Madison is getting worse

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Awesome Friend
Jan 15, 2018
At least, it seems to be.

Had a mugging the other day, a lady walking down the street about two blocks from the condo. No other news about the incident, just heard from a neighbor who knows her.

Car break-ins in the parking getting worse. Used to be super rare, now it's about once a month. No one has broken into my car yet, but my GF's car has been hit multiple times, and all the neighbors. No broken windows, just getting in if car is unlocked. Won't be long before windows are broken, I predict.

Someone stole a ladder off a service van parked at the bar across the street, and tried to break into a condo across the hall (single woman, two dogs) by putting the ladder up to her second floor balcony. The balcony door was locked, Dogs freaked out, the lady was sitting on the couch in view of the balcony door. She called the police, and came over to our place. (She is a flaming Liberal, my guns are bad, until you feel threatened I guess). Suspect escaped. She is now sleeping with a camping hatchet, and we are on call in case it happens again.

Multiple gun violence incidents lately. Many more than previous years.

Drunk people comedy from the bar across the street is on the rise. Getting to be a weekly thing.

Police patrols are increased, visibly. They are now cruising the condo parking lot, and the surrounding streets more, IMO. I see them 2 or 3 times a night when I am smoking on the deck. Last year I might see them patrolling once a week, and never pulling into the parking lot and just sitting at the back.

Counting the days until I get out of here.
Even though I am well north of Atlanta I get their local news here. The crimes reported there are sickening increasing. It just keeps getting more and more to the point people are becoming numb to it. I can’t believe everyone doesn’t keep a ccw now. My sister can’t believe I have an assault rifle and I can’t believe she doesn’t......
I had to think about the '2 blocks' comment. It's been a while (decades) since I walked out onto a 'block'. I just looked up the 'official' definition, 8 blocks = 1 mile. I have to walk from my front door 4 'blocks' to get to the street. To have other people on the same 'block' doesn't compute for me. Having a person live on the opposite side a wall on my house sounds insane.

Yes, I once lived in these conditions, but it was the previous century...

My advice, as others said: MOVE. Borrow a friend's truck, get a u-haul. Even if you're renting a room in the back of someone's barn, that would be FAR better (and that means safer) than in a city. Find some rewarding work away from the cities as well.

I'll give a Bible reference. After Noah, God told the people to spread out and fill the world. That does not mean form cities, that means spread out. When people started to congregate (IOW build cities), that was when the people started to build the Tower of Babel. Seeing their arrogance, God confused their language and the people could no longer communicate. So they separated with the few that shared their new language.

So from the beginning, cities were a source of sin. Come out of her evil ways my brother!
At least, it seems to be.

Had a mugging the other day, a lady walking down the street about two blocks from the condo. No other news about the incident, just heard from a neighbor who knows her.

Car break-ins in the parking getting worse. Used to be super rare, now it's about once a month. No one has broken into my car yet, but my GF's car has been hit multiple times, and all the neighbors. No broken windows, just getting in if car is unlocked. Won't be long before windows are broken, I predict.

Someone stole a ladder off a service van parked at the bar across the street, and tried to break into a condo across the hall (single woman, two dogs) by putting the ladder up to her second floor balcony. The balcony door was locked, Dogs freaked out, the lady was sitting on the couch in view of the balcony door. She called the police, and came over to our place. (She is a flaming Liberal, my guns are bad, until you feel threatened I guess). Suspect escaped. She is now sleeping with a camping hatchet, and we are on call in case it happens again.

Multiple gun violence incidents lately. Many more than previous years.

Drunk people comedy from the bar across the street is on the rise. Getting to be a weekly thing.

Police patrols are increased, visibly. They are now cruising the condo parking lot, and the surrounding streets more, IMO. I see them 2 or 3 times a night when I am smoking on the deck. Last year I might see them patrolling once a week, and never pulling into the parking lot and just sitting at the back.

Counting the days until I get out of here.
What are you waiting for? Move away before something bad happens to you or your family. Some people may argue with me, or think I'm "old fashioned", but I feel that it's the man's responsibly to do what's best for his family. Why wait until it's too late?
I would be moving by myself. The daughter has to finish High School, and we have to fix up the condo so we can sell it. Unfortunately, there are other people involved in the decision. Otherwise I would be looking for work in SLC right now.

When we decided to move, we agreed on a timeframe that worked for the kids as well as us. And the wife will 100% not agree to just pack up and go.

Plus, I guess you get used to it? Normalcy bias.
My wife's job is what's keeping me here. The main problem with her retiring right now is health insurance. We simply could not afford HER insurance. I'm on Medicare Part A along with her work insurance, and could easily afford Part B if necessary. But if she puts in a few more years, all that will be taken care of.

House is paid for, so we could take our time selling it without a mortgage hanging over our heads.

Hell, if it were just me, I could just pull up stakes and move to the (also paid for) BOL and live off the land.
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we left the city nearly 20 years ago, my then new wife was a country girl who didn't like living "in the city", we lived in the suburbs a 20 minute drive from the city centre!:p
we left the city nearly 20 years ago, my then new wife was a country girl who didn't like living "in the city", we lived in the suburbs a 20 minute drive from the city centre!:p

A suburb means you have 2 days before the city mobs get to you in SHTF.

Here's a way to calculate potential problems. Let's assume you have a city with 3 million people centered 10 miles from your location, and your 'group' would cover a 1/2 mile radius area. Take the 'big city' population, assume 1/3rd of them will be trouble. So you have:
people: 1 million
Distance: 10 miles
Defense area: 1/2 mile wide

percentage of people you will face = people x defense area / (2 x distance x pi)

Or in this example = 1,000,000 x 0.5 / (2 x 10 x 3.14) = 7,961 people.

Now you need to factor in things like main road traffic, 'attractions', how bad the city was to begin with, etc. But in this example you will have 8,000 bad people coming through your area eventually.
the nearest large city with a population of 1million or more (Birmingham)is 200 miles from our current location, driving would take three and a half hours on a good day, double that in the summer tourist season, walking? would anyone? it would take far too long. using your calculations above it would take 3 weeks at least, and for what? to get to a very small very rural market town with minimal supplies miles from anywhere.
I have never subscribed to the "golden horde" theory, not in Britain anyway.
however, anyone living within 1 days walk of a big city is going to have a problem with looters, that goes without saying.
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LOL there are only two cities in the UK that have a population of more than a million so I don't think the calculation would work as such. However we do have a plethora of smaller cities and that is why the Golden horde theory would more likely work in the UK because our cities are so small that you don't have to travel very far at all to be in the countryside. Even from the centre of London, you could start to walk out of the city in morning and be in the Surrey countryside by nightfall. In the UK nowhere is that isolated anymore.
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LOL there are only two cities in the UK that have a population of more than a million so I don't think the calculation would work as such. However we do have a plethora of smaller cities and that is why the Golden horde theory would more likely work in the UK because our cities are so small that you don't have to travel very far at all to be in the countryside. Even from the centre of London, you could start to walk out of the city in morning and be in the Surrey countryside by nightfall. In the UK nowhere is that isolated anymore.
I would agree with most of that, however I don't agree with the final remark.
At least, it seems to be.

Had a mugging the other day, a lady walking down the street about two blocks from the condo. No other news about the incident, just heard from a neighbor who knows her.

Car break-ins in the parking getting worse. Used to be super rare, now it's about once a month. No one has broken into my car yet, but my GF's car has been hit multiple times, and all the neighbors. No broken windows, just getting in if car is unlocked. Won't be long before windows are broken, I predict.

Someone stole a ladder off a service van parked at the bar across the street, and tried to break into a condo across the hall (single woman, two dogs) by putting the ladder up to her second floor balcony. The balcony door was locked, Dogs freaked out, the lady was sitting on the couch in view of the balcony door. She called the police, and came over to our place. (She is a flaming Liberal, my guns are bad, until you feel threatened I guess). Suspect escaped. She is now sleeping with a camping hatchet, and we are on call in case it happens again.

Multiple gun violence incidents lately. Many more than previous years.

Drunk people comedy from the bar across the street is on the rise. Getting to be a weekly thing.

Police patrols are increased, visibly. They are now cruising the condo parking lot, and the surrounding streets more, IMO. I see them 2 or 3 times a night when I am smoking on the deck. Last year I might see them patrolling once a week, and never pulling into the parking lot and just sitting at the back.

Counting the days until I get out of here.

it is time to get the hell out of there,,,,,

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