little something...

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Interesting Jontte. Although I never knew Turkey was in Europe...
The Sweden and Greece surprised me, Greece more so than Sweden.

So what does that mean? Does it mean Europeans are happy being citizens of the EU and have lost their national identities, or they are just complacent? Or they think NATO or Uncle Sam will take care of them, so they don't have to do anything to protect themselves?

The Czech Republic surprised me too, because of how low the percentage was.
complacent is one big thing,prolly they trust that Nato and Uncle Sam will bail them out too,something that pisses me off big time....most have become soft and Swedes,well centuries of peace,playing both sides,no standing army,just a few units,keeping us here as a buffer ;) between them and the bear....

don't understand that Turkey thing either...never have,why they think it is a part of Europe,but sometimes it seems it's more important to catch pokemon-go's than protect your country,then again my up bringing was "old fashioned".
I most certainly would NOT fight for this socialist ******** of a country, its simply not worth it any more. I served 17.5 years, my father, uncles, grand parents served in the army, I did with pride until the mid 1990s but the world has changed as has the UK and its for the worse. We now have Human rights lawyers chasing and persecuting British army veterans for supposed "war crimes" in Ulster in the 1960s whixh is obscene but its compounded by the fact the same UK government is giving out free pardons to convicted and wanted IRA terrorists. We have Iraq and Afghan veterans who are both abled bodied and disabled living homeless on the streets whilst former AQ, Taliban, Mujahadin and ISIL opponents arriving in the UK as """ refugees"""" and being given homes, medical, welfare money etc.
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