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Travis F

Awesome Friend
Dec 28, 2014
San Diego
I havent seen anything on here thus far but i'd like to start a thread on the pussification of america, as well as american people, well, being sheeple. Lets hear thoughts, things you've seen that solidify this is happening, opinions and so forth. I'm very interested in hearing what everyone things about these two things and all things associated with it.
The US is approx 15 years behind the UK in pussification, from a growing welfare / entitlement mentality, reliance on government, hostility towards gun ownership / hunting/ meat eating / vehicles over 2000cc / respecting the law etc and the erosion of the link between state and people. Socialism is spreading through your cities the same way it infested ours and like us in the UK you guys have decided not to stop it outright.
I havent seen anything on here thus far but i'd like to start a thread on the pussification of america, as well as american people, well, being sheeple. Lets hear thoughts, things you've seen that solidify this is happening, opinions and so forth. I'm very interested in hearing what everyone things about these two things and all things associated with it.
I don't think it's just in the usa, I think most people on average just move along in life like on a conveyor belt. Luckily there are a percentage of souls that are adventurous and inquisitive. I still can't believe what happened to the Jews in ww11. I know some fought back, and died, but if they all had rebelled things might have been different. Don't ever let anyone or any govt. figure have complete control over things.
I also think we have made it too easy for the younger generation now. They have so much handed to them, and don't have to work hard for things. I honestly think, or know, that hard work builds character.
Maybe it depends on where you live. Cause from what I've seen on my travels are a majority working hard to get ahead and failing while a few mooch off the government and a few more that are getting far ahead on the backs of those that sweat for their pay
Maybe it depends on where you live. Cause from what I've seen on my travels are a majority working hard to get ahead and failing while a few mooch off the government and a few more that are getting far ahead on the backs of those that sweat for their pay
Seems like mooching has become a career for way too many now.
I like what Brent S said, the youth have it so easy. I know people here where i work and they try and teach their children good qualities but i've also seen people that just hand their kid an ipad or a phone to entertain them. even my own family is guilty of it. Teaching kids the hardships of life is a good thing, they gotta learn its not easy. Also a lot of people do move along life like a conveyor belt, even myself im guilty, i was just going to school and doing all these things on a daily basis like clockwork.
Everybody says that outlaws are awful and people hate them but if you really look at it, we could be considered outlaws, we prep for the worst and we do nothing in the normal, however we blend in.
Ive never been to the UK but that does sound crappy. I mean by all means save the earth, but dont shove it down peoples throats, by all means make life better for people, but make them work for it. I think there kind of needs to be an overhaul on america, and the whole world.
SOO many people today have a mentality of, well i've got mine so sucks that you dont have yours, if everybody in the world helped one person a day then everything would be so much different. Even all of us on here, we all help eachother, we give information we offer up experience, which helps in everyday life.
If anybody is reading this thread, i didnt wanna start a new one but I was at work tonight and I had to kick this guy out of the emergency room, he had nowhere to go, i felt bad but then he said "i'll just wait for my check from the government and go get a motel like i always do". It really ticked me off because this guy always comes in and whines, but is healthy, but he's homeless and is doing nothing about it. just wandering the streets, looking for emergency room beds to sleep in and on top of that is taking money from the government and is wasting his life away. I guess its a first hand account of my tax money paying for bullhawkey.
As I understand it 48% of the U.S work force are working and 52% are on the take , thats just the ones that should be working .

We can thank lawyers for alot of the lack of muscel skills and know how as the school system's are afraid to let kids run and play , get dirty and such because some one may get hurt .

Begging is a new carreer , Iv seen more people standing by the road side holding signs asking for $$ , they dont even bother to add "will work for " anymore . Where I work I have to ask them to leave from time to time , I try to be nice about it unless they start demanding thier rights to bother others then I get a bit harsh . I let them know they have to get off company property so they go stand next to the highway , then you see them pushing a shopping cart that they stole full of electronics and such back to thier hotel room .
Yeah exactly! There's a bunch of jobs for people out there just waiting. here in San Diego Nassco is hiring like crazy but nobody wants to go. I understand some people cant work, my mom for example was handicapped and physically couldnt. but if you can come into my work and beg for ****, then yeah you can go work. Nobody can do anything in this world anymore without fear of getting sued, cant even play at your friends house because if somebodies kid gets hurt somebody will sue the family. The systems so messed up I cant even comprehend it.

There are definitely a lot of people that stand by the road, making a bunch of money. A patient that was here in the hospital has this wife that visits him, and a coworker of mine said he saw her begging on a freeway offramp one day...ticks me off.
Simply put, today's generation has grown up with everything they need, right at their fingertips. They can't comprehend a time without, because they've never experienced it. They can't comprehend war because they've never lived with the true fear (that we had during the Cold War) of seeing mushroom clouds on the horizon. The only televised war they've seen is more like a video game.

They don't know how to act in person to each other, because they are too used to doing it remotely, online, etc. Because of this, they are the most rude and inconsiderate generation we have ever produced, and it shows no signs of getting any better.

Not sure when it happened, but somehow, this generation feels "entitled" to everything, and believes that any shortcoming of theirs must be due to environment or some kind of trauma, etc. 3 words...Get Over It. My stepkids are learning this lesson. I know they think I'm a jerk at times, but I love them, and I only want to prepare them for the world. I know that it may be years before they realize it, but if I can send them out in the world, ready to tackle it, then I'm fine with them thinking I'm a jerk for years.
Yeah, i remember growing up i was an only child and yeah i got everything i wanted but upon getting older i got a wake up call. nothing is given it must be earned. there should be no sense of entitlement, everyone should work for what they get. even if its chores or something or another.
One of the part timers recently hired at my work lasted 1 4hr shift and never came back! He couldn't understand why every time he sat down on a stool I would help him find something else to do.:confused:
Have patience my friends the collapse is coming, all you have to do is read between the lines of the business pages. The liberal environment that owns us all right now will be Gone With The Wind. Those who have scratched for their survival will continue to live because they have the right mind set. Those who have lived for generations on the government teat will parish. Or be hunted down when they come for what you have earned. And believe me they will come when their government checks stop.
Can I throw a provocative question out to you? Why do we allow them to pro-create?
Our government and our society gives to many incentives to not work, look at how easy it is to get social security including the ones that never paid in, practically free food and healthcare even for the ones that do work! Also, youth work hours and restrictions have further decayed youth responsibility

Youth 14 and 15 years old may work outside school hours in various non-manufacturing, non-mining, non-hazardous jobs. They cannot work:

More than 3 hours a day on school days, including Fridays;
More than 18 hours per week in school weeks;
More than 8 hours a day on non-school days;
More than 40 hours per week when school is not in session.

None agricultural;
14- or 15-year-old may not work in:

Hazardous jobs identified by the Secretary of Labor;
Manufacturing, processing, and mining occupations;
Communications or public utilities jobs;
Construction or repair jobs;
Operating or assisting in operating power-driven machinery or hoisting apparatus other than typical office machines.
Work as a ride attendant or ride operator at an amusement park or a “dispatcher” at the top of elevated water slides;
Driving motor vehicles or helping a driver;
Youth peddling, sign waving, or door-to-door sales;
Poultry catching or cooping;
Lifeguarding at a natural environment such as a lake, river, ocean beach, quarry, pond (youth must be at least 15 years of age and properly certified to be a lifeguard at a traditional swimming pool or water amusement park);
Public messenger jobs;
Transporting persons or property;
Workrooms where products are manufactured, mined or processed;
Warehousing and storage.
Boiler or engine room work, whether in or about;
Cooking, except with gas or electric grills that do not involve cooking over an open flame and with deep fat fryers that are equipped with and utilize devices that automatically lower and raise the baskets in and out of the hot grease or oil;
Operating, setting up, adjusting, cleaning, oiling, or repairing power-driven food slicers, grinders, choppers or cutters and bakery mixers;
Freezers or meat coolers work, except minors may occasionally enter a freezer for a short period of time to retrieve items;
Loading or unloading goods on or off trucks, railcars or conveyors except in very limited circumstances.
Meat processing and work in areas where meat is processed;
Maintenance or repair of a building or its equipment;
Outside window washing that involves working from window sills;
All work involving the use of ladders, scaffolds, or similar equipment;
Warehouse work, except office and clerical work.

Agricultural restrictions is even more of a joke
Also, youth work hours and restrictions have further decayed youth responsibility

Yep, it's also why so many teens can't drive. They simply couldn't afford to save up for a car!

Thank goodness that was all just after I was a teenager.

Of course, I think a lot of that too, is that these days, with Facebook, Instagram, and all of it, it's pretty easy to keep in touch with "friends" without leaving the house....whereas in my day, we had to actually spend time in each others' physical presence.
That is a whole lot of stuff teens couldn't do. I remember when my bike got stolen and i went to my school counselor for a work pass or whatever you may call it. I was denied so i asked my parents for more chores around the house. I think even the majority of adults dont work like they should.

Also, why do we let people who suckle of the government teat procreate, very good question. People who are unable to work, totally get it, but perfectly capable of working. and dont, disgraceful.
That is a whole lot of stuff teens couldn't do. I remember when my bike got stolen and i went to my school counselor for a work pass or whatever you may call it. I was denied so i asked my parents for more chores around the house. I think even the majority of adults dont work like they should.

Also, why do we let people who suckle of the government teat procreate, very good question. People who are unable to work, totally get it, but perfectly capable of working. and dont, disgraceful.
I agree, if you're disabled, no problem. But if you're able to stand and walk, you better get up and do it. I just talked with a girl at work yesterday. Her husband hasn't had a job for five years. WTHeck! She finally kicked him out. I gave her a hug and congratulated her.
I think to even get food stamps you should at least be picking up trash off the road ways. There are plenty of things the community needs done that these people receiving benefits could do, even if it's just answering a phone somewhere, Or making them do volunteer work at a soup kitchen.
I don't see the mess our social system is in as a republican or democratic issue, just a really stupid one.
Also, why do we let people who suckle of the government teat procreate, very good question. People who are unable to work, totally get it, but perfectly capable of working. and dont, disgraceful

Then you get into the whole rights issue.

Instead, offer a one-time bonus to get "fixed". This offer would be triggered when someone who is on Welfare currently, then gives birth while still receiving such assistance. The aim being to stop this whole "more kids I have, bigger my check is" mentality.

As it is voluntary, no rights clash issue. As a one-time payment, cheaper for the taxpayers in the longrun, and reduces the overall payout burden for possible future offspring.

I think to even get food stamps you should at least be picking up trash off the road ways.

Can't agree here though. Unfortunately, there was a time when my wife and I were both out of work. Sadly, we made (on unemployment) $25 too much per month to qualify for food stamps. However, I don't know about you, but when I'm out of work, I spend about 40-50 hours or so per week scouring the want ads, job postings, boards, etc., so a required social activity that wastes both gas and time would NOT be helping me get back on my feet.
Can't agree here though. Unfortunately, there was a time when my wife and I were both out of work. Sadly, we made (on unemployment) $25 too much per month to qualify for food stamps. However, I don't know about you, but when I'm out of work, I spend about 40-50 hours or so per week scouring the want ads, job postings, boards, etc., so a required social activity that wastes both gas and time would NOT be helping me get back on my feet.[/quote]

This is perfect, when your out of work its totally acceptable, i mean when you just lose a job. I get it, jobs go away and stuff happens, but when you lose a job and you dont spend 40-50 hours a week looking for a new one, thats the issue. An ex girlfriend of mine who was twenty lost her job and took two weeks off because she "deserved" it. i said hail nah and kicked her out of my house.

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