Life's dream and the DNR, BIA and the USFS

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Awesome Friend
Mar 8, 2013
Washington State - between 2 mountains and a river
In-short, Problem 1
A couple of years ago I was notified that open range is no longer a option because of property damage, I ask for extensions and was granted them, at the beginning of the year I started moving the cattle to a different location, I have received several complaints regarding the cattle in the new location from a newly established vineyard owner. We had a lot of out of staters buy up land for vineyards (turning cattle country into wine country) the concern was my cattle was contaminating the soil (even though the cattle never set foot on the other property) I could no longer fight the establishment so we decided to auction off the cattle. In a nutshell vineyards bring Prestige and money to the county not the cattle, the cattleman's association was a joke, absolutely no help from them none!

In-short, Problem 2
My cabin borders DNR, USFS and Indian land that brings in the BIA, I mentioned earlier on this board that the DNR paid a visit to the cabin and tore out my water line to the creek and the DNR was building a camp ground less then two miles away, now the BIA says part of my land belongs to the Yakima Nation and was wanting to exchange it for another property under USFS control (for a casino), the BIA says my land was stolen from the YN almost a hundred years ago during the timber boom in effect voiding the deed, the DNR notified me they are going to pave the road (I cut through) for access to the camp grounds... see where I am going with this! I have talk to numerous attorneys and they all in not so many words said we don't have enough money to fight this nobody does. Freedom, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness does NOT exist in the 21st century here

That's been my week folks
In-short, Problem 1
A couple of years ago I was notified that open range is no longer a option because of property damage, I ask for extensions and was granted them, at the beginning of the year I started moving the cattle to a different location, I have received several complaints regarding the cattle in the new location from a newly established vineyard owner. We had a lot of out of staters buy up land for vineyards (turning cattle country into wine country) the concern was my cattle was contaminating the soil (even though the cattle never set foot on the other property) I could no longer fight the establishment so we decided to auction off the cattle. In a nutshell vineyards bring Prestige and money to the county not the cattle, the cattleman's association was a joke, absolutely no help from them none!

In-short, Problem 2
My cabin borders DNR, USFS and Indian land that brings in the BIA, I mentioned earlier on this board that the DNR paid a visit to the cabin and tore out my water line to the creek and the DNR was building a camp ground less then two miles away, now the BIA says part of my land belongs to the Yakima Nation and was wanting to exchange it for another property under USFS control (for a casino), the BIA says my land was stolen from the YN almost a hundred years ago during the timber boom in effect voiding the deed, the DNR notified me they are going to pave the road (I cut through) for access to the camp grounds... see where I am going with this! I have talk to numerous attorneys and they all in not so many words said we don't have enough money to fight this nobody does. Freedom, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness does NOT exist in the 21st century here

That's been my week folks

I feel for you Maverick. The Bureau of Land Management is trying to annex all the land along the Red River, especially along the Texas side that runs through Wichita, Clay, Montague and Wilbarger Counties. It has all the ranchers up in arms because they literally notified them via government letter that they had eminent domain along the river edge. In June, they held a big protest in the city of Burkburnett, so that got the two local state representatives involved and the U.S. House of Representatives addressing the legality of the issue.

Not surprised by the land grabbing Native American's, I get their stance on the issue, but the federal government is leaning way to much into their side. Almost like they are getting paid from the revenue f the casinos. Its one of those shut up cases....happened a ton in Central New York where I am from. The Cayuga took over a good size amount of Seneca and Cayuga county, but the locals fought back and were able to prevent them from annexing Seneca Falls...can you imagine the Native American's owning the "Birth Place of Women's Rights"? So you might want to see if their is any jury prudence issues that they used against the Indians....a shame that occurred, as I've got a bit of Mohawk in us...lots of New Yorkers have a bit because of the Revolutionary War and the off-spring that was hush-hush then.

What happiness, the only ones that can claim that are the government and the rich. The rest of us working stiffs are paying for all those liberal laws that keep giving the unneedy the help.

Later Maverick...have a better day my friend.
Any chance of getting the press or elected officials involved? Sounds like you are really getting railroaded here.

I'm sorry, but to me, disputes a hundred years ago do NOT nullify deeds in modern times. If that were the case, then ALL of the US goes back to the "Indians"... Can't have the cake and eat it too.... Total BS.
I tried, the YN have already taken half a small town (not overly far from the cabin) in a land dispute that was upheld through legal challenges giving the rights to the YN, the USFS and the YN have been arguing over territorial claims for some time here, generally the elected officials look at it as a federal dispute, I never tried contacting the media for several reasons, all three USFS/DNR and YN holds control over the creek that comes straight from mount adams smaller glacier, the creek runs straight through the property

this just north of my location The right side of the creek is indian land and the left side USFS that travels into my property then into DNR land, it's the water DNR wants though the USFS wants my land for Gifford National Forrest, DNR feels all land connecting to the creek would be better preserved if the USFS had control of the property, it pretty much boils down to water given that this creek is pristine glacier water, and both the USFS and the DNR is using the YN to get control of the land, my attorneys have already told me this is a properties owner worst nightmare
bird creek.jpg
In-short, Problem 1
A couple of years ago I was notified that open range is no longer a option because of property damage, I ask for extensions and was granted them, at the beginning of the year I started moving the cattle to a different location, I have received several complaints regarding the cattle in the new location from a newly established vineyard owner. We had a lot of out of staters buy up land for vineyards (turning cattle country into wine country) the concern was my cattle was contaminating the soil (even though the cattle never set foot on the other property) I could no longer fight the establishment so we decided to auction off the cattle. In a nutshell vineyards bring Prestige and money to the county not the cattle, the cattleman's association was a joke, absolutely no help from them none!

In-short, Problem 2
My cabin borders DNR, USFS and Indian land that brings in the BIA, I mentioned earlier on this board that the DNR paid a visit to the cabin and tore out my water line to the creek and the DNR was building a camp ground less then two miles away, now the BIA says part of my land belongs to the Yakima Nation and was wanting to exchange it for another property under USFS control (for a casino), the BIA says my land was stolen from the YN almost a hundred years ago during the timber boom in effect voiding the deed, the DNR notified me they are going to pave the road (I cut through) for access to the camp grounds... see where I am going with this! I have talk to numerous attorneys and they all in not so many words said we don't have enough money to fight this nobody does. Freedom, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness does NOT exist in the 21st century here

That's been my week folks
I'm really sorry to hear what your dealing with there. I own my little 2.5 acre plot outright, but am aware that ownership is a temporary thing in this world. Try missing your property tax and see how long before your escorted off. Iminment domain has been used many times to steal property from people. The Japanese people during ww2, blacks before the civil right movement, just about anyone too poor to fight back when someone with money wants what you have, have all had their homes stolen legally. I like what gaz said with involving the media, most politicians really don't like bad press. By the way, most judges don't like it either as they want to get re elected. Sometimes you have to make the best deal you can, and cut your losses. If you see that you aren't going to be able to win the battle, try negotiating for a settlement that's as fair as you can get. My best advice is don't let this get to you so much that it causes health issues, like your blood pressure doubling. Always remember, if you walk away from a fight you can't win, you won allready. (And you can always fight again later). I had a debt collector a while back steal around 8 grand from me. They collected a debt that wasn't mine, never served me notice, and got a judge to garnish my wages without ever talking to me. It was hard not to take it personally, but I was able to walk away, still alive, and able to go on with my life. Do I know I was screwed, yes. Do I ever want the chance to meet said collector, yes. Just remember, if you're healthy and have your family, all else is secondary.
I tried, the YN have already taken half a small town (not overly far from the cabin) in a land dispute that was upheld through legal challenges giving the rights to the YN, the USFS and the YN have been arguing over territorial claims for some time here, generally the elected officials look at it as a federal dispute, I never tried contacting the media for several reasons, all three USFS/DNR and YN holds control over the creek that comes straight from mount adams smaller glacier, the creek runs straight through the property

this just north of my location The right side of the creek is indian land and the left side USFS that travels into my property then into DNR land, it's the water DNR wants though the USFS wants my land for Gifford National Forrest, DNR feels all land connecting to the creek would be better preserved if the USFS had control of the property, it pretty much boils down to water given that this creek is pristine glacier water, and both the USFS and the DNR is using the YN to get control of the land, my attorneys have already told me this is a properties owner worst nightmare
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I think the H2O is the big issue here. I think your point on Maverick on your assessment. Just even today, their was a news article that their are several injunctions by seven states in the West regarding ground water. I think each state is going to be going to legal war and those that own land that have this valuable resource will be the ones who pay and are the ultimate victims. Granted from what you've said, you have several players wanting your land. So its even bigger than the water.
The BIA office here is staffed by mostly indians though not sure if yakima or warm springs tribes.. go figure I'll know more monday, it does sound like the USFS gets the land, DNR gets the water and the indians get the casino (in a nutshell) guess the attorney told my wife not to worry about the YN it really has nothing to do with them... I'll scream later!

One of several precedents set here in Washington
Suquamish land in kitsap county washington, land that has 80 home 1960s development along a valuable water front property now being returned to the suquamish people by 2017, the BIA faulted in a suquamish tribal land loss

My case, the BIA originaly leased yakima land to the lumber industry with a work force of federal workers mid 30s, for some reason 1939 the government sold the land to private mills, the land was subsequently sold to private parties, the BIA was faulted

Now it is a wait and see,

fyi, the Suquamish residents wasn't reimbursed for the losses, my attorney feel I may face the same plight, there may have been confusion in ownership giving Gifford Pinchot National Forest land surveyors mistake because of the federal government involvement in the lumber industry, the BIA didn't give the correct map to the surveyor showing the correct bounderies of the yakima reservation instead gave a map showing land use during the timber boom.
I find this a shame. . .you have worked so hard just to probably lose what you have gained. It makes no sense that 'people' can just come in and take what you have paid for.
I share your feeling of helplessness and all you stand to lose. The Government and it's Agencies are able to set the Rules, bend the Rules and change the Rules to meet their Agenda! The IRS recently informed my Wife and I that they had gone back to audit our 2010 Tax returns. They claimed that they needed Receipts from Charity's we had donated to and medical Claims we had taken. We did everything they asked to do in order to come to an agreement towards a settlement and payment plan we could live with. I retired in 2013 and informed them that we were living on a fixed Income ( we owed them $2500 in 2010 and and by the time they told us we had been Audited we owed them $7400 they had levied Interest and Penalties since 2010!! We had our Money Management Representitive send them Paperwork to show there was no way we could afford to pay this amount! IRS said they would review Case and get back to us.
They dragged it out till 2013 Tax Returns were due and kept the $5400 I would have gotten back and sent us a Letter saying we still owed almost $2000! Again they said they would see if we could set up a payment plan and this time they waited till our Social Security Chks had been wired into our Checking Account and took all our Money out of our Bank accounts! This is how they negotiate!! So I do feel your Pain and wish you the best. What really burns me is how they are using my Tax Dollars!
They ain't nothing right with this government that I can assure you of and it stories like this that fuels the hatred and misstrust unfortantly you're like the rest of us just a insignificant number in the eyes of the bureaucratic abyss unless it's voting season and it's 'hi Mr John Doe ' after the election it's 'take a number Mr 9,136,723,576' or in my case 'our office hours are closed from'

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