Loosing hope:(

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Awesome Friend
Nov 24, 2013
Lake Charles, Louisiana
I have recently been thinking if I should atay with this prepper thing I talked a lil bit about it to my family and they kinda shrugged it off how to keep doing this without support or someone to find info with I just some motivation telling me I'm doing the right thing
Well does your family share the same interest in EVERYTHING? This is something you are doing for you. Not them. there will be nay-sayers in anything you do in life . If you feel its right then do it. If you want to be one of those without a clue & go through life with blinders on then stop. Many of us started out solo . And you have all the resources you need for anything right here or elsewhere on the world wide web. You shouldnt stop doing what you feel is right because others dont agree/understand. And don't let anyone get you down. Just my 2 cents.
your from Louisiana..so point out how things go when hurricanes and tsunamis hit your area and how fema and others reacts to it..look how things went when Katrina hit your area.how long did you and your family go without food water and shelter?do you want you and your family to go through that again?do they?look at how many people died while at the football stadium..and they were suppose be getting food water and first aid,right along with what ever else they needed...whats gonna happen if yall get 5 to 8 inchs of rain in 2 or 3 days?
But Mom ! All the other kids are prepping !......................Prep for yourself , a BOB for Christmas .
i just say "chose" because ive talked to and heard about preppers who would not include there families ! i am not one of these preppers.
If that voice in your head and the feeling in your gut tell you preparing yourself is what you should do, go with it. It should not matter what others think. Oh and the less people know about what you are doing, the better.
I was told by a man who has been prepping since the 70's that God has intentionaly put these thoughts to prep in certain peoples heads for a reason. I am not very religeous, but I know that urge is there to prep for I am a survivor!
LGirl07, Do not be dismayed. Be Strong. That is what those "controllers" want everyone to not be. They want everyone to be dependent on them... Make them into sheeples.

Follow what is in your heart and your head. Just go on prepping. Be the one to lead the way. When something happens, they will see the logic of your ways but that may be too late.

Natural disasters are becoming more and more frequent. Here in the Philippines, we are being prepared to brace for even stronger typhoons in the coming years.

In 2014, the Financial Collapse is foreseen by many even those experts in Bloomberg, etc.
As the saying goes... It is better to prepare, and nothing happen at all than not prepare for the worse to happen. Don't let anyone EVER stop you from what you feel is right. If you feel finding the truth of what is going on in the real world is right. Continue to do so. If others disagree with you, but you still feel it is right, then stop talking to them about your knowledge. It happens to all of us. The sheeple/kool aid drinkers believe Obama is doing a fine job, Economy is doing much better... Because Mainstream media says so, but facts says otherwise. You will learn real quick who to talk to, and who not to talk to. Like me for instance. Where I live I am surrounded by Rich retired folks who really do not care, and college kids. There may be a few that are awake. Then my family. My mother is semi awake, but she does not want to hear nor talk about it because that is just negative thinking/talking. My sister and brother in law are also semi awake, they are somewhat prepared, but they choose to carry on with life as if it is all hunky dory. They would rather not talk about it either. They to DO NOT see the whole truth, and if I try to explain it to them, I am a crazy conspiracy theorist. I do not let that get to me, nor do I let that stop me. So my advice is don't stop preparing because when SHTF your family will thank you, but there is only so much you can do by yourself, so you have to take that into consideration as well. I know it is sad to think about, but if it comes down to it, and you feel your family is slowing you down (after SHTF). You have to make a choice. Sacrifice leaving your family so you can survive, or stay, and suffer with them. If I am stuck with that choice, you better believe I am gone. Around here I am all alone with my knowledge, and prepping. It is what it is, and that's all it is, and I accept that. So just keep your head up, stay positive that you will survive in the end. Remember everyone here on these forums are aware, and try to keep an open mind, and willing to discuss the issues, and prepping. We may disagree at times, but that is just human nature. One thing we all agree on is prepping is A MUST in life.
Hi there another Louisiana prepper here. The way I see it is that if prepping makes you happy then go for it. No matter what anybody thinks family included. That being said if there isn't anyone who is like minded in your general area it helps to seek out forums like this one to communicate with people who have similar interests as you. I was living in Gulfport Mississippi when hurricane Katrina hit and completely destroyed my home and everything I had. If I hadn't had my bug out location setup and my preps I would have been up the creek so to speak. Its better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it. So wether you decide to prep or not make that decision based on how you feel and the rest will fall into place.
I agree that you need to follow what do you think its right and what do you think its better for you.In Finland before i use to be a fundraiser at http://www.sponssiboxi.fi/ i experience different kind of challenges in life but i never been lose of cause of the fact that if i loose hope it mean i am a weak one.The word problem has always a solution so always don't lose hope.
your from Louisiana..so point out how things go when hurricanes and tsunamis hit your area and how fema and others reacts to it..look how things went when Katrina hit your area.how long did you and your family go without food water and shelter?do you want you and your family to go through that again?do they?look at how many people died while at the football stadium..and they were suppose be getting food water and first aid,right along with what ever else they needed...whats gonna happen if yall get 5 to 8 inchs of rain in 2 or 3 days?

Actually I didn't have to deal with Katrina I had to deal with her little sister Rita she destroyed much of our area and my family and I evacuated but at the time I was 16 and didn't have to be responsible for much bc my parents did that
Thanks guys lol I will continue but really broke at the moment so only tiny steps for now I sure hope the **** don't hit the fan soon or I will be only prepared for about a month tops
Keep at it. Slow. In Secret. No need to really tell anyone about it. Better to prep and not need it, than to need it and not be prepared.
Thanks guys lol I will continue but really broke at the moment so only tiny steps for now I sure hope the **** don't hit the fan soon or I will be only prepared for about a month tops
hey, if youre prepared for a month, youre allready better off than 90% of our country!
Thanks guys lol I will continue but really broke at the moment so only tiny steps for now I sure hope the **** don't hit the fan soon or I will be only prepared for about a month tops
The dollar store is one of the best places to prep on the cheap. They have lots of good stuff for a little of nothing.
I have always thought the most intelligent, and successful people do their own thing. People around you will always be nay sayers whenever you do anything new or different, but trust your gut feeling and do what you feel is wise for you. Wether it's prepping, a career, or anything in life, be more than normal or average, don't follow others, make your own path. I started a contracting business about twenty five years ago, my family and friends all said it was crazy and I shouldn't risk everything for a pipe dream. Well, I worked my ass off and semi retired at 42. I'm not rich, but had a really rewarding career, met a lot of great people, and had a really satisfying career. I did well enough to own everything I have and live debt free comfortably. I'm really glad I didn't listen to all those people who were giving me crap advice. I don't know for sure when the world is going to change, no one does, but my gut is telling me that the economy is on the verge of a collapse. It may not be this next year or even the next, but I'm pretty certain it's coming, and I want to be set as well as I can for it. If you feel that something is wise or right, learn to trust yourself and your judgment and work towards it. Good luck.

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