like these two.

It's also been reported that once a person is knocked unconscious the charges change from a standard violent assault to a felonious assault<I think any of these unprevoked attacks should be an automatic felony,maybe some of these gangsters will think twice before acting.Several of the vids i've seen have been of women who was knocked out cold.Take's a big piece of garbage to do something like that.
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@sharkbait, I posted a link to the story on the granny..

realisticdude, I definitely subscribe to that theory, even though many refer to it as "Naive"... If you perception is based in reality, or you believe that perception is indeed reality, then it's hard to argue with. You can point to this when people argue for or against "Racial profiling" or any other type of profiling, for that matter. Some people will argue that it is impossible to determine who is going to commit a crime by their appearance or their demographics, but statistics and REAL LIFE experience will certainly prove otherwise. If you're looking for a young hispanic male who committed a shooting and was wearing a blue bandana, do you go to a blood neighborhood to find him? Would you start your search in a biker bar? Most would start it in a neighborhood full of crips, and they'd be right to do so.

Likewise, these people who are committing these crimes, AND the victims they've chosen, seem to have certain things in common. Deny them if you wish... You can stay oblivious to what's going on around you in a bank, a mall, or anywhere else you go... You can deny what's around you anytime you want; continue to convince yourself that your "Gut instinct" is rooted in ignorance, paranoia, or anything other than reality. For some that may even be true. I believe that man was given a gut instinct that we've conditioned ourselves to ignore. I believe that gut instinct to be communication with The Lord. I listen to my "Gut instinct" because I believe it is God telling me something. Being aware of what's going on around you has seldom, if ever, cost someone their life. I believe quite the contrary.
In Australia we have very restrictive gun laws and even worse very restrictive self-defence legislation.

So even if you had a firearm your right to use it would be so limited that I personally wouldn’t bother. Sadly I would rather get bashed, knifed, or maybe killed than face a homicide squad investigation, coronial court investigation, possible charges of murder, manslaughter, unlawful wounding, attempted murder or various assault charges.

Then if after a couple of years of worry I do get charged and then face the courts another couple of years of worry and if I lose, jail time, if I win, a bill from my lawyers of about $300, 000 or more. On top of that I might even then get sued by the family or the criminal for hundreds of thousands of dollars.

It is terrible but over time, by gradualism, our governments have denied us the basic right to effective self-defence. We are under the yoke of socialist tyranny.

@sharkbait, I posted a link to the story on the granny..

realisticdude, I definitely subscribe to that theory, even though many refer to it as "Naive"... If you perception is based in reality, or you believe that perception is indeed reality, then it's hard to argue with. You can point to this when people argue for or against "Racial profiling" or any other type of profiling, for that matter. Some people will argue that it is impossible to determine who is going to commit a crime by their appearance or their demographics, but statistics and REAL LIFE experience will certainly prove otherwise. If you're looking for a young hispanic male who committed a shooting and was wearing a blue bandana, do you go to a blood neighborhood to find him? Would you start your search in a biker bar? Most would start it in a neighborhood full of crips, and they'd be right to do so.

Likewise, these people who are committing these crimes, AND the victims they've chosen, seem to have certain things in common. Deny them if you wish... You can stay oblivious to what's going on around you in a bank, a mall, or anywhere else you go... You can deny what's around you anytime you want; continue to convince yourself that your "Gut instinct" is rooted in ignorance, paranoia, or anything other than reality. For some that may even be true. I believe that man was given a gut instinct that we've conditioned ourselves to ignore. I believe that gut instinct to be communication with The Lord. I listen to my "Gut instinct" because I believe it is God telling me something. Being aware of what's going on around you has seldom, if ever, cost someone their life. I believe quite the contrary.
Very true .......... Awareness of your immediate surroundings , peripheral vision can enhance those " gut instinct " fight or flight senses . ( What you see is what you get , reality ) does not apply to those wearing rose - colored glasses .................Why face a harsh reality if keen intuition is trying to steer you away from it ?......... God gave us intellect , if we choose to use it.
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@sharkbait, I posted a link to the story on the granny..
Yeah,had I clicked on the link,I might of seen that,lol.My mistake,just heard it from another source,but you make some very solid points,i'm just glad that I live in an area that I don't have to worry about this stuff too much.
I do believe in "situational awareness" at all times,but I think i'd lose it if I had to live in a place that I felt I needed to be in "combat mode" or worry about people entering my "hot zone" such as large inner cities.I'm too young to die and too old and broken to take an ass whipping ;).
..............................@ sharkbait , Are you too old or just too scared ? ;) Whatever you do , just don't kill one if they're only armed with Skittles.
I'd be surprised if we did hear anything from our "great" president. . . .just like we haven't heard of any of the other certain racial issues on the mainstream media
You mean like prosecuting black panthers at poling locations
I see a common thread here NY, DC, San Diego, St Louis, Pittsburgh, all cities with strict gun laws. These punks know their victims will be un-armed.
Thank God I live in a place where I am allowed to carry a gun and will not be prosecuted for defending myself, my family, or my property.
..............................@ sharkbait , Are you too old or just too scared ? ;) Whatever you do , just don't kill one if they're only armed with Skittles.
No,not scared at all...To old and broken?..Maybe...I'm just thankful to live in a cc state as well as a rural low crime area and will gladly exercise my right to defend myself and my family from someone that threatens to harm any one of us even if his pockets are only lined with skittles and iced tea ;).Just being realistic dude.:m4:
You mean like prosecuting black panthers at poling locations
Yes that would be one case, but honestly I was referring to all the black on white crimes that are not published. It seems that main stream media only focuses on the other. I never mentioned to my co-worker that it was black on white, until I worked last Fri. I wanted to know what their real opinion was so I left that part out. . . it changed this last week when I mentioned that fact. "Well, they probably did them wrong". It just depends who you talk to.
"Well, they probably did them wrong".
Well, if I am reading this quote right your coworker thinks the victims of this "game" did the suspects wrong.... That is disturbing since they, the victims, are complete strangers, random people who happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.
Yes that would be one case, but honestly I was referring to all the black on white crimes that are not published. It seems that main stream media only focuses on the other. I never mentioned to my co-worker that it was black on white, until I worked last Fri. I wanted to know what their real opinion was so I left that part out. . . it changed this last week when I mentioned that fact. "Well, they probably did them wrong". It just depends who you talk to.
I have no issues if a person is black or white. . and have friends of both races. I just wish we coul
Well, if I am reading this quote right your coworker thinks the victims of this "game" did the suspects wrong.... That is disturbing since they, the victims, are complete strangers, random people who happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.
It was only one out of the three I talk to, but yes that was her opinion. Honestly, it doesn't matter what race you are or what religion you are, since these tend to be the biggest hate crimes right now, at least around here. Crimes against each other is just plain wrong. I do not understand some peoples mentality or morals, thinking life is just a game or have so much hate against another for whatever reason that they feel justified to take another's life.
No,not scared at all...To old and broken?..Maybe...I'm just thankful to live in a cc state as well as a rural low crime area and will gladly exercise my right to defend myself and my family from someone that threatens to harm any one of us even if his pockets are only lined with skittles and iced tea ;).Just being realistic dude.:m4:
Attaboy !

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