List which truth is your favorite!

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Awesome Friend
Nov 3, 2012
The once great state of Florida
I'm 1,16, 17, and 31.
1: If people saw what was in my computer I would just die, LOL :eek:
16: That's just the way I am :cool:
17: I used to live by this but now with my Mr Number App I just send some to voicemail and others get the pickup/hangup :p
31: I do this all the time and will continue to do it until someone asks me what time it is and then I don't know :confused:
Ok... I started this thread and I waited a while to post my thoughts on it. I love a lot of these... but these are my favorites

1. I did this for a friend already and I hope someone does it for me.... which is why I mailed my house key to everyone of you with directions to where my computer is and my password.
2. Nobody likes to be wrong, but it really sucks to see the flaws of your argument right in the middle of your arguing! Though I remember I loved my Economics professor because he changed two of my thoughts in the first class.
6. I hated cursive writing and abandoned it shortly after getting out of high school after a embarrassing situation that occurred because of cursive. A different professor embarrassed the crap out of me because of my cursive writing... she was an evil evil woman. Did I get her back... yes, I did... later on in that same class!!
17. That is why Caller ID was invented!
25. Asking 2 times is my number. I also hate it when at a party someone says something and you tell them you couldn't hear them... they then lean in closer to you and repeat it but they speak much softer!!!
28. After teaching high school for 15 years... this is so true!!! Not only are they getting more stupid but they are also getting more rude!!!!
31. This is painfully true!
1. if this is not possible, have webbrowser delete history automatically after each session.
22. practically tearing my hands off is better than walking more than i have to.
29. or waking up from a dream that u are falling off a cliff or high bukding, and it is just the side of the bed.
31. or at my phone.
32. in my old room, i had a light switch i was easily able to press with no problem.
15. or when the call is missed and both parties are trying to call one another at the same time and busy signal is heard.
12. im not getting rid of my dvd collection.
13. every time
6. only when paying with a credit card is this needed. or where it says signature.
2. but i will take responsibility for what i was wrong for.

but if i had to choose top 3

all this time I was worried about the government spying on me,and here I am bareing the darkest corners of my life to someone who's been taking notes. copyright is mine. Great stuff man. loved it
17, I have a "do not answer" list in my contact list,
28 Hell yes they do get dumber, and dumber, and dumber.... I don't have a lot of patience for teenagers.
32 Olympic gymnasts we are when that damn thing goes off! I swear the Nazi's invented that God awful noise!
1. I don't know how to delete brower history (sort of computer illiterate) but I do know how to remove a mother board and start a fire.
2. I hate this, especially when the person you are arguing realizes you've lost!
4. definitely.
5. I don't know I just curse the stupid thing wad it up and shove it in the linen closet.
6. It is, WTSHTF I will be one of the lucky few who can legibly write in cursive!
8. My late great-uncle stated 'he died by too much booze, bad knees and chasing that G-D Lance Armstrong wannabe down 7th street and still didn't hit the s.o.b'
10. See 8 as an example.
14. Yeeeeah, until you walk around outside in 100 degree heat for an hour and walk into somewhere cold....that is a bad smell.
15. If you don't pick up when I call you back you are getting the nastiest voicemail EVER left. I know words that will clear out a bar full of drunk Sailors.
18. Holy Monkey! It does! I have found things in my freezer that I don't know what it used to be. Why is it blue and furry? Why is it twitching?
27. Did that once screamed bloody murder and interrupted the best man's speech only to go crashing to the floor and pulling off a table cloth.
30. Learned this from Dad, get up behind the cyclist and hit the horn and hold it down, laugh hysterically when they fall into a watery ditch. Same with Pedestrian wait until they are right in front of your car and slam down the horn and watch them jump five feet in the air.

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