Kraut recipe

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user 7704

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Nov 27, 2015
Sterilize jars, lids and rings
Chop cabbage
Lightly pack into jars
Add 1 tablespoon pickling salt
(Optional) add 1/8 teaspoon Pickle Crisp
Fill with hot water leaving 1 inch head space
Put on lid and rings. Do not tighten lids. Leave loose for "working"
Store in a cool dry space for at least two weeks. Longer is better.
Refrigerate jar after opening.
I read earlier in the shout out box about you maybe sharing your recipe and thought gosh I hope she does cause that sounds like a time saver! I have always fermented first before canning. I always just layer and salt then scoop of the scum making its own juice. When adding in the hot water, how much does the cabbage go down in the jar or does it kinda 'work; out? And do you not process in a water bath? Thank you for sharing!
I read earlier in the shout out box about you maybe sharing your recipe and thought gosh I hope she does cause that sounds like a time saver! I have always fermented first before canning. I always just layer and salt then scoop of the scum making its own juice. When adding in the hot water, how much does the cabbage go down in the jar or does it kinda 'work; out? And do you not process in a water bath? Thank you for sharing!
No processing at all. It doesn't go down much in the jar at all. I like to have lots of juice because my son and I drink it. Not much, but as a probiotics. I have found that it "works" better when it isn't packed tightly
No processing at all. It doesn't go down much in the jar at all. I like to have lots of juice because my son and I drink it. Not much, but as a probiotics. I have found that it "works" better when it isn't packed tightly
What about the lids? Do you tighten them after the couple weeks?
Well, I just finished making my little lab experiment here. I got two smallish heads of cabbage and made 12 pint jars.we will see how they do and will let you know! It’s always fun to try something new anyways.
Well, I just finished making my little lab experiment here. I got two smallish heads of cabbage and made 12 pint jars.we will see how they do and will let you know! It’s always fun to try something new anyways.
Did you adjust the salt for pints?
Did you adjust the salt for pints?
Sort of. I used a heaping tea spoon instead of a table spoon, so not an exact measure, just a guesstimate. I like the idea of pints as I won’t eat a whole quart before it goes bad. Honestly the main time I eat kraut is with a charred hot dog or sausage, rarely as a side dish by itself. I’ll let you know in two weeks what it looks like.
Sort of. I used a heaping tea spoon instead of a table spoon, so not an exact measure, just a guesstimate. I like the idea of pints as I won’t eat a whole quart before it goes bad. Honestly the main time I eat kraut is with a charred hot dog or sausage, rarely as a side dish by itself. I’ll let you know in two weeks what it looks like.
None of my recipes are exact. You can even adjust after opening by adding more water or salt. I do it all the time.
None of my recipes are exact. You can even adjust after opening by adding more water or salt. I do it all the time.
Yeah, I’m not an exact measure kind of guy. Even the ingredients are likely to change depending on what I have on hand. Some of my best meals ever can’t be recreated as I just added some of this and that, but didn’t keep records.
I used boiling water. I looked at it today and did not see any signs of bubbling or anything yet. 4 days in now but still hopefull.

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