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user 7704

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Nov 27, 2015
Since the local Fox Meteorologist committed suicide this week, stories are coming out about others.

I've have never been associated with anyone that has had the surgery, but these stories say these people complained of constant pain for months.

My question is.... is the pain causing the suicides or the surgery damages some vital nerve that reaches a certain part of the brain that causes you to decide to kill yourself?
It could be AD is onto something. When they can see clearly, and see what socialism really is, and they don't have any 'safe spaces' to escape reality?

It's not really a joking matter. Constant pain can drive someone to kill themselves. It happens every day. Is it related to the eye surgery? Who knows... but we all know a flock of lawyers are investigating to start a class action lawsuit...
I have never heard of this. My husband has wanted to do it for years. ... maybe not anymore.
I would love not to wear contacts anymore, but the thought of eye surgery freaks me out.
I was a surgical assistant for a few years a long time back. I specialized in orthopedic surgery, but we did all cases just to stay proficient in those areas too. I’ve worked many cataract removal cases and some other eye procedures. My problem with eye procedures is they want to keep you awake during them. Your eye pressure changes when you’re asleep, so they don’t knock you out. That’s bad enough, but to keep you from moving around during the procedure they have to numb the main nerve behind the eyeball. That takes about a 5” needle going way down behind the eyeball. I’m not a wimp or anything, but I felt for these patients when they were getting that needle! So the moral of this story is that I am fine with wearing glasses!..... seriously, people have procedures done every day, and the vast majority do fine during and after them. There is a percentage though that have complications though. Some get infections, some just have a tougher recovery time and then there are some that just go really bad. I urge everyone who is considering any kind of surgery to take their time and consider the risk vs benefit. There are plenty of things that you need surgery for, but today there are way too many optional procedures that people just line up for. After seeing what they do to you while you’re asleep my advice is don’t ever let anyone cut on you unless it’s really needed.
WARNING, *************** may not be suitable for children or anyone that just ate a full meal...
This is probably TMI but I wanted to share a personal experience with a surgical procedure.
Years ago I decided to have a vasectomy. I had two kids so figured it was time to stop. I looked into the procedure and most guys have it done on Friday and are back at work on Monday with just lying on the couch for the weekend. Sounds like an average weekend for most football fans.... anyways, I plucked down my 275.00 and told the doctor how to do the procedure. Usually they just cut the tube and cauterize the tube ends. I wanted him to pull the tube taught, take out a section, tie the ends and then cauterize them. ( this was so if I ever changed my mind that there was no way they could ever undo the procedure. You know, like if I met a sweet little blue eyed girl that hyptonized and convinced me that having more children was a good idea). So, back to my story, I had the snip snip and the next day I was in a lot of pain, not the minimal soreness the doctor described. The next day I was swollen the size of a large grapefruit and was dark black and blue. I remember lying there thinking I need to wake up from this nightmare now. This can’t be happening to me! Well, ten days later the swelling went down and everything worked out fine, and still worked. Nothing needed to be amputated or anything. My point is that even minor procedures don’t always go as planned. So think long and hard first before having anything done.
WARNING, *************** may not be suitable for children or anyone that just ate a full meal...
This is probably TMI but I wanted to share a personal experience with a surgical procedure.
Years ago I decided to have a vasectomy. I had two kids so figured it was time to stop. I looked into the procedure and most guys have it done on Friday and are back at work on Monday with just lying on the couch for the weekend. Sounds like an average weekend for most football fans.... anyways, I plucked down my 275.00 and told the doctor how to do the procedure. Usually they just cut the tube and cauterize the tube ends. I wanted him to pull the tube taught, take out a section, tie the ends and then cauterize them. ( this was so if I ever changed my mind that there was no way they could ever undo the procedure. You know, like if I met a sweet little blue eyed girl that hyptonized and convinced me that having more children was a good idea). So, back to my story, I had the snip snip and the next day I was in a lot of pain, not the minimal soreness the doctor described. The next day I was swollen the size of a large grapefruit and was dark black and blue. I remember lying there thinking I need to wake up from this nightmare now. This can’t be happening to me! Well, ten days later the swelling went down and everything worked out fine, and still worked. Nothing needed to be amputated or anything. My point is that even minor procedures don’t always go as planned. So think long and hard first before having anything done.
I am sure for that 10 days you were second guessing your decision. I am glad everything worked out. I hear to many horror stories from the hospital I work at for procedures that are necessary. I don’t want to sign up for anything.
I am sure for that 10 days you were second guessing your decision. I am glad everything worked out. I hear to many horror stories from the hospital I work at for procedures that are necessary. I don’t want to sign up for anything.
No doubt, I won’t have anything ever done again that’s not a necessity! I had an ENT dr tell me he could open my nasal passages with a laser that had minimal discomfort afterwards. He couldn’t understand why I didn’t want to....
Peoples minds are weaker today and I blame technology for much of it.

The human brain is like a computer, both can be overloaded. With the vast amount of information the mind needs to process today Vs 40 years ago is astronomical, look what instant information has done to our kids in the school system, our media, our political system, our law and order, our sense of values, our morality and our religious values. Today, like information people expect instant gratification instant satisfaction and when they don’t get it they can’t handle it.

Look at the speed of which hate spreads, look what Facebook has done in fueling this hate especially amongst our kids. Everything in life revolves around a screen of some sorts, computer, tv, smart phones etc... with the vast majority of the Western World, the amount of negativity displayed on these screens are mind blowing (literally) Information Technology is a drug every denies.

Suicide because of eye surgery, no, it goes much deeper than that, the mind was already in a state of despair!
I am sure for that 10 days you were second guessing your decision. I am glad everything worked out. I hear to many horror stories from the hospital I work at for procedures that are necessary. I don’t want to sign up for anything.

My brother went in for an outpatient procedure for his thyroid cancer. He did not survive. He was supposed to be home within a few hours, but was brain dead. They kept him on life support for a few days, but there was no reason.

I have had sinus surgery twice, but I wait until I have so many polyps that I can't breathe and there isn't another option. First time there was a problem with anesthesia and the second surgery, they said I lost almost 2 liters of blood. I was weak for a long time.
My brother went in for an outpatient procedure for his thyroid cancer. He did not survive. He was supposed to be home within a few hours, but was brain dead. They kept him on life support for a few days, but there was no reason.

I have had sinus surgery twice, but I wait until I have so many polyps that I can't breathe and there isn't another option. First time there was a problem with anesthesia and the second surgery, they said I lost almost 2 liters of blood. I was weak for a long time.
I assisted on many of the old type of nasal surgeries. It is pretty brutal with cutting and chiseling. I always wondered how the patients did the next day.... I saw a few that looked like a raccoon two weeks later from the bruising, the part that scared me off the most was the two miles of gauze they pack in your sinus cavity. Sure, going in while your asleep is fine, but they are going to pull that stuff back out sooner or later! No thanks.... this latest surgeon said they use a gel now that just gets absorbed, so better, but still no thanks.
Sorry about your brother.
I assisted on many of the old type of nasal surgeries. It is pretty brutal with cutting and chiseling. I always wondered how the patients did the next day.... I saw a few that looked like a raccoon two weeks later from the bruising, the part that scared me off the most was the two miles of gauze they pack in your sinus cavity. Sure, going in while your asleep is fine, but they are going to pull that stuff back out sooner or later! No thanks.... this latest surgeon said they use a gel now that just gets absorbed, so better, but still no thanks.
Sorry about your brother.

Brent, my first sinus surgery was brutal. Had a splint on the septum and he said they removed 100+ polyps. I didn't breathe through my nose for 29 days. Yes, I remember exactly. This doctor was thrown out of town I think.

Second surgery, different doctor, I was breathing fine the same day. I lost the blood, but breathing was good.
Brent, my first sinus surgery was brutal. Had a splint on the septum and he said they removed 100+ polyps. I didn't breathe through my nose for 29 days. Yes, I remember exactly. This doctor was thrown out of town I think.

Second surgery, different doctor, I was breathing fine the same day. I lost the blood, but breathing was good.
I’m impressed that you had the gumption to go back and try a second time! Most people that I’ve talked to said they get about a year of breathing clear before their nose stops back up. If it was a good chance of it never needing to be done again then I might consider the surgery, but as it is I just open my mouth a lot. My wife says I do that a lot anyways! Seriously, I figure there are a lot worse things than a clogged nose.
I’m impressed that you had the gumption to go back and try a second time! Most people that I’ve talked to said they get about a year of breathing clear before their nose stops back up. If it was a good chance of it never needing to be done again then I might consider the surgery, but as it is I just open my mouth a lot. My wife says I do that a lot anyways! Seriously, I figure there are a lot worse things than a clogged nose.

I wouldn't have it done, but the polyps block my passages and I can't get any air. I have one now that is so large you can see it . (If you care to look). Im going to hold off a few more years until both sides are blocked.
I wouldn't have it done, but the polyps block my passages and I can't get any air. I have one now that is so large you can see it . (If you care to look). Im going to hold off a few more years until both sides are blocked.
I guess I’m lucky as mine is mostly allergy related. I usually have about half a nostril open at a time at best, and it changes sides often. At least some air gets through usually though. I used to take drugs for it, rotating through all of them, but quit that a long time ago. None stayed effective more than a few days at best. Like I said though, there are a lot worse ailments than a clogged nose. I’m just glad I’m not in bed in pain like my wife is most days.
I guess I’m lucky as mine is mostly allergy related. I usually have about half a nostril open at a time at best, and it changes sides often. At least some air gets through usually though. I used to take drugs for it, rotating through all of them, but quit that a long time ago. None stayed effective more than a few days at best. Like I said though, there are a lot worse ailments than a clogged nose. I’m just glad I’m not in bed in pain like my wife is most days.

Sorry your wife is in pain Brent.
I've heard stories about Lasik being linked to suicide as well. I heard that it was failed procedure that caused pain and blindness and that drove the individual to suicide. However, my uncle had it and it worked fine for him; he is happy because he no longer needs glasses or contacts.
My father had it and it caused him a lot of problems. My daughter had it and thought it was great. She was extremely nearsighted, practically blind without her contacts, so for her it made sense. I'm just a little nearsighted, so for instance I could drive without my glasses if I had to. I am not tempted to get my eyes zapped...
My father had it and it caused him a lot of problems. My daughter had it and thought it was great. She was extremely nearsighted, practically blind without her contacts, so for her it made sense. I'm just a little nearsighted, so for instance I could drive without my glasses if I had to. I am not tempted to get my eyes zapped...
I know that in the early days of lasik there were a lot of people that had issues. Since then they now can pre screen most out that are not a good candidate. I don’t know the particulars, but like anything, with practice and experience it tends to get better. I’m still cautious of any medical procedure, but when you’re in a bad way sometimes it is worth the risk. If I can manage the symptoms of something without major inconvience then I’m less likely to consider a knife, laser or anything else.
I have considered Lasik surgery because my shooting is not as good it used to be. After having cataract surgery that did not go real well and after some of these stories, I am reconsidering. I remove my regular glasses to shoot (safety glasses in place) but the sight picture just is not real clear. I think I will upgrade my scope before I decide to go for the surgery.