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Silent Earth

Awesome Friend
Sep 25, 2013
watching from afar
If we godlike ARMY VETERANS are going to have our own section, lets lead by example to the minor support services ( navy, marines air fore etc :) and behave like we are in our regimental messes and treat each other with due respect.
No seriously let us uniformed services show utmost respect to our fellow colleagues.
Respect NR Retired Light Inf
If we godlike ARMY VETERANS are going to have our own section, lets lead by example to the minor support services ( navy, marines air fore etc :) and behave like we are in our regimental messes and treat each other with due respect.
No seriously let us uniformed services show utmost respect to our fellow colleagues.
Respect NR Retired Light Inf
i couldn't agree more!
Yea, yea looks like ill have to go stick to the cop section, not enough space here, between all those big egos floating around. [emoji12]
Yea, yea looks like ill have to go stick to the cop section, not enough space here, between all those big egos floating around. [emoji12]
I thought you were of Boer / Afrikaans stock the second best infantry in Africa after the Rhodesian LI ? so we will make you a Honoury Light Fighter
Just to remind our American brothers in arms of their GREATEST military unit, the one that all others surely aspire too.


Recognizing that I volunteered as a Ranger, fully knowing the hazards of my chosen profession, I will always endeavour to uphold the prestige, honour, and high esprit de corps of the Rangers.

Acknowledging the fact that a Ranger is a more elite Soldier who arrives at the cutting edge of battle by land, sea, or air, I accept the fact that as a Ranger my country expects me to move further, faster and fight harder than any other Soldier.

Never shall I fail my comrades. I will always keep myself mentally alert, physically strong and morally straight and I will shoulder more than my share of the task whatever it may be, one-hundred-percent and then some.

Gallantly will I show the world that I am a specially selected and well-trained Soldier. My courtesy to superior officers, neatness of dress and care of equipment shall set the example for others to follow.

Energetically will I meet the enemies of my country. I shall defeat them on the field of battle for I am better trained and will fight with all my might. Surrender is not a Ranger word. I will never leave a fallen comrade to fall into the hands of the enemy and under no circumstances will I ever embarrass my country.

Readily will I display the intestinal fortitude required to fight on to the Ranger objective and complete the mission though I be the lone survivor.

Rangers lead the way!
How so Joe ? when I did my 20 plus years the US Rangers were indeed the Americans most professional, skilled and respected troops, they are the thinking mans soldiers noted for their hearts and minds skills, counter insurgency skills, anti partisan skills, superb navigation skills, excellent field craft, reconnaissance skills they are **** hot troops of the highest order, even our elite guys recognised the utterly professionalism of the rangers. pure skill and professionalism and no gung ho loons.

You are just spoiling for a fight, and those Americans are going to smack you right on the nose. [emoji15] [emoji12]
We all had our specialty ;) Working with the Brits and Aussies through the 80s in Central and South America, I would be the last person to criticize their Soldiers!

I worked with the 82nd and 101 chaps AFTER they jumped out of perfectly serviceable planes and ordinary mainstream US regiments, but I was always best impressed with and admired the Rangers as the best the US have for professional serious soldiers who just got the job done quietly and very well. Generally very intelligent young men become rangers who are superb at working using their own initiative. Their recce and scouting skills esily match the best we had.

I think the rangers when created were actually modelled on British practice, so their operational habits appear familiar.
My mistake i thought you were poking a bit of fun at them by saying no ones better than the light infantry brigade, sorry,
Naaaa never insult the rangers they are kindred spirits, everyone else is fair game though if they are not light fighters, but ONLY for fun.

FYI watch and learn my Afrikaans friend

I worked with the 82nd and 101 chaps AFTER they jumped out of perfectly serviceable planes and ordinary mainstream US regiments, but I was always best impressed with and admired the Rangers as the best the US have for professional serious soldiers who just got the job done quietly and very well. Generally very intelligent young men become rangers who are superb at working using their own initiative. Their recce and scouting skills esily match the best we had.

I think the rangers when created were actually modelled on British practice, so their operational habits appear familiar.

Actually in the beginning they modeled them selfs after the Native Americans in the 1670s given the Brits couldn't fight the type of battles the Natives bore down on them. ;)
I read Sir John Moores book on Light Inf tactics he wrote the original book after studying various cultures skirmishers and hit and run type fighting, those Native tribes from the far north of where the US and Canada meet were truly at home in their environment and absolutely magnificent at using the terrain to suit them in war. Needless to say he saw something very effective and we quickly adopted it ourselves and used the lessons learned against the French. The natives USE of the environment, blending in, cammoflage, not engaging in prolonged battles. Coupled those skills with the lessons learned from the Germanic American settlers use of the Rifled barrelled long arm against us. We Brits soon recognised the benefits of snaffling good practice from those we were fighting, we got it off the Romans :). We put it to very good use when we whupped Napoleon Bonaparte. We also put light fighter tactics to very successful use at the battle of Bladensburg when only 4000 Brits, Canucks and Natives defeated the formally deployed and controlled US Continental army in one hour. That's the beauty of Brits and Americans we are fast learners and will take up any military practice that worked against us and make it work FOR us.

The US learned from the southern native tribes on the great plains about effective use of Light Cav from the Apaches and put it to good use themselves, the evolution in the equipment, tactics, logistics, weapons and planning used by the US Cavalry evolved in very short order after bruising clashes with Indian cavalry and soon the US pony soldiers were among the finest light can in the world. We Brits were bloody slow learning how to use LIGHT Cavalry because we were so used to heavy cav. The Charge of the Light Brigade being a good example, or when we sent Light Cav up against French heavy cav and got a good kicking. I think the preppers have to study light Inf tactics and skills esp those of units like the SAS or Rangers IE operating in very small units of about 4 men or operating individually.
The only thing that beat the Natives was the white man kept coming, the Braves kill 100 Calvary Soldiers 200 would replace them, the Natives didn't have the replenishment of rank as the white man have had then take in account the technology advancement of the time the Soldiers deployed against the Natives. The problem the Brits had against the Natives was that they tried to fight a Gentleman's war against gorilla tactics employed by the Natives shock assault against a superior force that aimed at taking out upper ranks first.
For those of you still serving, I have a question. Many people of the doomsday prepper ilk, fear government and definitely aren't going to trust the in the the big one (whatever that will be). So, in the event of the big one, when the government tells you to do as they command, what are you going to do?

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