looking for a movie

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Walk with God, You will never be lost
HCL Supporter
Dec 19, 2017
right here right now maybe later over there
5 or 6 years ago i woke up in the hospital and a movie was on the TV. I have no idea what the name of it was and am not real sure who the actor was

I think it was nicholas cage but not real sure.
I missed the first half of the movie, that is the reason for this post. What i remember was this

readers digest condensed

Man has his young daughter with him, Appears to be on the run for kid napping the girl or a crime?
they are on the road and stop at a store, the kid wants to buy a bunny suit. so he pays for it.
man on the road with a kid in a bunny suit. YES a Halloween costume bunny suit
they wind up in a field where the man dies from a gun shot wound as the kids mother shows up in a government helocop[ter to take the girl away
end of movie man is dying sitting under a tree as the helicopter disappears

lol sounds crazy i know. but damn it. i want to watch the beginning of this movie
any one remember this ?????
Personally, I think it was those heavy drugs you were taking while in the hospital!

you have no idea
when my stomach ruptured and I died. they put me on fentanyl I was in the gulf of Mexico deep sea fishing with my friends, I can tell you the conversations we had and the fish we caught.I can even describe the smell of the ocean
the whole time i was in that bed. that is some wicked sh stuff
you have strong google foo powers !!!!!

Actually, I have zero Google powers. I have a good memory. The clue for me was your mention of the kid and the casper the ghost outfit.
I remember this movie, excellent film, had forgotten the title. I think maybe I've only seen it once. I'll have to keep an eye on the channel guide, maybe it'll be on tv.
Actually, I have zero Google powers. I have a good memory. The clue for me was your mention of the kid and the casper the ghost outfit.
I beg to differ.

In the OP by @Frodo he remembered a bunny costume but you saw it as a Casper...

Am I correct in guessing you are good at jigsaw puzzles?
