Linking 9/11/01 to the Events Happening NOW

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Awesome Friend
HCL Supporter
Mar 16, 2024
The take down of the twin towers on 9/11 was no accident.

This video gives a detailed explanation of the events that connect the heinous events of 9/11/01 to the war we see ourselves in now. The Democrat Elite wanted/ needed to bring down the USA so they did exactly that incrementally.

I hope you will watch. You may disagree with parts of it. That's okay. It is information you need. The end is just as important as the beginning.
She is Blinking so much that One might think she is sending "Morse Code" as "subliminal propaganda."...?!?
I didn't watch it but I've seen a lot of info about it. That and the Oklahoma City bombing I feel were part of our own covert government doings. People say our gov wouldn't do that. I've got news for them. In the 50's they had a plan to nuke a U.S. city and blame the Russians so we could go to war with them. False flag operations are nothing new to them. The place where the plane went down in the country. The USGS has a picture of the same area with hardly any changes except the burn mark. Thermite in the ruble of the towers. There was a third bomb in the OKC bombing but you never hear about that! Designed with a mercury switch to go off from vibration/movement. The experts agree the fertilizer bomb wasn't big enough to do the damage it did. How many other false flag operations have they done that we don't know about yet?

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