Liberal state declares war on small farmers and homesteaders

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Awesome Friend
HCL Supporter
Dec 8, 2017
QTH: FN13ff
I'm curious if anyone has run into this where they live. At the moment, they appear to be targeting small farmers who sell their produce rather than folks who produce food just for themselves.

The article below breathlessly tells us all the nefarious plans globalists have, but I'm just interested in what's going on in various states and whether or not anyone has ever run into any problems.

This mantra is playing out in real time in the state of Oregon, and other states, in various forms which we will get into in this article.

Small farmers are under attack in the Beaver State, which has begun shutting down family farms throughout the state under the guise of water conservation and groundwater protection.
Just south of you, probably true for all of NY, dairy farmers can’t let the cows out to graze, stretch, whatever. 20 years ago when the farm was going my FIL did and sometimes I will see a few heifers out or some beef cows. But most will never be let out. A good friend who works at a large farm and several of my neighbors have told me that there are too many regulations, and fluid in and fluid out have to be kept track of. I guess the point is possible pollution of the water supplies. Waste goes into a pit, and will later be spread onto fields. ( Major stink, those days!) This is true for 10 cows, 100, or 1,000+.
no problem here yet but I can see it coming. I do know they paid someone we know to put in a well instead of letting his cows use a pond for water (grant money )
Cows are still out in the field here and the dairy farm down the road has a pit they put the manure in covered with tarps and old tires. I think they do fertilize their fields with it too, you can smell it
I'm curious if anyone has run into this where they live. At the moment, they appear to be targeting small farmers who sell their produce rather than folks who produce food just for themselves.

The article below breathlessly tells us all the nefarious plans globalists have, but I'm just interested in what's going on in various states and whether or not anyone has ever run into any problems.
I’ve heard/read about it but have yet to talk to anyone it actually affects. Keep in mind, we are on the eastern side. OR and WA are much the same in that the greatest portion of the state(s) are red and a couple of cities are blue. From what I gather, the area most affected thus far is the Eugene area which is one of those blue areas- another case of you get what you vote for. Sadly the stupidity will be forced upon the rest as well 🤬
The enemy of all people is their government bureaucrats and their financial friends.

Groundwater pollution is the FAULT of Governments NOT the people who farm the way we have for hundreds of years.

Farm land grabbers like gates will be the problem.

People like those on this forum and my cousins and in laws who own and operate family farms are much better stewards of the land and water than an egotistical pseudointellectual idiot like claus schwab, george soros, bill gates, or barrak obutma.

The American Indian was one of the best, most ecologically friendly humans to ever inhabit the earth and they did small scale farming instead of corporate engineered farming.

THE super populated CITIES that NWO monarchist would have us live work and die in are the most intense eco destructive forces on earth and if anything is banned it should be them.

Keep up your good work my friends, YOU are saving the world in ways that scientist in a city with a leftist university toilet paper on the wall could never hope to.

There has to be a reversal sometime as the pressure on the dam has far exceeded it capacity.
There hasn't been problems around here, but I do pay attention. We have a number of people who sell from their farms...cheese, raw milk, meat, baked goods. Hope our state doesn't go the way Pennsylvania has with the amish farmers. Labelling land "wetlands" or "flood zones" can cause problems, too.
The county is testing wells in this area for nitrate contamination.
Mine looks to be over the allowed limit and if it really is the county will provide bottled water until they can have a whole house water system installed.
If you have a stream running through your property you must fence it so livestock cannot get to it.
They got caught and backed off, for now.