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Jun 11, 2018
South Africa
Hi there guys
I am compiling a list of humourous tales about Doomsday Preppers, and I was hoping some of you would be willing to share some tales with me. First, I need to make something clear...
This is by no means an attempt to disrespect or make a mockery of the Prepper community.
Everything is a learning curve for beginners. And life being life, sometimes things happen and it's just out of your control.
For instance, I know a group who was doing a test run of the best possible escape route through the mountains. They were testing out their radios when the first group pulled too far ahead, too fast, lost signal with the group behind them and that second group had to drive around aimlessly for six hours trying to find their way back to civilization.
That's not a particularly side-splitting story but you get the gist of it.
So, these are the kinds of stories I'm looking for, except the funnier the better. It could be something which happened to you, or somebody you know, etc. I'm just looking to put together a list of the best Prepper mishaps and adventures.
Ask Silent Earth about his brand new kitchen wall cupboards. That was quite a learning experience.:D
ask him about trying to recock a crossbow without a cocking rope!!! sorry mate, couldn't resist it!;)
put his back out, it wasn't so funny for him.
no it does smell of something nasty to the prepper community dosent it?
no it does smell of something nasty to the prepper community dosent it?

Look guys, I'm just compiling real life tales. I'm a writer myself and I enjoy hearing other people's tales. One of the things you never really hear about is the real life tales of people starting out in the Prepper game. If I wanted material to make a mockery of the community, I'd watch Doomsday Prepper reality TV shows.

I've approached like three or four other forums with this and everybody else has been friendly and they've shared their stories with me. You folks are obviously paranoid, and that's cool. Share your stories, don't share them, lol whatever.

All I'm gonna say is this... We could all use a laugh these days. Don't take things so seriously.
Because I would do... what... with your funny stories? lol
we have had a number of people come on here wanting to do interviews,this just has a new twist to it,,,,,if I actually new you I might go along with it but I have no idea who you are or what your motives might be,,,,,,,,,,,,,if that explanation is not good enough to bad
Amdolet, just understand we get people all the time looking for material. This is a tough crowd and they aren't taking any chances with people asking for info out of the blue. Hell we are tougher on each other sometimes than on newbies. If you are earnest (and honest) about this, take some time to get to know us. Take your shoes off, relax, shoot the breeze with us a while, develop a thick skin, then people might let their guard down a little.
we have had a number of people come on here wanting to do interviews,this just has a new twist to it,,,,,if I actually new you I might go along with it but I have no idea who you are or what your motives might be,,,,,,,,,,,,,if that explanation is not good enough to bad

You don't need to explain yourselves at all. I get it. I'm a stranger coming along asking for your funny stories. Looks suspicious, I guess. I mean I don't really see how. I don't know your real names. I don't know where you're from. I live in South Africa - not the US. I take it most of you are from the USA. So... It's not like I could actually do anything harmful with that info in anyway.
And no, I'm not interested in interviewing anybody on a personal level. I'm not interested in real names or details or any of that BS. Just good old humourous tales.
If you guys don't feel comfortable enough sharing with me, I get it. No hard feelings. Like I said, I've had a friendly welcome on other forums.
But if you ever do, then... Hey... I enjoy stories about dudes putting their backs out trying to recock a crossbow about as much as the next fella.
Amdolet, just understand we get people all the time looking for material. This is a tough crowd and they aren't taking any chances with people asking for info out of the blue. Hell we are tougher on each other sometimes than on newbies. If you are earnest (and honest) about this, take some time to get to know us. Take your shoes off, relax, shoot the breeze with us a while, develop a thick skin, then people might let their guard down a little.

What I've seen from Doomsday Prepper shows, you get these guys on TV talking about how secretive they are... Lol and then next thing they're showing the whole world everything they've got and all of their defences and exactly where they're located etc etc. They end up looking like a real bunch of *******s.
So, yeah I get it. People don't wanna end up looking like *******s when somebody like me comes along asking for material.
But just to put everybody's minds at ease... I'm not after stuff like that. I don't want names or locations or details or tips and tricks or advice or a list of things you've accumulated. Basically, just funny stories. Y'know... Tell me about that time a pike nearly took your nose off while you were using a life straw down at the river. Or... tell me about the time you and all your Prepper buddies were at a kid's birthday party and nobody had a lighter to light the candles because everybody only had fire steels.

Stuff like that. I'm just here for the lol's man. I'm not out to rain on anybody's parade.
prepper's are painted as paranoid idiots who think the world is coming to an end,,,,I just don't want to put anything out there that might put a negative light on who and what we are

That's true. I get that. But everybody is human. We all make mistakes, or we end up in weird situations. Like I said, guaranteed, anybody starting out in anything isn't going to nail it first time around. That's just life. Everybody has stories, of failure and regret and triumph and fear - and in many cases, there's a good amount of humour. Preppers are no different in that regard than soldiers, chefs, firefighters, cops, doctors, etc.

So, yes, I'm a writer, but I'm not publishing a book or anything about this. There are enough of those to go around. This was simply just to hear a couple of good stories. I don't care about what's on your underground bunker itinerary, lol all I care about is Silent Earth's brand new kitchen wall cupboards. Because the suspense has been goddamn killing me for days.
I'll have to give it some thought. Most of my "funny" stories weren't so funny at the time, to me anyway. Except my wife seems to finds my (mis)adventures quite humourous.
when I hear the term writer, film maker, tv correspondent, or whatever, my hackles go up, I've learned in this life not to trust people, certainly not at first glance, maybe later when I know them better but not right off, when someone says "tell me your stories" right off, I get suspicious, I've been around forums too long to let my guard down now.
Bah, I've definitely made mistakes along the way. Just not sure any of them are what I'd call "humorous". Even from the outside looking in.

Shocking myself while doing my electrical....some may see that as funny.
My wife hitting a water pipe with the tractor, spewing water everywhere....I guess maybe that...?
A horse stepping on my foot?

Really though, nothing crazy hilarious anyhow....yet.

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