Lethal Force Authorized

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We can thank the judge on the 9th circuit for this escalation. Prior to his stupid decision, there was no advantage, only disadvantage to storm the border. Now they think they can jump to the head of the line or even get catch and release. I am with SGS and hoping nobody gets killed but I am not willing to bet a dime on it. The caravan punks will line up a bunch of women and children at the front and use them as human shields. Then they will try to force their way through. The women and children will be injured and then somebody is going to open fire. The Mexican Police and Army need to form a barrier on their side and help protect the integrity of the border. If they don't, President Trump is going to close down all access into the San Diego area. Thousands of Mexican citizens will lose their jobs because they will not be allowed to cross. There are Mexican citizens already finding places to stay on the American side, because of the long lines to cross and also fear that the border is going to get completely closed or be reduced to a single lane. At the San Diego crossing, about 40, 000 cross daily. This is headed to a real nasty showdown.